Comments on: The Gut Health Recovery Quiz: Is Your Treatment Wrong? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 08 Sep 2023 19:06:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tamara.

Hi Tamara – glad to hear things are a bit better. Yes, please test out omitting eggs and see how you do. You can also consider adding in digestive enzymes:

By: Tamara Hello, thank you for all you share with us.
I scored a 2, blood in stool which I do believe is from hemroid and prescribed humors from GI doc when diagnosed in January 2015, which I declined to take. So I’m not sure I’d my score is accurate first of all. I started the intro diet and reduced my bowel movements from 7-12 times a day down to maybe 2 times with in 10 hours, but they are now very small and mostly mucus at times:(. I am however not having the immense gas and cramping I was having. I believe I am slightly constipated but hard to tell since everything is mostly puréed I know there is not much elimination. I have since moved to phase 1 and have only added summer squash and pear sauce but am considering removing eggs to see if that has an effect, as I believe there is still something there that I’m reacting to. I already removed the whey from my yogurt and did that from the start. I have dropped from 123 down to 113 and seem to be holding at that for now, which is good because I was loosing fast. Over all I feel pretty good but certainly could use more energy. Any guidance here is always appreciated ?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Anna.

HI Anna – You may not have direct outward symptoms but that doesn’t mean the gut doesn’t react to them at a microscopic level! Omitting them will give the gut time to heal, so we do recommend still following the reintroduction steps:)

By: Anna I scored 1-2 (acne and maybe food intolerance), but on the other side I just got my crohn’s diagnosis and just began to eat budesonid so I don’t know if medicines works for me. I have a mild inflammation and have almost no sympthoms (was free from sympthoms for months until I began taking budesonid, a stressfull period in life began and I ate candy and fastfood to handle it) since I stopped with sugar and proccessed food and cut down to very small amounts of gluten, milk and red meat.

Even if I normally don’t have any sympthoms I want to help my body tackle the crohn’s disease by eating in a way that helps it to heal and keep the crohn’s in remission as long as possible.

If I’ve understand the scd diet correctly you slowly re-introduce food. How does that work if you don’t react on any food more than sugar, processed food and bigger amounts of gluten and diary-products? I don’t have problems with any nuts, meat, fish or vegetables except beans. Can you skip the re-introducing steps after the intro-diet? Or is this diet only for people who has a lot of sympthoms?
Sorry for my bad English.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Coleen.

Hi Coleen, as much as we’d like the process to be a quick one, it just takes time. We always say that we didnt’ get sick in 3 days and we won’t heal in 3 either. We’d suggest sticking with the diet and continue to let the body heal.

By: Coleen After taking the quiz I has 2 yes: weight gain (due to no thyroid and other issues) skin irritation after certain foods or coffee are ingested. I don’t take any antibiotics, no surgeries, no pain killers. I have been doing first phase the past few days and my gut isn’t feeling much better. So now what?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ing-Marie.

Hello Ing-Marie! It’s possible that you actually do react poorly to pears and just never were in a place to recognize it before. Go ahead and add in some digestive enzymes and continue to test out new foods. Your body is going through some major changes so try to give it some time ( I know it can be hard:)

By: Ing-Marie Hi
I have IBS, FODMAP sensitivity, thyroid issues and of course problems with energy levels and other things. I scored 3.5 on the quiz so I guess I am a tough case. I started with AIP 5w ago but I found this website and changed diet or rather restricted the diet to SCD. I have now moved from intro diet to stage 1 and my stomach is feeling much better. But yesterday and today I tried a little cooked/pureed pears – something I never have had problems with. Today, the stomach reacted quite vividly with diarrhea. My question is: It seems as if I get more sensitive or my stomach is more reactive after starting the diet. Why is that? Do you have any suggestion?
My Best, Ingmarie from Sweden

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to michelle.

