Comments on: 5 Real Food Weight Gain Shakes (Paleo & SCD) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:21:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Huda Masood.

Hello – WE’d suggest a brand where the only ingredients are coconut milk – no carageaan or guar gum. You’ll have to look on the label for how many calories each product has.

By: Huda Masood I want to know what brand of coconut milk is the best and have 445 calories? Which one should I get?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Anthony.

HI Anthony – we’d recommend making your own yogurt to make sure it’s properly fermented. You can read more here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mike D.

HI Mike – thanks for sharing. The frozen berries just keep a little longer and can also serve as the ice in the shake to make it colder:) Fresh fruit is great if you prefer it and blueberries are fine.

By: Anthony Hi guy,

What im trying is the first shake on the list. Ive added my own ingredients as wel as keeping it easy and short.

Alpro coconut milk 1 glass
1 banana
Spritz fizzy drink just a drop for the taste has pear and raspberry taste to it.
Lancanshire yogurt 1/2 glass.

Taste absolutely fine. Not sure how many calories that is but i will be adding more eggs and some honey to this, once i got use to it.


By: Mike D I just found this article 3 days ago on the net. Thank you for the solid info and for the commenters. I have diagnosed with SIBO. Started the diet about 6 weeks ago. I was by no means heavy before but have probably lost 8 pounds. My situation is not as serious as some here who seem to be dangerously underweight. Having said that I don’t want my weight to fall anymore especially since people are already commenting. No one can mind their own business anymore. My question is can I replace the bananas with fresh blueberries? Also, why is it that people seem to use frozen berries more than fresh berries? Any, thanks for the shakes. Had my first today. Not the greatest taste ever but far from awful.

By: Anthony Can i put normal yogurt instead of SCD yogurt. No idea what that is.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Secret W..

Hello – any fruit you can tolerate well would be fine. Dark berries are typically well tolerated:)

By: Secret W. What would be the best thing to replace bananas due to having an allergy to them?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Will.

HI Will, sorry to hear your sturggling (but also doing a bit better it sounds!)
Jordan really struggled with weight loss when he started the diet too, almost 40 lbs! He was really scary skinny and it took a lot of hard work to add the calories back on.

If you have some time, listen to Steve and Jordan talk about losing weight on the diet and how to stop it in one of our old podcasts (around the 31 minute mark).

Here’s the link:

Also, here’s two articles Steve wrote about the SCD Diet, calories, and losing weight:

By: Will Hi Guys,

I was recently diagnosed with Blastocystis Homis Parisite. I did do antibiotics – didnt work at all. I was already vegan but now ive adjusted my diet to SCD and huge improvement on my 2nd daya with no sugars and carbs.

The issue i have is im naturally very skinny and my weight can fluctuate easily (55kg /178cm/ 28yrs male). Im worried without carbs i will drop weight fast. For me i have to incorporate very fatty foods to maintain my weight so far going through a can a day of 100% coconut cream, also eating avacados, snacking on nuts through day and then steamed vegies. Is there anything you can please recommend. Im worried i might create health issues from too much saturated fat content in the coconut.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Amin.

HI Amin – good question! We typically suggest it is protein from real whole food, as whey protein is usually in the form of powder in which the bonds are already broken down and the stmach acid and pepsin has to do less in a case like that.

By: Amin Can you still take betaine HCl pills with 24 to 30 grams of whey protein, or does it have to be solid protein from natural food?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Hawaii3s.

HEllo – sweet potatoes are illegal, yes. Go ahead and limit your fat intake in the beginning until your gut starts to heal. Digestive enzymes will also be really helpful here and here the ones we recommend: First, here’s a video where Jordan talks about digestive enzymes and how to use them:

Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Hawaii3s Also I forgot to ask what can be done about fat malabsorption? I can’t do the coconut milk. I even get stomach pains after too much olive oil

By: Hawaii3s I’m very new to the SCD diet. I just got diagnosed with SIBO. I was under the impression that Sweet potatoes are not SCD legal?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Janne.

