Comments on: Embracing Death: The Key Mindset to Building a Successful Online Health Business Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sun, 21 May 2023 13:35:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: gate io para yat?rma I am a website designer. Recently, I am designing a website template about The boss’s requirements are very strange, which makes me very difficult. I have consulted many websites, and later I discovered your blog, which is the style I hope to need. thank you very much. Would you allow me to use your blog style as a reference? thank you!

By: Ginny Just want to say I appreciate what you are trying to do to help so many people with their problems caused by eating foods that are not good for them. I have used the basic thoughts to help my husband through a short period of intestinal issues – he’s doesn’t seem convinced yet that he needs to be more careful with his eating. I’m glad to read that you are aware that things of this life are only for this life, and yes, it’s wonderful to help people as much as you can – however, I’d just like to say that it’s very important to consider what lies beyond this life and consider that each day, in case it is your last day.

By: Faith Hi guys, I just registered for the webinar. I have a long story about how I got here, won’t go into it now, but I have a question – I’m still struggling with some health issues, definitely doing much better, but do I have to be in great health to be an effective health coach? Or do my own health struggles help me to be a better coach? You guys are a blessing, thank you for all that you do.

By: Taunya M Clark I am not a licensed in the health field. I have had adrenal fatigue and leaky gut for the past tow years. I went to a holistic internal medicine MD doctor, with her guidance, and the results of the ALCAT test. My health is finally turning around. I’m feeling better and better. Being from south Louisiana with our Cajun food it has been a challenge to eat and be satisfies. I have been able to substitute ingredients in recipes that are delicious. There are very few restaurants I can eat at. It took one year and the 11th doctor to diagnose me. I would love to share what I’ve been through. How can you help guide me?
