Comments on: Lazy Man’s Moules Mariniéres (SCD / Paleo Friendly) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 Dec 2017 22:36:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michele Adlam This will be our 1st time cooking mussels (husband &I). I wanted something easy for sanity reasons. I have serious digestive issues and the doctors can not figure out what it is or how to make the symptoms less severe. So, I can change the way I eat. I am a vegetarian, I am switching the family over to a no meat diet. They can have seafood, soy milk, organic eggs etc. So to keep things interesting I’ll be following you. You give simple and accurate directions which makes my life easier. Thanks for the pictures.

By: Lacey Shropshire Just tried mussels for the first time using this recipe, however I did add a dash of lemon juice. I have to say it took me about 15 minutes looking at the stuff before I was actually brave enough to try it. They aren’t as bad as I was suspecting. Next time though I will leave out the lemon.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Stacy.

Welcome Stacy! There’s no restriction on how much you can eat in a day on SCD. Here’s the about page:

In good health,


By: Stacy I’m new to SCD Diet. I’ve been doing low carb off and on since last year and lost 40lb. Since my gallbladder removal surgery last August. I find it harder to lose the weight. I found your site today and will be trying it out. Sorry if this is posted some where, I didn’t catch it, do you have to go by portion size on the SCD or how many carbs allowed a day? Is there a page with all this info? Thank you for your time and this will be a must try recipe 🙂
