Comments on: Are You Trapped in the Digestive Disease Epidemic? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:39:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kate More Hi Jordan,

I’m just starting Paleo diet because I really really need the healing diets, and I want to be healthy enough to Paleo diet.

For me Paleo diet is a good way to eat, because anytime and any where you can have it. I will try SCD lifestyle program for me to able to know what is better between SCD and Paleo.

Jordan question: If there’s dulcolax for children? Do you think,that can work?

Thanks a lot!


By: Corben I’ll disagree to agree on the fermented and bone broths not being a focus on Paleo. Where I disagree is these healing foods were a main focus when I first started Paleo a few years back. I do agree they are not focused on as much as they should be. Mainly due to the abundance of Paleo cookbooks on the market right now. Too much focus is on how to create breads, desserts, and gourmet Paleo foods, and new converts get sucked in and can’t figure why they’re getting worse. SCD is a great program. I’m still learning about it in an attempt to fix my issues. My prediction is SCD will gain popularity as failed Paleo practitioners look for relief. Thanks guys for all your doing. By the way, chicken broth with carrots is money.

By: Bet I’ve tried doing Paleo a few times, and always failed. Until I realized that I needed to heal my gut first. Ironically, the diet that was given to me when I left the hospital with severe gastritis, was almost the SCD diet, clear broths, tea, toast (which I didn’t eat because I was already GF) and applesauce. So it wasn’t a big stretch for me to do SCD. It’s made such a difference. I haven’t been this ‘regular’ in decades. You are so right about what IBS people are told. I tried fiber and it would work for a few days and then BAM! Probably because it was feeding the bad bacteria. Now people that see me eat say ‘you aren’t getting enough fiber’. And I say, ‘Yes, and that’s a Good Thing’.

By: LATEST NEWS - Digestive conditions, including IBS and IBD - Foods Matter Research, News and Comment […] LATEST NEWS – Digestive conditions, including IBS and IBD Are You Trapped In The Digestive Disease Epidemic? (23 Jul 2012) What are the options if you're part of the digestive […]

By: Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy what a great post! i just started SCD, and i have so much hope for this diet to heal my UC!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Graham.

Great point Graham, well said.


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Kristi.

Thank you Kristi. It took me about three years of SCD before I could graduate to a Paleo diet and I still can’t tolerate egg or nightshades well.

The talking to your friends idea is such a great point, it’s so much easier to say Paleo because the ancestral lens just plain makes sense 🙂


By: Graham I see “paleo” as a starting point to describe a philosophy of eating, and not nearly as strict or straightforward as some of the rules make it seem. I see bioindividuality coming into play within paleo, like you said.

I see SCD, and the like, as supplemental to Paleo.

By: Kristi This is a very good comparison of the Paleo diet and healing diets like SCD and GAPS. I am a person who needs the healing diets, and my goal is to be healthy enough to eat full Paleo. In the meantime, The Paleo diet is a good way to eat when I travel or eat with friends in restaurants or in the homes of my friends. The Paleo diet is easy to explain to my interested friends, and it is the diet that I am currently teaching my grown children and other family members.