Hi Michelle – from what you’ve said it looks like an AIP diet is eliminating 2 of the 3 symptoms. Looks like that is the better option for you!

By: michelle If I eat autoimmune paleo I have one symptom, If I go off of it and eat a standard American diet I have 3. Which do I go off of?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to heather.

Hi Heather – thanks for reaching out to us! The good news here is that changing your diet, healing your gut and adding in helpful supplements has the powerful ability to help every symptom/condition you’ve mentioned:) The truth is, research shows our gut plays a role in nearly every condition out there and the first step to healing is to address your gut. This free webinar explains it all very nicely and we’d encourage you to register to learn more:

By: heather Hi guys

I scored 5 but I find I suffer somewhat differently from most. I do not have major intestinal complications. I have suffered from constipation my entire life and now it seems to be developing into IBM. My main concerns at this point are hypothyroidism, arthritis and joint pain, mast cell activation syndrome (triggered when I get a cold or flu), and anemia. I also have degenerative disc disease and suffer back pain daily. I have recently started discussing surgery with my physician and he pointed out a number of results in my labs which may be contributing to my pain. My reactions due to mcas have become soo severe that I progress to anaphylaxis and have to be treated with high doses of prednisone. So far no treatments have been effective in preventing or minimizing reactions. From what I have read most of what I experience relates to autoimmune conditions. I have a new physician and hope to work with him and potentially this diet to improve my conditions.
Thank you for the valuable information and I look forward to your reply.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ray.

Hi Ray – I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through with your acne. Steve really struggled with acne too, and recovery was a long process.

It is possible you’re experiencing some symptoms of die-off having only been following the diet for 6 days – you can learn more here:

Die-off usually clears up within 2 weeks.

I encourage you to stick with what you’re doing right now – it is hard to be patient when you’ve struggled with acne for so long, but since you’ve had acne for 15 years, you can’t expect it to clear up in just 6 days. Hang in there, you are on the right path!

By: Ray I’m 33 & I’ve had horrible acne for atleast 15 years & my mother did to at my age. I’ve tried everything but accutane & nothing works. I’m on day 6 of eating only organic meats, vegetables, taking the Great Lakes gelatin, drinking bone broths & ginger, dandelion & neem teas & have added alittle turmeric to my coconut oil.
I’ve had no sugar, fruit, grains, beans etc, for the 6 days & seems it’s only getting worse, started the Betaine hcl a few days ago, I live a very clean lifestyle bc I own a health food store but I have high stress a lot & am at a loss on what to do next, I also don’t eat night shades anymore, have also been gluten free for 7 years & do not eat dairy, I did raw juices for along time & that helped alittle but I read that raw isn’t good for leaky gut so for the last week I’ve boiled my green juices & letting them cool before I drink them now, it’s help a lot with the gas but not my skin, I’m scheduled for hormone testing in may that’s the quickest they can get me in but I’m at my end on what to try now, I’m scared to take probiotics or anything else at this point bc nothing seems to help only making in worse, so any help would be so wonderful. I’m defiantly the tough case

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to joe.

Hi Joe – it is possible 3-4 bowel movements per day is healthy for you.

Please check out this article for more info:

Hope this helps!

By: joe I scored all negative but still have about 3-4 bowel movements daily. So?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Catherine.

Hi Catherine, thanks so much for reaching out!

Betaine HCL helps with the digestion of protein, so we do not recommend your son use it if he is not eating significant proteins from animal sources.

Some people never experience the warm/burning sensation letting them know they’ve taken too much HCL – your son may be one of these people!

I recommend you consider trying digestive enzymes, which can help digest carbs, fat and protein. You can learn more here:

We also believe diet and symptoms like acne are inherently linked – and that a vegan diet could be contributing to your son’s acne. You can learn more here:

By: Catherine Hi,

Really enjoy the information you share on your website. Just came across it a couple weeks ago. Read your article on low stomach acid and started supplementing my son. We are up to 11 with no burning/warming. He has had chronic acne on his face/back for the last 4 years, and seems to be developing other health issues as well. We are vegan and I have pulled the most common foods that would cause sensitivities. Any thoughts on the amount of Betaine HCL he takes? He took that amount and he was just eating rice, greens and a salad.


