Comments on: Recommended Products Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 03 May 2023 22:16:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Joyce Dilman.

Hi Joyce – we’d recommend looking here in the supplement and kids section:

By: Joyce Dilman I am looking for a high quality SCD calcium for my son.
I don’t remember which form of calcium is most easily absorbed.
Also, we need one that is kosher. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Christal.

HI Christal – we really apologize about this! We are actually in the process of revising this entire page. Are you looking for something specific?

By: Christal Hi Guys,
Many of the links on your SCD supplements page for Amazon products are broken. Do you have a list somewhere of the supplements/resources shown above?
Thanks in advance.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Katrina.

Hi Katrina – here is one that we like:

By: Katrina Do you track what you eat using an app? I am struggling with finding the right one. I want one that I can track what I eat (without typing everything in) as well as have an option to output so I can take to a dr. apt. Does such a thing exist?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Karen.

HI Karen – you could check out Thorne Research, as they have some really high quality products.

By: Karen Seeking SCD-complaint calcium citrate. Anybody know where I can find it? My past supplier no longer offers it.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Joni.

Sorry you’re having issues – please try here and refresh the page if needed – IF you have specific supplement questions, you an email us here:

By: Joni None of the headings have any info available, there are not any products shown, only headings. I’ve tried it in 3 different browsers. This page has a problem which is sad because I’d love to read it!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amin.

Hey Amin – technically no artificial colors are “SCD-legal.” If its in a supplement, we’d advise looking for an alternative brand that doesn’t use artificial colors.

By: Amin is fd&c blue #1 an scd legal additive? Thnx!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jeanne Trespicio.

Hi Jeanne – the categories (Like “Books we Love”) aren’t hyperlinks – look for the recommended products below these titles.

By: Jeanne Trespicio I have tried opening this resource page on Chrome and internet explorer and the titles i.e. “Books we Love”, etc. are not hyperlinks and nothing therefore to click on and nothing listed?? Can’t see any products.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Rita.

Hi Rita – so sorry you had an issue with this page.

I recommend you give it a try on a different device or browser. It sounds like you’re having an issue with the page loading.

Hope this helps!

By: Rita I used the site for the supplements. FYI I tried clicking the list above (beginning with Books we love and ending with Kitchen Pro) and nothing comes up. Something is amiss, I fear.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Maria Cantillon Murphy.

Hi Maria – for SCD-legal vitamins we recommend GI Pro Health, but they don’t make a K2 alone. Steve and Jordan have had good results with this K2, even though it isn’t strictly SCD-legal.

This list is really useful for finding vitamins that don’t contain illegal ingredients:

Hope this helps!!

By: Maria Cantillon Murphy Hello,

I am looking for an SCD legal Vitamin K. I see you recommend the Life extension Vitamin K2 above. I’m confused because, the ingredients seem to list “carob color” which is illegal on SCD as far as I know.



By: Ty In reply to Adam.

All food additives are legal. The question isn’t whether something is legal but whether something is healthy or unhealthy. Dextrose is refined sugar which is harmful to your health and if it comes from corn its probably genetically modified unless the corn is certified organic or certified non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Vicki G..

Hi Vicki, please view the article on probiotics here:

By: Vicki G. You talk about using “recommended” probiotics in your information but I haven’t been able to find a list of these anywhere. Where should I look for this list at? Thanks so much!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennifer Reed.

Hi Jennifer, thanks for the suggestions as we will take this into consideration. We strive to do the best for our customers and we appreciate the feedback.

By: Jennifer Reed Dear Jordan and/or Steve,

It would be really great if you would add a sentence or three for each Product about why you recommend that particular brand (and/or formula). It’s relatively easy to find information about the merits of ingredients, but much harder to sift through the hundreds of choices of manufacturers, QUALITY of ingredients, and the synergies or lacks in specific formulas. If you have already settled on these products as your top choices – presumably after much research of your own – it would be SUPER helpful and hugely time-saving if you’d share WHY you chose these particular products above so many other options, particularly relative to the ever-present cost vs. quality question. Example: except for cost (and what’s the trade-off) why do you feature NOW brand MCT oil when Bulletproof’s brand is so widely acknowledged as the highest quality for ingestion by so many other leaders in the next-generation-online-health-resources world (do we have a name for this realm yet)?

Thanks very much,
Jennifer Reed

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rowena Calleja.

Hi Rowena, thanks for reaching out! We highly recommend consulting with your doctor about this, as we are unable to give medical advice. The SCD diet is designed to heal the gut and reduce inflammation with in the body. This is something that is beneficial for nearly everyone experiencing health issues, as many, if not all disease, begins in the gut.

