Comments on: Community Creation in 2015 Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:59:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marisa.

Hi Marisa, thanks for reaching out! Diet, lifestyle, and genetic factors can all play a role in our health. We suggest seeking out a program that addresses these factors (not including genetics, of course) and you can read more here:

By: Marisa Hey Steve I had emailed you yesterday. I found out after I emailed you that I have severe inflammation and ulcers in small intestine. The doctor wants to do another regular endoscopy. I had one back in August of last year. It was good. Anyway, what can cause the small intestine to have inflammation and ulcers?

By: Christina This year I WILL pursue and find out what is wrong with my gut. I will NOT take an I DON”T KNOW for an answer anymore!!!! When I was younger, I just took the meds my Dr. gave me because it alleviated most of the pain. Recently, my Allopath (who is not an expert with digestive issues, but tries to help), put me on Armour due to my cortisol being out of whack, digestive enzymes to aid in digestion, and Xanax to relax my colon. I did good for a year and a half. I’m 5’3 and got up to 120lbs. Funny how us gut sick people jump for joy to gain weight, huh? I stopped my enzymes and Armour because my GI Dr. told me supplements are ridiculous and my TSH was 0.12 and I should not take the thyroid meds. It was not even 6 months later and I was back in the hospital. I put myself back on the med regimen. It didn’t work this time. My colon is too messed up right now. I finally asked my Dr. to test me for anything he has not tested me for yet. So far nothing. Just chronic colitis, chronic ilesuses, and blistering in colon that resembles diverticulitis (but isn’t). I’m so done with patching my symptoms. I’m ready to get more invasive if need be. Honestly, I think I have Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction. I broke my sacrum and pelvis in 6 places when I was 19 from a car wreck. My intestines shut down then too. Had my stomach pumped for three days. Have NOT been able to have normal bowel movements since. Then, I had a C-section to add too the trauma, for a pregnancy I wasn’t supposed to have. But you know us women, if we are told we can’t have babies. We want them even more. I could only have one child and I wouldn’t trade the extra troubles I caused myself….ever. However, I do have to say. I am exhausted from my colon pain and my bowels perpetually shutting down, not emptying for days and then having days of diarrhea, after I finally empty. I WILL MAKE MYSELF FIGHT TO FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON. No matter how many doctors I need to see AND PISS OFF 😉