By: Rita Christine (from March 23, 2012) You sound like me in some ways. Have you ever had your mercury levels checked? Thiol/sulfur sensitivity goes with that. What did you put in the bone broth? The only thing I can put in is salt, carrot, celery, and parsley in addition to the bones and water. I’ve read to include garlic and onion. I don’t cause of the thiols. Just a thought. Wishing you the best. Perhaps by now you have found all this and more out and are well. Love to hear how you are doing now. Rita

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mallory.

Hi Mallory! Thanks so much for reaching out to us and taking the time to ask about probiotics and enzymes. They’re really different, bt all the supplements can be overwhelming and confusing at first.

Enzymes are produced by your body and are also contained in the food you eat to help you break down food and better digest what you eat. Sometimes our bodies fail to produce adequate amounts of digestive enzymes – this is where a supplement comes in. Jordan discusses it more here:

Here’s a brand we recommend (not all digestive enzymes are created equal!):

Probiotics are a source of healthy bacteria – our guts are full of bacteria and probiotics help bolster the good bacteria in there 🙂

Here’s a resource on probiotics:

We recommend both probiotics AND enzymes.

If you ever have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

By: Mallory I took your mini quiz. Apparently I have a mild case. Which makes sense because I respond very quickly to the meds my GI puts me on. However in the last few years I have taken then regularly. I just started my SCD journey and so far I’m 4 days in and already my energy level is improving. (It will only get to a certain point because my daughter still wakes at night).

My husband is very skeptical of how well this will work but I have 6 months before my next GI appointment and as long as things don’t get worse and the blood work shows lower inflammation markers I’ll consider it a success.

My biggest concern is knowing what supplements I should take and what kind. I don’t really understand the difference between probiotics and enzymes.

By: Duncan Green In reply to Lauren.

Hi Lauren,

I too suffer with Samters and, like you, have tried many variations of diet to try to improve things. One thing worth considering is that the volume of salicylates you consume may not be the primary driver of your inflammation. In my experience reducing sals levels had a fairly minor effect but limiting PUFA omega-6 intake was far more significant.

My own theory on this is that you will never be able to reduce the level of arachidonic acid in your system far enough to damp down the inflammation if your ratio n-6:n-3 fatty acids is skewed. The next logical step is to try to reduce those substances that ‘amplify’ your inflammatory response.

For example, if we theorize that those with Sampters have a x5 multiplier on their inflammatory response then this could potentially be offset to some degree by adjusting the omega ratio downwards in proportion. If you could rebalance n-6:n:3 to a 4:1 ratio then I think it would be more beneficial than limiting sals intake.

Good luck

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kimberly Webb.

That’s great Kimberly 🙂 I know you’ll keep improving every day!

By: Kimberly Webb 7 yes. Those answers were given based on where I was before starting SCD lifestyle. I am now on day 1 of Phase 2. Much has changed! I’ll continue to work on my safe zone diet. Thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Marlene.

Hi Marlene. Thanks for commenting. I’m really sorry you’re experiencing all these problems. Based on what you’ve written, I think you would experience the best results from working one-on-one with either Stephanie or Brie, our recommended practitioners. They can look at your entire case history and help you develop a path to healing that is customized to you. Here’s a link where you can learn more:

I admire your courage and perseverance to get better! I hope the information I’ve provided helps you.