By: Rowena Calleja Hi I am interested in doing your diet. I am a 29 yeard old female. I have been trying anti candida diets for 2 long years. Currently was on the MEVY diet taking probiotics and enzymes and multi vitamins. I saw alot of improvment in my health but still im struggling with diarhoea. I tried glutamine which really helped and my leaky gut got so much better , and my thrush disappeared however I started having severe stomach pains and heartburn which led to oespahgitis. Now im down taking two panrazol a day and zantac. When I tried to stop them even for one day the sypmtoms came back the day after with such a vengeance I ended up at hospital being given intra venous rantonidine. Im lost at what to do next. Should I start your diet or should i wait till im off the proton pump inhibitors medication?

By: Linda Hi,
I’m about to start the Tough Case Meal Plan. Is there a slow cooker that you recommend? Also, what size if I’m generally cooking just for myself? OR – is it legal to make the SCD soup without using a slow cooker? Thanks!

By: stephanie In reply to Khara.

Hi Jordan and Steve,
I am also wondering about coconut aminos – as the people before said it’s from coconut sap. Do you know about coconut sap? Is it molecularly like a simple sugar? I would really like to know the answer to this question as you do recommend it on your site and quite frankly my son loves it when we brown his stews in it.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Mary.

Hi Mary,

Thanks for stopping by and letting us know that you’re starting SCD! Keep us posted =)

By: Mary I am super excited to start this program! I have been doing paleo/primal for a couple years now and have lost significant weight and am feeling better, but still have many symptoms of inflammation. I think that salicylates are part of the problem! Thanks for laying out such a clear, concise plan to track symptoms and progress. Trying to figure it all out alone can be very overwhelming

By: jacqueline Mullally Hi, Another email asked about Iodine. Is it legal? I feel well on it! Took for breast cysts and it seems to be working. Read book ‘The Iodine Crisis’. I take it in liquid form: Lugols. Thanks for this site!!!

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Steven.

Hi Steven,

Thanks for reaching out. Which browser are you using to view our site on? Sometimes older browsers don’t support newer code, so we suggest trying a different one. Hope that helps. If you continue to have problems please email us at and one of our Customer Happiness Engineers will help you out.

By: Steven What is going on with this page – nothing on it, but comments and replies – no products!!!!!!!!!!

By: G I see some Now products here. I am always reading blogs and various websites about scd foods and recipes. I saw this on one of the Q & A with Elaine Gottschall’s answers:

“Fructose or glucose sweeteners (with saccharin, etc) are not really monosaccharides as I have explained before; they are a mixture of many sugars. If you can find pure dextrose it appears that when the name dextrose (actually another name for glucose) appears on something, it may very well be a monosaccharide. However, I cannot keep up with what companies are doing and I am even not sure of this.”

The Now brand has (and I have ordered) Pure Dextrose. The label clearly says it is 100% pure and is a monosaccharide. What I would like to know is the quote above accurate? Did Elaine really say this? Is pure dextrose legal? I read in many other places that dextrose is not legal but as best I can tell it is legal if it is pure. Right?

By: Chris Hey Ashley,
Did you ever get that fecal transplant? I have been curious about doing one myself and would like to know how it turned out. Thanks

By: Khara In reply to Madeline.

Also wondering about this!

By: Lara Messersmith-Glavin Hi –
I want to repeat Madeline’s question about coconut aminos. I have been on strict SCD for a year and a half and would love to include coconut aminos, but two different NDs have told me *absolutely not,* due to the coconut sap being essentially the same as refined sugar. Can you help me understand why it’s included here?

I can’t test things for individual tolerance, as I was unable to achieve any kind of relief from SCD alone and so am on both the diet and remicade. I continue the diet in the hopes that it will heal my gut while the medication keeps my symptoms at bay.


By: T Gregory Oh yea I know supplements arent advised on the intro diet part but I kinda got desperate.

By: T Gregory Hi guys, I have celiac or NCGS. I never got tested since I had went on a gluten free diet already, but for me the test wasnt needed as sick as I get when I accidentally came across it. Since then however, I have developed numerous other intolerances and can now only eat foods in 100 percent natural state. I havn’t had or been able to have (even if I wanted to) any grains at all, eggs (esp egg whites), dairy, nuts or any beans.With each of those I would either get a one to three day immune reaction or in its simplest form,extreme stomache cramping, acid and dizziness.I am pretty sure this points to leaky gut and low stomache acid so I have decided to give SCD a try. Its not too far off of how I have been eating but obviously I have been missing something.

Ill do whatever it takes to get better but I am on day three and my symptoms are crazy burning in the stomache so much Im wondering if I have an ulcer and still tons of dizziness. I also have indigestion, constant burping and heartburn after almost anything, even the broth at times and couldnt even handle the grape juice. I dont know what in the world is going on with my stomache. I feel like its a ball of fire inside me.

