Comments on: 2015: The Year of Taking Action Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:59:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Pat.

HI Pat, thanks for reaching out! Please do view our comprehensive program here: and let us know if y

By: Pat I would like more information on handling the problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis and how to reduce inflammation naturally and not with medication. Keep up the great articles.

By: Dottie New You Solutions – thanks for good article. Definitely right on with DISTRACTIONS. This year I am going to live simpler whether it is food, fitness, or entertainment. I am going to spend more time in prayer with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And have some extra fun with grandkids!

By: Domagoj So true, but here I am distracting my self on smartphone reading this article.
And even cutting out on most vegetables because it worsens my GERB.
So as you know it is not simple.
Oh almost forgot actions …. Fix gerb, fix dermatitis, less stress, lose weight.
In that order of importance.

By: Anne Meal planning, prepare lunch for work, try new recipes, feed my 4th grader more whole foods she loves.

Build an exercise habit.

By: Julie I want to be able to let go of the hurt my sister-in-law continues to inflict on me with her nasty comments. Wish I could forget about my brother and sister-in-law but he’s my only brother, but he will never stick up for me.

By: Sara This talked to me in every way. Thank you. I want to meditate, handle diarrhea, end fatigue, turn off autoimmune disease and take action more. Great article.

By: Dawn So you have just reiterated a message I have been hearing for the past 3 months! “It is time to DO – no more talking and planning!”. I need to learn consistency in all areas. I know the good to do, I just fizzle out after awhile. I need to get rid of the excess in my life in 2015 – thoughts, possessions, weight and expectations.

By: Katherine P I really want to find the diet that helps me turn down the fire of my autoimmune condition (in addition to the other things currently in my daily regimen. SCD wasn’t a great winner, so I am on month 2 of AIP Paleo and have been feeling pretty good. Both SCD and AIP are tough though, but I’m 100% committed.

By: Jon Lozon Hi, I would like to stop pain in my abdoman and increase energy levels. I would also like to stop constipation.

By: Stephanie This article was spot on for where I am in life! I read SO much but what to do but never take action. I talk like I do but my actions don’t back it up. I am tired of not having a handle on my Crohn’s disease. I’m tired of not having the career and life I want. I NEED to take action! Thank you for this article.

By: Karen Started the diet last August. Lost the diarrhea in 5 days! Now I want to take the next steps to get healthier. Exercise more. As I don’t need to worry about running to the bathroom .
