Comments on: SCD Diet OCD: Are You Chasing the Elusive “Perfect Poop”? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 31 May 2023 15:17:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: binance register Thank you for your shening. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your enticle that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Ruth Ann.

It’s possible that the prednisone has shut down most of your internal production of cortisol and you are now producing well below normal levels of cortisol so everytime you start to come off you see a major rise in all manner of inflammation markers.

By: Ruth Ann I have been doing well with the SCD, except I’m getting some kind of allergic reaction to some unknown substance. I have had this rash for 2 months now. I’ve been in Prednisone 3 times. It comes back by the end of every course. How do I figure out what it is? My food allergies keep changing. I reacted to arugula while on Prednisone. My PCP is baffled.

By: Vibeke I had great improvements to my stool during pregnancy and following SCD about 80%. After giving birth and now breastfeeding and getting little sleep I have had to go 100% SCD and started the intro diet again, because my stool went to a 6 again and had to go more frequently again to the toilet. Now I introduce a new vegetable, fruit or nut every 4 days and it is going pretty well. I have BM 1-3 times a day, usually 4-5 on the scale. I feel alot better than I ever have done before, but my stool is light brown (sometimes yellow) and floats on the water. What could be wrong? Or should I just calm down and think that if I follow the diet my body will eventually start absorbing fats better? Have you any experience with this? I have gallstones and FM, that’s all the doctors could find out. But that doesn’t explain why I really can’t eat grains and diary (I can eat the SCD diary. I make dry curd cottage cheese, kefir youghurt and fresh cream). I have tested negative to allergy/intollerance to dairy and gluten. Before giving giving birth I have followed the SCD diet for a year 80%, learning my way into it and stuck to it as my only hope to get rid of my digestive problems. The only thing that has seemed to work until now to actually cure me and not just stop the D, pain, tieredness, bloatedness. It has given me hope to become my old happy me again:)

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Mike.

Hey Mike, I can relate, urgency was my big problem too. I was so freaked out all the time.

That is a subtle clue you might need to keep making some tweaks. Are you eating any of the four horsemen?

In good health,


By: Mike In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

What is the secret to dealing with the urgency. How do you hold on to it. its so frustrating! I’ve got pretty good form, hardly see any blood and go about 3-4 times a day but I still have very little warning and have to get to a toilet in the next couple of minutes. Any tips for dealing with the urgency and controlling things better. Sorting this would change my life!

By: Jordan Reasoner I spent years having diarrhea, so my perfect poop criteria is simply this:

If I can hold it and go whenever I feel like it… and its not loose… it’s perfect!