I got some betaine hcl with pepsin and mastic gum. Ive also been trying to build up my natural flora with kefir and SCD yogurt and Im afraid that the mastic gum might harm my good bacteria. Do you think I should be concerned about this or is there a particular way I should take it maybe apart from the kefir or yogurt? Does the mastic gum have any use for me if I dont have an ulcer and h pylori? It seems like its made me feel better already and Ive only taken that with the betaine and pepsin. Sorry this was so long but thanks in advance for any help. I just dont trust standard medical treatments anymore and know acid reducers and antibiotics would definately only make me worse.

By: Ashley Hi Jordan and Steve, I’ve followed you guys for a while and appreciate all your work. I have your e-books and have even talked to you at one point over the phone. I have lymphocytic colitis and followed SCD/GAPS/Paleo for several years and was doing quite well… I just got married, however, and the stress of wedding planning the past 7 months, plus job-related stress, has probably set me back a bit.

I suspect I have some hormonal imbalances, too, and would like to get the gut and hormones really optimizes while we begin a “pre-conception” super diet a la WAPF. 🙂 I’m also wondering if I will EVER have the right balance of gut flora, despite doing all I’m doing, so I’m considering fecal transplant. I do have an idea for a potential donor…

So, my questions are: 1) Being a couple of dudes, how experienced are you in the female hormone arena? 🙂 And 2), if I did want to try the fecal transplant thing, would you be able to help me through that process and in getting stool tests on the donor?

Thanks guys!

By: Rana Hi Jordan and Steve,
my husband has celiac, is the multi-vitamin ‘Wellman®’ “free gluten-manufactured in England” legal?. can he take one bell after the main meal?
Thank YOU in advace.

By: Jo Do you have a recommended cleanse? I’m still just not up to par. I thought maybe a cleanse combined with an elimination diet style reintroduction might just be the thing to do.

By: Amy Good morning guys! I haven’t officially started the diet but I have switched to grass fed beed, organic chicken, been drinking the chicken broth for breakfast with the Welch’s jello. I feel so much better with unheard amounts of energy just in the past 3 days of switching!!! Your books leave me with the confidence that I can be successful now! (Tried and quit before healing 3 years ago) I wanted to wait till after my Dr appt tomorrow to begin because I remember the fatigue and other negatives from the Intor Diet and wanted to be at my best for the appt. I am unsure about how to approach my new GI Specialist with the info of the SCD Diet. Any pointers? I was hoping to read about it but seemed to have missed it in the books. Thanks in advance for getting back with me. I need a bit more hand-holding to get through this visit!

By: Kristina Hi guys, I have UC which has been in a flare for about a year now. I noticed that the digestive enzymes you have listed here are from pure encapsulation. How do these differ from the digestive enzymes that are offered by GI pro health? I just noticed a price difference and was wondering if the more expensive ones are worth the extra cost. Also, I am on prednisone right now, and because I am small framed, my bone density test showed that I am low. I am supposed to be taking calcium, but the ones I was taking I just noticed they have corn starch in them. do you know of any scd approved calcium supplements I can take? I didn’t notice any on the GI pro health site. Oh, and one more question. I have leaky gut so I am currently avoiding all four horsemen. Because of that, I need some good probiotics. I am thinking of starting the Scdophilus 3+, but I noticed in another post that you said to start off with one cap a day and slowly increase the dose. I was just wondering what you mean by slowly? Increase every 2 or 4 days, or more like every week? And I was just curious why we need to start off slowly. Will I have gut problems if I start off with a higher dose? I would also like to take something to help with the leaky gut, but I’m not sure which of the three listed products above you recommend for that. I don’t usually get any kind of GERD or heartburn, just lower intestine issues with diarrhea.

By: rocio villasenor Hi, I noticed you don’t have any salt with iodine and no dextrose. Have you found one? Thanks

By: susans Thanks, Jordan…those computer gremlins,,,Now I see it again.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to susans.

Hi Susan, that’s so weird there must have been something wrong with the page, it’s still there:


By: susans I see that you have removed Pepzin GI from your Resources page. I was just about to order some…what are your current thoughts on this product? I have long standing IBS with C.
Thanks guys! You two are doing a tremendous job!!

best to you,

By: Madeline I see coconut aminos on here. I’ve been dying to try them, but after noticing that “coconut sap” was an ingredient, I have been afraid to try, as some say that it may be basically sugar to our bodies. Any insight? Is it really SCD legal?

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Linda Porter.

Honestly, in our experience using them we feel that there’s higher quality products out there that are also SCD legal.

In good health,


By: Linda Porter I don’t see any Freeda products on here. Is there a reason why?
