Comments on: How Long Does It Take to Heal From IBD? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:29:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Denise.

HI Denise – sorry to hear this. WE’d highly recommend some digestive enzymes.
Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

Also, please read this article on the 4 horseman to make sure one or all of these foods aren’t affecting him: :

By: Denise Hi. I have never posted anything like this before but i have a 16 year old son who’s been battling very bravely with UC since he was 12. Have had some horrendous years since then with last year being hospitalised 3 times. Started SCD diet last August while hospital discussed starting biological infusions. Has been very hard but he has taken such responsibility and has such amazing willpower to get well. tonight he told me and his dad the bleeding has started again about 3 weeks ago and he is devastated that his hard work doesn’t seem to have paid off. Just wish I could take this away for him. Any advice? Can’t pinpoint anything although it is exam time again even though he insists he’s not stressed….

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Carry.

Hi Carry – so sorry to hear you’ve had a detour on your healing path 😉

Can you pinpoint why or when things got off track? Did you add a new food? Start a new job? Move? Go back to school? end or begin a relationship? Start a new form of exercise?

I recommend trying the supplement colostrum and also really thinking about why things took a turn – usually there is something you can pinpoint 🙂 Let us know if you figure it out!

By: Carry Hi. I have leaky gut. Have been following a strict diet for over a year, with great results. I lost over 100 pounds and was feeling great. I have taken a back slide over the last couple months and can’t seem to get ahold of things. Inflammation is through the roof, stomach pains are horrible, bloating, blood sugars are out of control. Do you recommend any supplements to help me get back on the healing road? Maybe a different diet to try? Please help!!!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to marilyn.

Thanks, Marilyn, for taking the time to offer this encouragement!

We appreciate you!

If you ever need support, let me know!

By: marilyn In reply to Jag.

Dear jag, I have had a lot of years of personal experience with colitis and using the scd. I found that it was necessary for me to stop eating all grains, all fruits, raw vegetables, starches of any kind, and all acid drinks such as soda (sugar free included) coffee, and any tea that was not herbal. I know this sounds tough but it worked for me in only a few months. After that I slowly added in raw veg, followed by fruits, and eventually some grains and starches. I continue to stay away from acid drinks because they are all harmful to any body. This worked for me for many years. Old age has now given me a new set of problems with the same old symptoms. I am back on this diet again with added old age supplements your daughter does’t need. I encourage you to listen to Jordan and Steve. They are on the right track.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jag.

Hi Jag, I’m sorry your daughter hasn’t seen the improvements she wants. We really believe SCD works for everyone if it’s done the right way. It can be really frustrating, but part of the magic of SCD comes from following the intro diet and then slowing phasing in the foods according to the charts – it’s also really important to remove any foods your daughter reacts to.

I recommend this article, too:

If you have any questions about how to do the intro diet let me know!

By: Jag Hi jordan
My daughter has had her colonospy after 17months of up and down, started the scd in June this year but disappointed that she still has Pancolitis even after Being gluten free for 13months, not sure if I moved to advance foods like raisins to quick on the scd

By: Vic Hi Jordan & Steve,

I’m into Phase 1 of SCD. After 2.5 years of very severe UC pancolitis, with Humira and Imuran not doing anything for me, I finally reached the point where I was determined to do this diet. I did the Intro for 5 days and experienced die-off symptoms on Day 2 and 3. I have gone from 8-12 BMs a day to 2-3 BMs a day and I’m only on Day 7! Do I just the phase-length by how I’m feeling? Ie. If, after 2 weeks on Phase 1, I’m feeling ok, I can progress to Phase 2? My BMs are still 6, sometimes 7 on the scale, but mainly 6 over the past two days – since I introduced banana. Even though my BMs don’t look right (yet) – I’m assuming the SCD is definitely helping me seeing as my frequency has more than halved since I started it!

Thanks for all the guidance!

