Comments on: SCD Frittata (easy and quick) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 27 Sep 2017 22:04:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lizbeth Oh my goodness! I couldn’t eat this right now, but I have to say, I love your problem solving skills! I was remembering a time very recently when I opened my car door and a grocery bag with eggs came crashing down…smashing them in a similar way. I can’t eat them, but my family can. No use wasting…fish out the shells and make something beautiful out of the mess. I love your statement that we have a choice. We do, don’t we? Even though sometimes we are tired and it doesn’t feel like it. This made me smile. Thanks. 🙂

By: Christina I make one similar to this. We are PALEO but sometimes we splurge. We sauté mushrooms, onions, and broccoli. We mix about 6 eggs and add a dash of heavy Cream(Primal friendly). Add Crushed rosemary or fresh to your liking to egg mixture. Pour over sautéed veggies. Cover pan with glass plate or pan lid and cook about 10 min on 375.
Remove lid and add Fresh grated Parmesan Cheese(Primal Friendly) to your liking. Cook until the cheese is a little brown. Cool about five minutes. Serve a wedge of frittata, topped with sliced fresh tomatoes. Add Avocado slices on the side.
