Comments on: The $12 Billion Gluten-Free Health Fad Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:17:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Is this the end of the gluten-free fad? | Scripturient: Blog & Commentary […] ~~~~~ * In the USA, the gluten-free industry is worth about $4.2 billion annually, although several sites suggests it was as high as $12 billion by 2012, up from $10.5 billion in […]

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Lydia.

Hi Lydia, I think the free viewing has ended, but you can still buy the entire conference, in which case you’d have access to my presentation 🙂


By: Lydia Is there a way to still watch your session from the Real Food Summit. I missed it:( and would like to be able to watch the full session that you did. Thank you for your help and your time.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Heidi.

Thanks for the comment Heidi. When I have clients with diarrhea like that, we always do a saliva panel to check for adrenal fatigue, and more importantly low cortisol.

About 85% have been in full blown adrenal fatigue with really low cortisol production. Please read this for more info:

Highly recommend working with someone like us that can get you a saliva hormone panel and interpret the results.

In good health,


By: Heidi I always enjoy listening to you, Jordan. Thanks for all you share.

I have a question about supplementing with HCL when I have UC. I am currently taking a 5ASA called Mesasal and I think I’ve read that one shouldn’t supplement with HCL while on that type of medication.

I also want to comment that when I’m constantly having diarrhea, despite what I do, how can I tell if I’m improving? I fortunately don’t have pain or bloating or gas, just blood and D. At one point I did an organyx disbiosis test which showed SIBO but any diet I follow(GAPS, LOW FODMAPS etc.) doesn’t change anything, in fact I’d say they may make things worse.

Thanks again