By: Marlene Hi. I am a severe case for sure. When I was a kid I did not particularly like bread or cereal but was made to eat it. I also wheezed when I drank mild, but was made to drink it. I have been conditioned to put up and shut up. Since my 20’s to early 30’s I have experiences nearly daily diarrhea, which I thought was just anxiety and depression caused. (I am 56 now.) Then in my mid 30’s I started experiencing a pitechia rash all along the inner part of my legs. It did not itch, it just was there all the time. I decided to go to a Natural Path doctor. She took blood for specifics to determine my “Eat Right For My Blood Type Diet”. At that time I only ate wheat, rice, corn, for grains. The doctor told me to minimize my wheat intake, and to eat rye, soy products, and spelt instead. So I did. By the way I am a Type 0 negative with some other information tacked on after that. I ended up being rare for some aspect of my blood ie a non-secreter. So I followed the diet strictly. For a time my body responded wonderfully. My stools became normal. Then over time and a lot more stress, depression, anxiety, and in to my 40s…Diarrhea is back, rash has changed to hives. By 45 I am severely emaciated, weak, fatigued, extremely anxious, having panic attacks, brain fogged, experiencing heart plantations, fighting to continue to work, and had no insurance. Food was coming out of me a few hours later almost like it was going into me. I ended up taking myself to the emergency room after eating dinner one evening and started to wheeze. Also, by this time I have scratched my skin raw over my neck, and torso areas, and was starting to do the same to my arms. The ER doctor said you HAVE to find a doctor to treat you. So I did. She was so nice and very different from any other doctor. She listened. She then said, “have you ever been tested for Celiac Disease?” Well, no I have not. $800.00 dollars later…I did not have the gene, but I had Acquired Gluten Intolerance. Now in addition to not eating wheat, I was told to not eat the “yucky” rye, or the yummy Spelt, and to read very carefully all labels for hidden gluten. I improved for a little while again, but not completely. I also found out I am allergic to soy. To this day I still experience diarrhea at a drop of the hat. Food can occasionally be seen in the stools. My stools change are sometimes a gray mucus sludge, watery with mucus, ribbon like, change colors, pasty, and very rarely normal. For about 2 weeks now I have been on your diet under doctors care slowly working towards the first stage of the diet. I stopped eating all starches, potatoes, Quinoa. The first thing I experienced was a severe toxic reaction to the bad bacteria die off. Okay, expected that what with all that gas. I was placed on Oregano caps 2 x day, and probiotics 3-4 times a day. I took the Oregano at bedtime and early in the morning before getting up after my pretend sleep. (By the way when I started on your diet, my stools were mostly normal, but I had been experiencing a tremendous amount of non-stop gas, and severe bloating for almost a year.) Slowly the diarrhea started to come back, but I started on the first week of the diet of carrots and I choose Cornish hens, and I have never made it out of the first stretch, when I got a UTI. I have had to go on a antibiotic, and I am still on it with 8 more day to go. So, now the diarrhea is in full steam, with some food coming out. Well, I call it diarrhea. It is like soil, that sinks to the bottom of the toilet, but the water in the toilet is mostly clear. I’ve had this version of the diarrhea here and there. It is not particularly watery all of the time, just has no form. Looks like fine coffee grounds. There is no obvious blood or rectal irritation. In the past when my stools were tested there was no blood, and hardly any normal flora. I of course, have stopped the Oregano. The bloating did go down, and the gas did almost go away, but now my gut rumbles all the time, and I can feel the bloat coming back. I do not have a rash, and I have no gut pain other than an occasional gas pain, and tenderness if palpated. I am fatigued, not able to sleep per usual. I know I have had a leaky gut for a long time, multiple food allergies, and the list is growing, and IBS. What do I do now? Start over again after a very LONG period of time to get over the diarrhea. I do not take Imodium, and I don’t want to. I take a thyroid medicine, and a blood pressure medicine, period. I don’t do well with chemicals and synthetics, and only take what I have to. I have had some pretty bad experiences just trying to take supplement. What in the world now?! Do I do?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Esther.

