Comments on: Is Gluten Bad for Non-Celiacs? Expert’s Panel Advice Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:16:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kayla.

Hi Kayla – we cover this exact topic here:

By: Kayla Hi guys! Wonderful video. For Cryex Lab testing, can someone currently following a GF diet be tested accurately to determine gluten sensitivity? or would a gluten-challenge need to be taken on to get accurate results? Thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Joe.

Hi Joe – thanks for reaching out to us.

For a Celiac blood test to be accurate, you’ll need to still be eating gluten.

Even if you don’t have Celiac, we still don’t recommend wheat or other gluten-containing grains.

The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

If you’re interested in working with one of our recommended practitioners you can learn more here:

By: Joe I found this site yesterday while researching for IBD/auto immune/CD and I really want to try SCD.
I am 42 years old male.
I had my colonoscopy about year and half ago and found inflammation on two spots on my colon. Doctor prescribed me sulfasalazine for about 6 weeks but on the last day of the course I had some bleeding for the first time.
Then I started to search for alternate medicine and bumped into Jini Patel’s LTYG site.
Ordered her book and followed her wild oregano protocol . Not sure if it helped me or not but I had flare ups every now and then.
I have been seeing a naturopathic doctor and tried some homeopathy .His theory is ,it all has to do with stress and anxiety.
In the mean time I slowly started to experiment with Gluten free food. I didn’t see any improvement and gave up .Although I am careful with food ,I have been careless at times and ate some unhealthy foods,spicy ,caffeine and breads.
Past this month I had minor flare ups which comes and goes but two days ago it came back with vengeance and this time its the worst pain I have ever experienced. Its been two days since I stopped eating regular food and drinking just beef broth,chicken and cooked vegetable. The pain is mild now but feeling very weak at the same time.I am still taking oregano oil,aloe vera juice ,mucosaheal and Nateren Trinity probiotic .
I have an appointment with my doctor next week and this time I really want to test for Celiac disease. I have reading a lot about the connection between CD and IDB but I am very new to CD. Not sure if my doctor will agree with me and order the test but I want to know more about CD and if I should get back on regular gluten diet before the test ?
Are Functional Practitioners expensive (cost/fees)?
Anyone familiar or have any experience with The Goldberg Clinic?

Please advice .
Much appreciated .

By: Why You Probably Don’t Need to Eat a Gluten Free Diet […] Wright S. Is Gluten Bad for Non-Celiacs? Expert’s Panel Advice. Available at: Accessed June 4, […]

By: My Take on the Paleo Diet | Vivian Madeline […] When you are on as restrictive a diet as the low histamine diet, it’s easy to recognize food sensitivities that you normally wouldn’t have noticed. For instance, I don’t have Celiac disease, but I began to notice the digestive distress I experienced when eating wheat and whole grains. Up until this point it my life, I accepted massive bloating after eating certain foods as “normal”. Sure, I complained about it often, but I still fully accepted it as just how my body functioned. I didn’t realize that I could completely remedy the discomfort by avoiding certain foods. Discomfort aside, I realized how serious the effects of gluten could be even for non-Celiacs. […]

By: Gluten The Enemy ? | Oldworldorganicnutrition […] Wright S. Is Gluten Bad for Non-Celiacs? Expert’s Panel Advice. Available at: Accessed June 4, […]

By: Steven Wright In reply to Corinne.

I’m not too worried about them. I think there’s lots of other areas to focus time and energy like hormones, detox and infections.

By: Corinne Steve – Thanks for posting this video! I’m currently eating starch-free/sugar-free, including not eating carrots. I’ve seen some improvement but not a lot, so I’m considering starting your SCD introductory diet, which I know involves eating a lot of carrots. Do you have any concerns about using carrots to heal permeability after what Dr. Tom shared, or do you think it’s safe to use freshly peeled carrots that are cooked immediately?


By: Hashimotos Thyroiditis: Can We Stop Talking about Gluten Now? | My Hashimotos Thyroiditis […] panel interview from April 2013 with Tom O’Bryan, Nora Gedgaudas and Steve Wright from SCD Lifestyle, hosted by Ameer Rosic (posted below), a lot of great information was shared on gluten and since […]

By: iPodder Blog » SCD Lifestyle Podcast […] this featured episode, Amir Rosic talks to the gluten expert panel about topic on whether gluten is bad for non-celiacs. […]

By: Why You Probably Don’t Need to Eat a Gluten Free Diet […] Wright S. Is Gluten Bad for Non-Celiacs? Expert’s Panel Advice. Available at: Accessed June 4, […]

By: Gluten is bad for non-cliacs | Feelngroovy […] […]

By: Virginia Miller Thank you so much for posting this very informative video Steve. I love Dr. Tom (he has some great videos on You-Tube), but the more I research all the different types of gluten, I now agree with Nora, that there is NO good gluten, in any amount, and NO ONE should be eating this toxic substance.
Also, just want to say that I was very impressed with my first one-on-one consultation with you Steve. You were very thorough and the health questionnaire is so comprehensive that I really feel it provided you with a clear overall picture of what has happened with my health. I’m excited for my tests results to come back and look forward to talking with you again during my follow up appointment. Thanks again!

