Comments on: Is Your Poop Healthy? What Does a Healthy Poop Look Like? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 26 Jun 2015 21:31:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to nia.

Hi Nia. I’m so sorry you’re going through a difficult time right now. Based on what you’ve written, I would recommend you consult with a practitioner who can address your issues one-on-one. You can find one here: You may also want to check out this article, in the meantime:

By: nia Great chart. Had UC- cured with SCD diet 5 yrs ago. Having issues now. There’s nothing on the chart for just water- what do you call that? Is it D or C? Confused as to what to eat. Did your 7 day Flare program and no change. Need answers! Many thanks.

By: Beverly Jordan, That was the best poop talk ever. I’m going to try your diet. I have basically been constipated all my life. I’m 57. In the last 10 yrs I have taken loads of meds, including pain pills. Need I say more? Thanks to you guys for all your work to help people like me. I also have experienced ghost poop. (so disappointing). I normally would put LOL after a comment like that, but it’s no laughing matter. 🙁

By: Jessica I have to confess that I have experienced the “ghost poop” I thought I was the only one! Thanks for sharing!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jan.

@Jan – Thank you so much for introducing yourself! I had the ribs and tried a bit of sauce but not much, Jordan stayed away. He’s a Celiac so he has to be much more careful about contamination. We ate at 21’s and Wholly Cow which were great and I would totally recommend sending people to in Austin, TX

By: Jan Great information…has been a revelation to my husband who has been constipated half his life!

Fun to see you in person at St….s last night & shake Jordan’s hand! The husbands at the table were wondering if you had the ribs or sauce or what exactly could you eat there???? Also are there other places in town that you recommend for those of us doing the SCD diet???

You guys are the best. Thank you for hanging in there and pushing the limits.