Hi Esther, Steve and Jordan’s research indicates that weight issues are typically closely linked to hormones and adrenal health. They address both of these specifically in the Solving Leaky Gut program – you can learn more by attending a free webinar. Sign up here – I think that you will gain a lot of valuable information: You may also want to check out this podcast:

I hope this helps, Esther!

By: Esther Thank you, Jordan and Steve, for all you do! I heard the webcast a couple weeks ago and wondered where I really fit. I scored 2 on the quiz, years of depression and unable to lose weight after years and years of yo-yo dieting because I never understood what or how to do it. I followed most common diets of the past to no avail, until I did Atkins about 10 years ago and lost 50 lbs. However, how to figure how many carbs to be able to eat was lost to me. I gained it all back, plus. Learning about LCHF and Keto is the way I HAVE to go…forever, as I’ve found I cannot live WITH my terrible addiction to sugar and grain. It has to be total abstinence. I’m not doing well with the abstinence as those foods are EVERYWHERE. I don’t know if I have other problems…like gut inflammation or whatever…that is keeping me from losing what times I can stay on track. OR is it just because every once in a while I do eat the forbidden stuff? What would be your take on this?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Andrea.

Hi Andrea! It’s great to hear you’re feeling better. Not everyone experiences die-off, especially if you were eating more closely to the SCD template before you began the diet. It really depends on the individual! The most important thing is that you’re having improvement in your symptoms 🙂

By: Andrea II am a definitely a tough case. Diagnosed with Crohn’s in 1985, 2 hospitalizations, 1 surgery. In remission with no meds for 10 years. Over the last 8 months or so symptoms are back with a vengeance. I had decided to eliminate carbs and dairy when I came across Elaine’s book. I viewed your website too, and started SCD. I’m only on Phase 1 but I already see a small improvement. I’m not going to the bathroom as often, and the stool quality is showing improvement, but I haven’t experienced any “die-off” symptoms. Is that normal?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Eve.

Hi Eve, congratulations on your decision to start SCD. We recommend you avoid the foods you know you’re intolerant of for now. You can substitute with other allowed foods. If you need help substituting foods on the intro diet, you can reach out to us at

Some common substitutes on the Intro Diet:
Beef instead of chicken for the intro soup
Zucchini or cucumber instead of carrots
Skipping the gelatin or using lime or lemon juice or water instead of grape juice to prepare it

Please reach out to use if you need more help!

By: Eve I’m ready to start your SCD Intro Diet but I wonder about how best to coordinate my food sensitivities with your meal plans? I had a 180 food panel blood test done in May and it reflects that I have significant antibodies to some of the foods in your plan. Should I ignore these for now and fully embrace your meal plan or should I try to modify your plan to avoid these foods?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michelle.

Hi Michelle, thanks so much for commenting. Both of our programs have helped many people with SIBO and they can help you too.

The best place to start is by reading this article here to best understand the ins and outs of SIBO:

We have two different programs that can help you with this infection, and we encourage you to look into both to see what may fit your needs best, especially as an athlete.

Our SCD program provides the basic framework for a diet that will help reset your gut flora by eliminating foods that unhealthy bacteria feed on. It is important to remember, however, that diet is only one part of it and you will most likely need supplements to help address the issue as well.

If you are in need of a practitioner to assist you in this area, you can go here:

The second option is our Solving Leaky Gut product, which includes supplement protocols in addition to diet and lifestyle recommendations. This program is more comprehensive, contains the newest research, and has a gut infection protocol with in. While the diet is based on many of the principles of SCD, it is not the same as SCD and includes foods like rice and potatoes in the second stage.