By: Harkin Hi, do you have any experience with heartburn/GERD being the primary symptom of SIBO? Any success stories of people healing GERD via the SCD diet? Thanks, Harkin

By: Vibeke I have had problems believing in the diet because everyone around me has told me it was nonsense and extreme measures to go to. I have been examined 2 times during 10 years of tieredness and D, yellow stools and fatigue, by intestine specialists, but they could find nothing wrong exept Fructose Malabsorption and gallstones. That just doesn’t explain why I can have absolutely no grains or starches. I have also suffered weightloss, bloating, migraines and depression. I have been on the diet now since may 2012 and see major inprovements. I started the diet including sourdough ryebread, but that gave me stomach pain. Then I laid of that but then reacted to alot of vegetables and fruits. So I now follow the FODMAP for FM and that still brings out a reaction if I eat too much of those. I also have problems staying away from dark chocolate. I cut out fruit and nuts for 6 weeks and experiences major stool improvements, but got a depression, I guess because of the dramatic change in sugar and salt my bady recieved. As soon as i started putting more salt in my food and eating at least 1 banana a day, my good spirit returned. I also invested 1 whole month in seeing natural practitioners who helped me find out what supplements I was lacking. That was zink, folic acid, fish oil, calcium, iron, prebiotics. Then my energy started improving dramatically. I also experienced major setbacks during that period, because not every supplement I was adviced to take was tolerated by my body and sometimes made me really ill. Betaine Pepsin was definately not for me. So I would say for me it has taken me alot of time to believe in the diet and stick to it. I still have some sugar once in a while, but are trying to replace it with homemade nutflour cookies which I seem to be more and more able to tolerate in small amounts. I also seem to be able to tolerate homemade youghurt and sour cream. I think what really pushed me to get started was the fact that I am pregnant with my 4th child. I am proud to say I have put on 12 kilo now and the midwife is happy with me, doesn’t see any reason to be concerned. Even my dietist at the hospital why had given the Gotshalk book a bad review way back called me the other day and wanted to talk to me about the food they should serve me at the hospital when I have given birth. I was so touched, it was like I was getting some kind of accept of that the diet actually works. It has taken me a long time to become fond of the huge amounts of protein I have to consume and get used to the new kind of blood sugar levels that makes me not really feel hungry like I used to with the sugar and flour diet I used to have. But I think even my gallstones are dissapearing slowly, because I don’t get any attacks any more. I still have loose stools about every 2-3 days, but I wouldn’t call it D. I rarely have more than 1-2 BM a day now. It isn’t yellow anymore and I have much less nausea and stomach pain. i don’t have migraines, dissiness, brain fog, depression anymore and I just am so much more happy and good company for my family. When I think about it I have had these problems buliding up over the past 10 years and I guess it can take maybe another 10 years of repair to get my stomach up and working again. I have to slowly give up all the illigal foods and get happy with the SCD diet. I am just so much a happier person and healthy person.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Coach.

@Coach – Congrats to you and your husband for making the lifestyle switch. Keep coming back here to update us on his progress and then finally I want his story on the site to inspire others!

By: Coach My husband has a very mild case of Crohn’s and has been symptom free for a while now, but he has a fistula that Immuran has not been able to heal. His doctor wanted to start him on Remicade, but he refused and decided to try SCD. He’s been on SCD for almost three months now, and his fistula is finally starting to heal. He’s planning on going back to his GI doc soon to see if she’ll start to wean him off of the Immuran. We’ve seen tons of testimonials online, and we’re convinced that SCD is a miracle diet!

By: Steven Wright In reply to GK.

@ GK – your doing awesome and I wish you the best as you transition. I hope you keep us updated on the site here so others can follow in your footsteps!

By: GK Steve –
Thanks so much for your reply – that makes a lot of sense! I wasn’t seeing a lot of results with Remicade when I first started SCD, so I was very slow and careful about what I added in and kept a detailed food/symptom diary for the first year (and I’m still very careful with nuts/nut products, dairy, fruit, more advanced items). I was thinking I might need to go back to the intro diet and my safest foods once I wean off Remicade entirely though, so thanks for the insight on that! My current plan is to drop my dosage by half and see how things go from there. Hopefully I’ll be able to be med free in the future. Being symptom-free has been so amazing and empowering, but I always want to keep improving. Thank you!