By: Tom O'Bryan In reply to Ann Hasnip.

Hi Ann

Very sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. I have had direct experience myself with family members dying from the slow degenerative progression of Alzheimer’s. In answer to your question, I went to and asked ‘are there any papers connecting Celiac Disease and Alzheimer;s. Here are 26 papers that came up.'s

We have an entire protocol for family members of Alzheimers patients that helps to identify risk and mechanisms to address the pathology of brain inflammation. You may want to have a conversation with me. If so, go to

By: Tori The only symptom(s) my daughter had was geographic tongue and maybe short stature. My husband and I are both on the shorter end so it may not be the gluten. Goegraphic tongue, sometimes called oral psoriasis, can be caused by a deficiency of B12. Well instead of just loading her with a B-12 vitamin I dug into the research a bit to find out WHY she might be deficient. Yep….gluten sensitive and maybe celiac (test was through Enterolab and not 100% sure on reliability of a positive anti-TTG test from stool).

By: Tori In reply to Christine.

Yes it does. If you grow your own there is apparently a window of time when you need to cultivate it so it does not contain gluten. Dr. Tom speaks to this issue sometimes during interviews but I couldn’t tell you which one I heard it on. Maybe Underground Wellness.

By: stephanie thank you for this and all of your postings and videos. My 11 year old daughter has OCD and also tics in small ways. When her body tics became so bad she could not sit or lie still, we finally had one friend, who is a naturopath, suggest the GAPS diet, which is very similar to SCD. Within a few days, she improved dramatically. She had vicious nightmares, clusters of warts on her feet, anxiety, skin rashes, sore throats, allergic rhinitis and constant stomach aches. I was not even aware of the constipation. All of this started around 4 years old and we had numerous tests and visits to pediatricians, specialists and allergists, none of whom offered any suggestion of a celiac test or even changing our diet. My QUESTION is, I would like to get rid of the tics and OCD for good. She has had bouts since 4, with no tics or problems at all, then they re-occur. We also work on the gut flora with probiotic foods and probiotics. Do you have any suggestions for testing to find out any more specifics? We have been fairly steady on SCD for 8 months, though have fallen off the wagon several times. (though not anymore after watching this). Any suggestion would be appreciated. We live in a small town and I often have to figure this out on my own.

By: sandy ok celiac patient are gluten sensitive

By: Jennifer Zeikus I had to diagnose my daughter myself after several docs refused to test for gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, or Celiac disease after I asked if her skin and nail problems could be a result of gluten intolerance. After several docs refused my requests, she had some seizures. Her blood test after her first seizure indicated an allergic and an immune response to wheat which the doctors did not correlate to gluten intolerance, I figured that out through research. The DAY she started a gluten free diet, she had NO more seizures. After being on a gluten free diet for 9 months, all of her 16 Celiac symptoms have disappeared. I called her doctor to share this info. and to get a referral for an allergist (which I had been denied before) and have not received any return phone call. One hundred dollars for a test is cheap compared to the ten thousand dollars that I spent on neurologists who were simply shills for the pharmaceutical companies. They immediately gave her anti seizure meds. which had horrible side effects. This is what led me to look into the Ketogenic diet. After success on the Keto. diet she got a hold of some Ritz and had a seizure while eating them. Then I looked into the connection b/t gluten and seizures. Dr. Vikki Peterson’s website HealthNOWMedical Center was my saving grace. I found the answer I was looking for. It is a great resource.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Tom Durst.

All grains for the most part is what I understood. But he seems to be okay with oat consumption.

By: Christine Does wheatgrass contain gluten?

By: Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy what an interesting article! thanks for sharing!

By: Tom Durst Great panel. I took several pages of notes, and I will be looking into Cyrex testing.
When Dr Tom said to get off gluten, did he mean to get off all grains or just wheat?
Thanks guys.

By: Rebekah Hill Fascinating! I’m curious to learn more about LPS. There are old Amish remedies that involve placing raw onions in certain places to cure and prevent infections. I wonder if they work because, being a less hostile environment than our human bodies with their formidable immune systems, the onions provide a preferable habitat for LPS and other unfriendlies; i.e. the raw onion is a germ magnet! Based on what Tom O’Bryan said, maybe one could also use peeled carrots and avoid the onion smell.

By: Ann Hasnip I am a self diagnosed gluten intolerant female. I havent eaten gluten for 28 years and am healthy. My questionis. My mother recently died and she suffered from Alzheimers. i have often thought that she may have been gluten sensitive and I wonder if there is any research relating to Alzheimers linked with gluten sensitivity??Ann Hasnip