Hello Janne – it’s important to look into this deeper if you’re consistently underweight. Hormones have a lot to do with weight regulation and we’d suggest looking there as well as into stool testing. We’d recommend taking this quiz here to get a better look at your risk for an infection or hormone issues:

By: Janne Hi. I am underweight, because of the healthy foods I eat. I am gluten and sugar free. I eat 3 healthy meals a day and nut and fruit snacks in between the last 2 meals. I load up on coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. I eat full cream yoghurt and butter and occasional gf bread and cake. Green smoothies every day. I cleared up IBS with going gf. I used to have hyperinsulinaemia, so stopped sugar and cut right back on fruit. But need to keep that in check, hence, I think these weight gain shakes are too high in fructose for me. I don’t want to eat raw eggs either. Any other weight gain suggestions? Thanks Steven.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Katherine Brookhouse.

HI Katherine, great question. Fat malabsorption can result from a combination of things. Ultimately, it comes down to a leaky gut and insufficient enzymes to break the food down into absorb able molecules. We’d highly recommend starting by changing your diet and healing the gut. Enzymes will help too –
Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James.

HI James, sorry to hear you’re struggling. First off, you’ll need to get your diet dialed in before you try more advanced shakes like this. Start by adding in small amounts of fat and taking digestive enzymes. It’s also important to be on a protocol to kill the SIBO, like the one here: You may also need to look into your hormones, as it seems your immune system is really suffering and hormones can a have a lot to do with this. You can email us at support@scdlifesyle for more information if you’d like:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kim.

HI Kim – we apologize if something went wrong! Technical issues do happen, unfortunately. How can we help you today? We’d be happy to answer any questions:)

By: Kim Wow I posted a comment on this site a long time ago, got a notification today on FB that I got a reply, and when I came back to check, both the reply and my original comment were gone. What gives???

By: James Hi,
I have Lyme, sibo and leaky gut. I am unable to have eggs, and whey protein and honey as I react to these and honey would feed my Lyme and sibo. I also have histamine intolerance and therefore avocado is out. What alternatives do I have in view of my food intolerances? I am 5’11” and weigh 62kg and desperately need to gain weight. Thank you.

By: Katherine Brookhouse What causes fat malabsorption?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Patrick.

HI Patrick – you might try ordering it online if you can’t find it in your local grocery store. Try Amazon or Thrive market for a starters.

By: Patrick Where can I find coconut milk that has that many calories? All I can seem to find is around 80 cals/serving. Please advise?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Shumaila.

Hi Shumaila – the easiest way to add in more calories is to increase your fat intake. Many find that drinking calorie dense smoothies is an easy way to add in extra calories with out feeling like your constantly eating. We encourage you to try on of the shakes and see how you do!

By: Shumaila My age is 22 and my weight is 34 kg only. Plz tell me the simplest remedies of weight gainer shake. I live in a hostel for my studies.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Julie.

HI Julie – yes you can use the egg yolk vs. the whole egg! The egg white is the part that your most likely reacting to so go ahead and try just the yolk and see how you do:)

By: Julie Hi,

Im wondering if I can just use the yolks of the eggs for this? I think I am allergic to the whites. I notice when I eat too many eggs my depression gets bad. I think this has to do with them being inflammatory…but Ive heard its the whites that are bad. Is this true? I really want to gain like 10 lbs. Only thing is I have SIBO- (which is probably a culprit) and these shakes are all high fodmaps…avocado, and banana…so Im worried it will make my SIBO worse. What do you think? Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cher.

Hi Cher – I’m not aware of any prepared options, but you can try looking into different protein powder/meal based shakes from the following brands: Innate Response, Designs for Health, and Garden of life. All you’d have to do is mix them with water so it would still be fairly easy for shakes on the Go.

By: Cher Do you have the names of any PREPARED high-carb nutritional drinks you can just buy and go? I am looking for a high carb, medium protein, GMO-free, gluten and dairy free, and preferably sweetened with stevia. I am dealing with fatigue and a lot of the things that were mentioned in the Leaky Gut info (I signed up for your webinar coming up!) and it’s VERY hard to keep preparing everything from scratch by myself and do other things too.
The closest I’ve gotten to an ideal drink is Orgain vegen drink- it’s got everything I want, even the higher carbs than protein, and even 0rganic– but the sugar is too high, at 9 grams per 11 ounces. That means if I want 2-3 in a day I am having a lot of sugar! I normally don’t use sugar AT ALL now. I am looking for something closer to 3-4 grams sugar per serving. I will keep the recipes in mind as they look very useful, but sure would prefer a drink, or worst case, a powder…. Thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Pricklypear.

You can eat it off the spoon or add it to your food – I love 1 tablespoon of coconut oil blended (jn a blender) into a cup of tea 🙂 It is frothy and delicious!

