Comments on: How Cashews Almost Killed Me (and I Loved It) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:25:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stacy In reply to Sally.

Thank you for your comment here, Sally!! I never thought about the difference between raw and roasted, but of course, that does change things. I had a reaction (I think) to raw cashews this weekend (not as bad as Jordan’s) where my eyelid has puffed up above and below my eye, but not swelled shut. Because I was doing an elimination diet at the time, cashews were the only new thing I’d eaten, so I am about positive it was the raw cashews. I don’t eat them much, but next time if I am tempted with any nuts, I’ll do roasted. I’ve never had a reaction to nuts before. While I don’t have leaky gut or GI problems, I do have rosacea and skin eruptions that are just LOVELY, so I have inflammation going on there. Everything goes to my skin! Thanks Jordan for this article!

By: Sally I was thinking of introducing cashews today. I haven’t eaten a nut product in years. So I googled and found your story. I didn’t realize that roasting might be a safer way to introduce the cashew than raw and sprouted, which was what I wanted to do. I also like the idea of eating one, then waiting for a few days. Thanks for posting! Your story is incredibly helpful.

By: Jess YIPES! Sorry to hear that, Jordan. We only just spoke a few days ago. Hopefully the steroids didn’t reak too much havoc on your body.
Stay well!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Carolyn.

Thank you Carolyn, that really means a lot to me. We’re all in this together!

Keep forging ahead with your own tests 🙂


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Rose.

Thank you Rose, you’re so right about testing. I’m very grateful my wife was there (and can drive like Mario Andretti at a moments notice).

Wise words.


By: Carolyn Jordan, thank you for posting your story and telling us about your experience. I agree, it is so important to keep testing, even when we want to just stay in our food safe zone. I tried walnuts a few months ago, and while I did not go into anaphylactic shock, I did re-experience all of my crohn’s symptoms for nearly a week. We all rely and learn so much from you and Steve and I appreciate your candor in telling us the story. It makes me realize, once again, that we are all on a healing journey. We all are learning and pushing our edges as we go….hope you are enjoying your Hawaiian life!!!!

By: Rose Amazing…Glad you are ok! I agree with you that we need to tests new foods and that it is really scary to do. Low and slow is a rule I try to stick with. Just a little bit of a new food eg one cashew or less, then wait four days. If no reaction then try 2 cashews then four days. It takes a lot of patience, but hopefully may avoid life threatening situations like you had. Imagine if your wife hadn’t been with you and your son at the beach. If you had been somewhere isolated with your son or even on your own. Good luck with testing new foods in the future.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Roger Elliott.

Thanks Roger, doing just fine now and off the meds 🙂

I had never had any allergic reactions to nuts before, but I’ve been highly allergic to poison ivy my whole life from deer hunting in the Michigan woods, and now I know the cashews I ate were raw, sprouted cashews, which leaves more of the toxin behind… a toxin that’s in the same family as poison ivy (and mango trees). So now I’m making more sense of why this happened. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever had cashews in my life that weren’t roasted, etc.


By: Roger Elliott Good grief Jordan, what a shocker! Glad to hear you’re OK, but that is unbelievable – who could have seen that coming?
