Comments on: Is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet Outdated? (Making Sense of All the Gut Healing Diets) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:57:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Helen.

Hi Helen – you are exactly right in that each person will be able to tolerate different foods. We’d highly suggest a supplement protocol to kill of the parasites and also the SIBO…along with FODMAP/SCD diet. The SCD diet goes in phases….from the easiest food to digest to harder and this platform. along with eliminating high fodmap foods for a short while, will really help heal the gut. Resources:

If you are in need of a practitioner to assist you in this area, you can go here:

By: Helen What are your thoughts on the FODMAP specific diet for treating SIBO? I’ve had horrible IBS for 9 years since getting my appendix out, and then acquiring a parasite while in hospital (which went undiagnosed for 3yrs). By the time it was diagnosed, I think it caused my gut so much damage, and I now have horrendous problems – but I really think the amount of antibiotics I ended up taking to try and get rid of it has caused me to develop SIBO (I have a lactulose Hydrogen breath test on the way – not sure if I should also do the Glucose test?). Suffice to say I’ve gone back to university and in my final year of my Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics, due to the constant frustration with the medical and dietary approaches to IBS. I’ve found that every diet (SCD, GAPS, FODMAP, RPA elimination all have things I can’t handle – onions and garlic And that family are clearly problems, as are all nuts and legumes. But then weird things like Avocado are a major problem. Coconut flour and desiccated shredded coconut is also off limits, and I can’t understand why honey is ok in the SIBO app as that really makes me sick. The FODMAP specific diet looks like it might be the closest one for me so far, but still would need some tweaking – but that might be the case for everyone? It probably sounds crazy, but I was devastated when my coeliac biopsy was negative – that would have been such a simple answer compared to this… many thanks, Helen

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Anabetica.

HI Anabetica – I’m not aware of the fast track diet, I apologize. If you’d like to email us at you sure can.

By: Anabetica I’ve been eating SCD for at least 8 years now to hel my leaky gut and celiac. But recently developed SIBO and diverticulitis. I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about the Fast Tract diet. I would be really interested to hear your thoughts and to understand the difference. Thanks so much.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to j.

Hi J – thanks for reaching out!

We’re really happy to hear you’ve found SCD and we hope it can help you the way it has helped many other people.

We do recommend you start with the Intro diet. Some people feel better when they switch to just eating SCD-legal foods, but for true healing to occur, we think you need to start with the Intro Diet and then phase in foods.

Our eBook explains how:

By: j I had recently been diagnosed with SIBO. I didn’t have diarrhea or constipation, only pain and took an antibiotic and am still taking a probiotic. I didn’t know anything about any of these diets and I found this diet while researching my diagnosis, but I didn’t start the intro diet. Is that okay? I have been on the SCD diet for 2 weeks. I found out that it takes months to heal, if ever. I have found many recipes from various books. I am amazed how delicious this diet can be without grains, dairy, and sugar. I am anxious to see if there is an improvement in my condition like many people claim.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Karen.

Hi Karen,
Solving Leaky Gut is SCD compliant, and even more restrictive. It combines diet, lifestyle and supplements, whereas the eBook focuses mostly on the diet and some lifestyle. The most updated research is included in the Solving Leaky Gut product whereas the eBook is a few years old now.

The course also provides extra meal plan advice, recipes, and recommendations as well as a quiz to customize each person’s plan. The bundle gives a step by step approach whereas the eBook is more of a higher level overview. The Solving Leaky gut bundle also includes supplemental protocols.
The meal plans are included in the product bundle and are for tough and mild cases specifically.

By: Karen I’ve been looking at the leaky gut diet and have followed the scd in the past. SCD has helped me earlier but not so much now. How do the two fit together? What do you recommend? I’ve had Crohns for 31 years now and am having troubles now due to fistulas that caused sphincter damage as well.

Thanks, karen

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dee.

HI Dee,
I’m really sorry for any confusion about our book. Right now we are only offering our book online in eBook format (PDF file) so that people can instantly download it upon purchase and start the diet as soon as possible. It also helps us get it to more people on the web without dealing with shipping all over the world. It can be read on any computer or using a Kindle, Nook or other eBook readers.
If you do want to print it all off you could download it to a disc or a thumb drive and take it to a library or print shop (like Kinko’s) to print it. I’d like to point out that it is 160 pages so it might not be cost effective depending on the rates. The few folks that have emailed us with printing questions have found that they actually read through the book on their computer and just printed the key parts of the book that they wanted to use in the kitchen. It proved to be cost effective and simple that way and they really enjoyed the flexibility it provided them.

By: Dee hi,
Do you have printed materials that could be mailed out versus online. My mother has colitis and I would like her to hear about this but don’t really want to be that involved with printing out emails and having to listen to her about it. Correct, we aren’t that close and she doesn’t have a computer, she’s 74 and not interested in one.

I will provide her name and address if you have a mailing program for seniors and technophobes.


* this query is not giving permission to send ongoing marketing materials to my email.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marisa.

Hi Marisa, thanks for reaching out! Eating foods you are intolerant or allergic to can make you feel like you have a soar throat all the time. We suggest adjusting your diet to start eliminating these foods and the best place to start is here:

By: Marisa In reply to Connie.

Connie, you said you have LPR and you have a sore throat. I have a sore throat after almost everything I eat. I have had endoscopy and doc says all is fine. My throat is always sore though. Can LPR cause a constant sore throat?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Bethany.

Hi Bethany, thanks for sharing. How has the SCD diet helped you regain your health? We would love to hear more at

By: Bethany I have followed the SCD Lifestyle for a few years now, and it was a great blessing! My husband is a minister, and we have recently come to BANGLADESH and India for a prolonged missions trip. Since we are staying in hotels and other places, we are eating the local cuisine. I have been able to eat a larger variety of foods here, without becoming sick. I feel that it is due, in a large part, to the lack of genetically modified food supply. Most of the grains are locally grown. In countries where rice is the staple food, it was important to me to be able to eat a little because we are guests in many homes, and they may not have other foods available to serve. God bless you all, and thanks for doing what you do!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marie.

Hi Marie,thanks for reaching out! There are many different approaches to attacking SIBO and each practitioner is different. I highly suggest listening in here with Dr. Siebecker, as she is one of the most well recognized pioneers in this area: Also, please read this article here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Connie.

Hi Connie, thanks for reaching out! We have had many find success in your same shoes with the SCD diet and the best place to start is here:

By: Connie I have been on Koufmann’s reflux diet and Norm Robillard’s diet. I have Gerd and Barretts and LPR. Doc says Barretts and LPR very mild. And I have had chronic constipation my whole life. Since doing Robillard’s diet my constipation is worse then ever . I can go some with CALM magnesium. PPI gave me a body rash . I am making an appt with a Integrated functional medicine doctors. I prefer to handle this holistically. Would the SCD work for gastro issues? I get very little pain. It is mainly a sore throat from LPR and constipation. Thanks Connie

By: Sarah I agree with Leda, it does seem to be more of a marketing ploy. Especially when we have followed GAPS for three years and seen amazing results from just simply following the diet. As you said, SCD is what GAPS is based on, and your 8 pillars that you describe above are exactly what are covered in the book that is only a $30 investment. I’m not sure what the cost of your program is, but if it is helping people I am glad for it as I know a lot of people do need individual help which is often very hard to find. I do agree with you however about the paleo autoimmune diet. I feel that that is not getting at the root cause and just deceptive to helping people heal.

By: Marie How do you approach SIBO? So difficult to ease the bloat when every thing you eat bloats you sometimes even water !