By: Pricklypear With this article being around so long and many replies – it would be nice to see people actually get back to say how they are doing! But I understand it can be difficult to gauge what truly helps a person. I hope I remember to come back and give a report in a month or two. Will start these shakes this week.

By: Pricklypear In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I think this just answered my question. Lol. So eating coconut oil STRAIGHT? Oh boy. ?

By: Pricklypear In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hi! Nice article! I’ll be implementing this and get back if it works for me. When you say “supplement with 1tb of coconut oil” how exactly do we do that? In what way do we consume it? Silly question I know. 🙂 Thx!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Anthony.

Hi Anthony – any of these shakes would be a good place to start. You can sub in some coconut milk for the avocado!

By: Anthony Hi

Im gluten free looking to bulk been training 5days a week on and off. Because i work night shifts my eating routine changes. Any good easy high calorie protein drinks? I dont like avacado and i dont understand half of other stuff

Im looking to gain alot of weight. I eat 4-5times a day. 6ft2 72kg


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nichola Coughlin.

Hi Nichola – please join us for a free webinar on leaky gut – Steve and Jordan will share info on diet, supplements, and testing at the webinar!

By: Nichola Coughlin In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hi Marie, I do take enzymes and l’glutamine and follow a Gaps diet. I believe my problems started since pregnancy when I started on omeprazole, then antibiotics and ibuprofen after cesarean. I’ve never been the same since. I have had h-pylori tests twice, both negative. I’ll try other avenues any advice on what tests I should try??

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nichola Coughlin.

Hi Nichola – sorry to hear that. Are you using a digestive enzyme as well? It is also important to address the root cause of your low stomach acid. Read more here:

By: Nichola Coughlin Hi I’m loving the shakes but I really struggle to digest them as it sits in my stomach like a lead weight. I have very low stomach acid and supplement with hcl & pepsin. Is it crazy that I’m having to take 9 capsules to be able to digest a shake? I find it very worrying!!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michelle.

Hi Michelle – a keotgenic diet can help you lose weight but that only occurs when fat is eaten in high amounts and carbs are kept low (to go into a state of Ketosis) – to gain weight we recommend eating plenty of all the macronutrients (carbs, fat, and protein).

By: Michelle Hey explain to me how eating high fats help you GAIN weight, exactly? When that is the basis of the ketogenic diet which is touted as helping you LOSE weight. (Same with eating a high protein diet..that is the basis of the Atkins Diet). Seems to me eating high CARBS is the one that gains weight…yet how to do that with Candida, pre diabetes, diabetes, salicylates intolerances, egg allergies, nut/legumes allergies? :/

By: janean In reply to joanna.

Hello I saw your post that you gained 16lbs. I was wondering if you could share how you did because the diet causes me to loose weight. I need to gain 20lbs desperately.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Alaina.

Hi Alaina – thanks for reaching out. We can’t promise it will help your dad gain weight, but these are nutrient dense and high calorie – plus they taste good. I hope your dad enjoys them and they give him some strength

By: Alaina My father has pancreatic cancer. He has lost over 30 lbs so far. He is not taking and chemo or radiation. I need him to gain weight. His appetite is almost non existent now but he has been amazing with trying to force down whatever concoction i can think of. Do you think the above shakes will help him gain some weight back?

By: Rubby Thankyou very much,I think this going to help me.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mindy.

Hi Mindy – this is a hard one! First, if your husband’s gut is very damaged form Celiac’s, no matter how much food he eats, he won’t be able to properly absorb it and benefit from it. Healing his gut will be critical to him gaining weight.

A good digestive enzyme might the right place to start:

Jordan recommends eating coconut or olive oil right off the spoon for weight gain, as well as eating more meat (but you’ll need to ask your doctor about this because of your husband’s kidney) – it took time and patience and a lot of food for Jordan to put the weight back on.

I really recommend this article for more info on how to heal your husband’s gut so he can digest and absorb the food he is able to eat:

By: Mindy So I’m looking up information to help my husband gain weight. He’s 5’11” and weighs 110 lbs. He was diagnosed with diabetes (type 2, supposedly) in August and then Celiac in January. He has almost no appetite so I thought maybe the liquid thing would help. But all of these shakes have a TON of carbs. He’s supposed to limit his carb intake to 30 per meal. He also only has one kidney, and I’ve been told that eating that many calories at once is really hard on your kidneys. Any suggestions?