By: Steven Wright In reply to GK.

@ GK this is a really good question. I think most bloggers we’ve talked with ditched their meds when they were still sick and not seeing any results from them. We talk with people all the time who are on meds and SCD and pose the same question about which is really working to help them. I think it’s different in each case, my beliefs tell me that foods are either hurting or helping so in this case SCD is helping. But your meds can mask the correct custom SCD for you. So if your eating a lot of advanced SCD foods like tons of nuts and fruits it’s likely you’ll see problems when you taper off the meds. In general your body is going to rebound and have to detox the meds so usually you’ll want to in your food safe zone and possibly fall back to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet intro soup during that time.

By: GK Hello!
I’ve been following SCD for almost 16 months and have never felt better. I’ve struggled with Crohn’s for 22 years and never reached a place where I was symptom free until SCD (I had tried other diet modifications in the past as well – gluten/corn/sugar/etc free).
My question is how do you know when it’s time to ditch your meds? I currently am on Remicade – but never experienced a full remission of symptoms until about 6 months in to SCD. How do I know what is SCD and what is medication?
I’d hate to go cold turkey on the Remicade and have a flare, but I also hate being on it when I feel so great! Most blogs/SCD folks just seem to say they ditched the meds, but don’t really go into the thought process behind it – or how long they were symptom free first, etc. I’ve also seen a lot of people go off meds and then have a severe flare – and I’ve been there – and don’t want to be back in the hospital.
Thanks so much for any insight – or for pointing me towards places that might help me make a decision!

By: Marianne Hello,

I suffered from stomach aches, terrible gas, weight loss, malnutriotion, low iron, anemia,…Dokters did all sorts of tests and found nothing. But I kept losing weight at a terrible speed, so I went on the internet for some help. Luckily I found SCD. I discussed the diet with my doctor, and the reaction was something like, don’t get your hopes up, but it won’t hurt you. The first weeks were very hard, but I almost felt immediately some releaf (after the die-off that is, that was quite terrible). After 2 months my bloodwork was perfect. My doctor hardly could beleive it. I am still continuing with the diet, introducing new foods one at a time. I am able to start cycling again. And I already regained a lot of the lost weight. So really worth to give it a try.

Best regards, and good luck for everybody trying SCD. Really worked for me.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to clare wilson.

Hi Clare – you’re so amazing. I know you’ve been through so much but you’re on the right track.

Your symptoms will tell you when to move on to new foods. Are you still improving? If not, you might need to keep testing out some tweaks like digestive enzymes or Betaine HCL before you can tolerate new foods.

I’m sorry about the “add to cart” button trouble. It seems to be working now. Can you try again or try using a different web browser like Mozilla Firefox?

Hang in there!


By: clare wilson Hi Jordan
I really hope you can help me.. I started the scd diet last november. I was having real trouble digesting anything. I went into hospital a year last march and was given intrevenous antibiotics. I found the problem food was refined carbohydrates and potatoes I just could not digest them at all. lack of bacteria
I started having brain symptoms and my Natropath advised me that I had leaky gut leaky brain.. I have restarted the scd in hope to heal my gut and maybe i went through the phases too quick. I have no beneficial ecoli present in my gut and only 1+ of lactobacillus and bifido bacteria. I have 4+ of haemolytic ecoli and klebsella pneumoniae 2+, pseudomonas aeruginosa 3+, haemolytic streptococcus 1+, streptococcus agalactiae 2+. My bowel just does not function. I am on phase 2 of the diet at the moment and wondering how long do you recomend being on phase 2 before going to phase 3. I tried to buy your book but when I press add to cart it does not connect. I hope youcan help me I feel so so poorly.
regards Clare