We highly encourage you to sign up for one of our Free webinars on Solving Leaky Gut, as this will help you understand the product on a whole new level:

This podcast from Dr. Siebecker, hosted by Steve, is very informative and can also help:

If you have more questions, please feel free to email us at We would be be happy to help 🙂

By: Michelle Hi guys,
I’m a little stumped as whether I am a tough or mild case. My story is: 3 years ago I was having tummy troubles and doctors found a parasite in my gut, I went on antibiotics for a short time with them saying it may or may not work. I didn’t get any improvement. I tried avoiding dairy, ??wheat, etc but still didn’t help. I eventually got tested for lactose and fructose malabsorption and my fructose one came back positive. Since then I have been to see a dietician that specializes in low Fodmap diet and decided to follow that. 2 years on Ive followed a low fodmap diet 90% of the Time. Yes I would cheat and know what the consequences would be. However I struggled to go 2 days in a row without feeling good even when being 100% strict. I switch between constipation and loose stools, stomach cramps, bloated, mood fluctuations, high anxiety and more recently feeling depressed over my body. I am a fitness lover and run 3-4 times a week, play netball, cycle and go to the gym. Sometimes I have had to stop mid run because the stomach cramps are unbearable and I end up on the toilet once home. However I am then relieved. I will often go to bed feeling bloated and crap and wake up in the morning with pains needing the toilet. Most of the day I would then go on alright and the cycle would happen again.
So..recently I got fed up with this and after reading an article in a magazine about SIBO I recognized I had a lot of the symptoms and wondered if it was the case. The doctor didn’t think so and instructed I had another stool test which showed the same parasite I already had 2 years ago, a new one and possible high levels of a bacteria. I have also always struggled with thrush/ candida. Again prescribed antibiotics and then suggested after the antibiotics I could have the SIBO test. So I did that and results from SIBO came back positive. Which I suppose answers a lot of what I had been feeling.
So since being diagnosed last Friday and doing a fair bit of research I found out that a long with some more antibiotics followed by probiotics that following the SCD diet was the way to go. However I also need to do low fodmap due to fructose intolerance. I am now day 5 and really struggling energy wise. I can’t run or ride like I used to. Just wondering any recommendations how I can fuel my body prior to exercise better or recommendations with exercise ? When I did the quiz I only really answered yes to the food intolerances one. As any of he others are really fixed when I follow low fodmap.. However when j read the case studies I sound like a combination of mild and tough!!
Thanks for the help in advance, your website, podcast etc has been very helpful so far!
Cheers, Michelle

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim. Based on our experience, bleeding is not a symptom of die-off. We recommend you consult your doctor or practitioner and let them know about the changes.

By: Kim I was diagnosed with UC two years ago and have never been in remission. I found your diet about 3 weeks ago. I take two probiotics, enzymes, and fish oil supplements. I have been on SCD for 9 days. Overall, my symptoms have improved. However, I am now bleeding with every BM. Is this considered a die off symptom? Thanks for your books and website.

By: Lynn Saunders We think of our bodies as solid. It is difficult to grasp that we are just a community of cells that are constantly adjusting and that any metric taken at any point in time will be somewhat different soon after. At an unthinking level, the body is doing everything possible to juggle all the different impacts. Applying conscious thought to the impacts we are able to manage, and including conscious awareness in the body’s feedback loops, has to improve the odds of survival regardless of the perception of success or failure.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ida Mae.

Hi Ida, thanks for reaching out. Going gluten free is a great start, and we suggest taking it to another level to make the health gains you are hoping to. The SCD diet would be a great diet for you and we suggest starting here:

By: Ida Mae I took the quiz & and answered yes to 2 questions. In reading people’s comments I feel I am a mild case. I went gluten free in November and have gotten rid of my stomach pain. I have gotten off several meds including one for acid reflux. I lost 20 lbs. in a month & now I have been at the same weight for 4 months. I have trouble with wTer retention, chronic sinusitis & extreme asthma. I take symbacort and Flonase both have steroids in them. I am really working to get better but seem to be going no where is.

By: Helene In reply to Dave.

Hey Dave,
For some reason your post really moved me. I heard the sadness and desperation in your words, which I can relate to. I have been struggling with Crohn’s for 24 years. I have had surgeries, tons of different medications (all which seem to have horrible side effects, more hospital stays than I care to mention (I actually got MRSA from the latest hospitalization) and with all the drug therapies and surgeries, I am still very sick. The only thing that truly keeps me going is my two young children, who desperately need a healthy, happy mom. I started this diet because I’ve decided to try to heal myself. Im only 2 days in, but I’m hopeful…and a little desperate for something to give me some relief. I pray that you are able to remain strong, especially for your daughter. I have no words of wisdom to offer or any advice about this particular diet, but I wanted to commend you for reaching out and trying to be proactive in your healing. You have given me incentive to work even harder today, not just for me, but for my kids. Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Vanessa.

HI Vanessa, good for you for changing your diet. You may consider a few other things as well, such as digestive enzymes- Also, the help of a practitioner would be very beneficial as well- Please read this article as well:

By: Vanessa I’m a tough case… Thought so. I’m only 26 and was diagnosed with Uc only three weeks after having my first child. I began flaring when I was only 2 months pregnant and went without any care until after having my baby and colonoscopies and drugs were not an option. When my son was three weeks old I was hospitalized and diagnose, and I weighed 15lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I’ve been trying scd for a couple months, but the results aren’t quite there yet, although I see some improvements. I’m also in a high dose of Imuran and Prednisone because without them, I can’t seem to keep the bleeding at bay. It’s been a rough road, but I’m trying to do everything I can for my baby.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kate.

The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: Kate So what am I if I got 1 yes and 3 maybes? Though one of those maybes is the paleo question.. And I think that is why the other 2 aren’t yeses anymore.. I eat paleo with no dairy at the moment. I have random loose bowel movements nearly every day, thankfully usually only 1-3, fatigue, brain fog and insomnia. Depression/anxiety and rashes/eczema have improved since paleo. Is SCD the kind of thing I could benefit from?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dave.

HI Dave, thanks for reaching out! We have seen this diet work for many people with varying symptoms and conditions.

While no one can guarantee what will and will not work, we suggest reading this article on your question here:
Many different conditions are related to gut issues and chances are, healing your gut can only help you regain your health.
Please do let us know if we can assist you in any other way.

By: Dave I am desperate in need of help. I am 39 years and I have been suffering with Ulcerated Coilitis for 22 years. Over the years, I have been using Prednisolone but that seemed to stop working so I am now on Dexamethasone and Sulfasalazine tablets. Now nothing seems to be working and I am getting bloody diarrhea about 7-8 times daily with severe cramps and gas. I have lost a lot of weights. Due to the prolonged use of the steroids I have developed diabetes and I am using insulin. I had cataract in both eyes but did surgery. My muscles are very thin and I’m being treated for osteoporosis. Recently I have been hospitalized and was given blood transfusion due to very low blood count.
I am feeling very depressed and hopeless. Recently I have read about SCD and I would like to try it but I am wondering if it would work since my illness has been for a very long time. I have a 14 year old daughter who needs me and I need to live for her.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Richard.

Thanks for sharing Richard! Please look for an email from support@scdlifestyle to follow up on your comment!

By: Richard In reply to Linda.

Slippery Elm works wonders, but what really helped my leaky gut is Gelatin [Knox or Pure Beef} Mix one tablespoon in a couple of oz. of cold water for about a minute then add some Lemon and coconut oil and hot water to make about 8 oz. I did this morning and night for two months and can now eat Meat and eggs and chicken etc. after many years of not being able to.The Gelatin in the SCD Diet is great too. I eat alot of that too. SCD works for me, I modify it a bit but it works, just keep at it with a positive attitude and , Yes lower the Stress Level … is a killer as we know.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to michele.

Hi Michelle, thank for reaching out! I would like to point out the statement on the sales page regarding vegans: “If you do not eat meat, don’t buy this because there aren’t any options for you.” With that being said, we suggest you view this podcast for other options:
