Comments on: The Ultimate Digestive Troubleshooting Guide: What to Do When Diet Isn’t Helping Your Stomach Problems Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:06:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tommy Thomas.

Ho Tommy – we will send the comment through so other’s can comment with their own experiences:)

By: Tommy Thomas I have been diagonsed to have LARS (Lower Anterior Resection Syndrome) due to after effects of surgery and radiation back in 1990. I had surgery a year ago in January to remove a noncancerous polpys at the rectum and the surgeon removed the scared tissue from the original surgery and an ileostomy while the gut healed. I then had surgery in May to reverse the ileostomy and now I have the issue that with the shortened colon, everything passes through the digestive tract too quickly and not enough liquid is removed. The only relief I seem to be able to get is through the use of Immodium and activated charcoal. Diet does not seem to that big an impact but I have not gone hog wild and gorge on everything. There must be lots of people out there with the same issue and I wonder how they are dealing with it?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sharon.

Hi Sharon – I think your doing the right thing by talking with your doctor and getting some further tests done. Changing you diet will certainly not hurt….your body clearly doesn’t so well with high amounts of fat (and of course sugar). You can try some digestive enzymes too to see if that helps any. IF you want to get started on dietary changes, you can begin here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ty.

Hi Ty – We’d suggest testing out your HCL levels…but AFTER you consult iwth your physician as you can’t take betaine HCL if you are on acid medications. Here is some information you can discuss with your physician:
The test is called the Heidelberg capsule test and you can ask you practitioner for administration details. Also, please read here on how to test it yourself:

How and what Betaine HCL to supplement with:

By: Jan In reply to Jan.

I guess yoir site doesn’t like my emojis. Please deleat (or ignore) all the question marks

By: Jan Thanks for the great article Jordan! ?? ? Much appreciared. More food for thought and trials. Your encouragement is much needed and appreciated to keep me on the streight and narrow, with chin up and focus maintained. ???????

By: Ty Hi, For twenty yrs i have been taking lanzaprozole for acid reflux. In the last three or four yrs i have been getting heart palpations but doctors have said my heart is fine, although they prescribed a beta blocker. Could the whole thing be linked and is there something else i can try as twenty yrs is too long to be suffering what im going through. Thanks so much for reading this. Ty.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nichola Coughlin.

Hi Nichola – As far as the metal toxicity, this can certainly wreak havoc on the system and should be looked into. how is your diet? If you’re feeding the bad bacteria, SIBO will persist so it’s important you’re on a gut healing diet as well. IF you’d like to consult with a practitioner about the metal toxicity, we recommend going here:

By: Sharon hello, and thanks so much for all of this valuable information! It’s great to know there is a place to go and find useful tips and relevant facts. I developed diverticulosis about 5 years ago, and subsequently have had several very serious flare-ups, which were successfully treated with anti-biotics. This past summer, I began to develop a new condition, which, after 6 months of scrutiny, seems to be directly related to food intake, specifically fats and sugars. If I stay away from those I am relatively normal. I am under the supervision of a Naturopath, and it’s great to be able to show him my results and get his feedback and recommendations. What happens is, after ingesting a “high load” of fats and or sugars, I experience an escalation of blood pressure for several days. It spikes very high, and settles somewhat with rest, but over those few days, is volatile, and rises with little stimulation. After that time, the body seems to recover, with strict food intake, and everything settles down and returns to normal. I have refused blood pressure medication, and am preparing to see a local MD for a full physical, and as much blood work as he will countenance. Any suggestions will be very welcome. Thanks so much for your time.

By: Nichola Coughlin Hi, apart from the root causes mentioned here. I’m wondering if metal toxicity (amalgam fillings) is ever a factor in your experience for low stomach acid not returning to normal?? I also have SIBO no doubt due to low stomach acid. I have completed a course of antimicrobials and I have taken the recommended betaine HCL /pepsin and enzymes, sometimes upto 17x700mg caps per protein meal but I still can’t get my stomach acid back to normal to keep the SIBO at bay and get my digestion flowing. Any thoughts?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Linda.

Hi Linda, we are unable to give medical advice and suggest consulting with your physician on the current question.

By: Linda I have major problems with my heart and vascular system and a whole bunch of other stuff d/t chemo/ radiation I had years ago. I have cardiac cachexia and its causes mal absorption. I did have a Lipaise blood level done and it shows its very low at 7. If I took Lipaise enzymes, do you think it would help me? and what foods contain it?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Wendy.

Hi Wendy, thanks for reaching out! Starting the SCD diet would be a great start as well as staying away from high histamine foods (includes left over meat). Secondly, you may consider a DAO enzyme that helps you body break down histamines. And lastly, it would be a good idea to get some functional medicine testing done, as often times there is a root cause of histamine intolerance.

By: Wendy I have searched the website for information on histamine intolerance and can’t find many recommendations. I have tried GAPS unsuccessfully for two years, even though dairy, egg, nut and fruit free, only to find out recently I had multiple bacterial infections and parasites and SIBO. Listening to the pain as Jordan said and asking for more tests was good. I feel like I may finally have some hope now, because I spent the winter getting treated and now test negative, which is fabulous, hooray!

But there is lot of healing to do. My small intestinal inflammation is off the chart and I am sensitive to salicylate, histamines/amines, and FODMAP. I found lots of great info on SCD lifestyle with salycilate and FODMAP accommodations, but not much on amines. I am so raw now, eating any meat causes releases of histamine, eggs are a definite no, and in fact the process of digestion itself uses histamines. Any suggestions for someone like me? I am starting the intro tomorrow and continue to eat meat, because there is nothing else left to eat, but react throughout the day. I am concerned about the high meat content at the start of the diet. How do I regulate it, and how soon can I up the fat levels so I can eat less protein? Any other suggestions?

Thank you guys so much, you are so encouraging. I have been at this for years, but am determined to be my own health engineer and find a way out and upward. With a heavy portion of prayer, and positive imaging too.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Leslie Cook.

Hi Leslie, thank you for reaching out today. I am sorry to hear of all your struggles thus far. After reading what you have written, my best suggestion is to find a functional medicine practitioner to help you get to the root of the problem. It is important you find a practitioner that you can trust in and that has experience in functional medicine testing. If you are in need of a resource, please go here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kathy.

Hi Kathy. The test is perfectly fine to use and we are looking into why it might say that. Thank you for your patience.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to David.

Hi David, I apologize but we are looking into the reason why is says this. The test it perfectly fine to use and we thank you for your patience.

By: Leslie Cook My problem was induced by antibiotics, not faulty eating, but now I can’t get rid of it. I have eaten whole foods that I make myself for thirty-five years and own a vegetarian cafe which was just voted best vegetarian dining in the county and has a five-star rating in YELP. I only wish I could eat my own foods — I am literally starving for them. In June I was treated for an issue with two antibiotics, Flagyl and Cipro. The Cipro caused a c-diff infection. C-diff was treated, apparently successfully, with a third antibiotic, Vancomycin. I say apparently because I still have all the symptoms, although a colonoscopy in August was normal and a stool specimen showed no evidence of c-diff. Yet I continue to have watery diarrhea and if I try to eat any of the foods I love, it’s likely to be bloody as well. Probiotics were recommended belatedly, and I take VCL#3 – eight capsules daily – which seems to help some, although not right now. The BRAT diet was recommended. The white toast (which I never otherwise ate) made me sick so I pulled that out – got rid of the blood but not the diarrhea. The gastroenterologist prescribed Questrin. Didn’t work. I stumbled on the SCD through the website where I get my probiotics and was very impressed. It made sense to me. Although I am a happy carb person and have never had issues, all those potatoes on the BRAT diet were making me nauseous anyway. I have to tell you, though, SCD isn’t very vegetarian friendly, and vegan? Oh my gosh. So I was excited and hopeful and started out with the original diet, including the homemade 24 hour yogurt, which I loved! And I thought, if this works, I’ll develop a vegetarian version and maybe even a vegan version and put it on my blog. As of the present time – five days – it’s not working, and I’m very discouraged about the possibility of doing something for vegans – and even vegetarians. If the SCD doesn’t work as originally put out, you suggest to first get rid of the dairy, which I did. That leaves me with eggs — and so many eggs are making me nauseous. If I take that out, that makes me vegan, and honestly, I can’t see how to do this diet as a vegan. I’m losing a lot of weight because I just cannot get enough calories from what is left that I can eat. My heart pounds, I’m tired and often dizzy – and I would guess my ketones are through the roof. Nonetheless, I love your website and materials – well done! and appreciate all the information you provide. I am on the verge of giving it up though and would certainly appreciate any thoughts you have. I am going to try to get in touch with a dr. of functional medicine in the area and see if I can afford to see her, because you’re right – you cannot do this alone, especially if you run into complications. I am starved and want to eat one of my own delicious meals but can’t and don’t know what to do at this point.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Joline.

Hi Joline,

Solving Leaky Gut is SCD compliant, and even more restrictive. It combines diet, lifestyle and specific supplement protocols, whereas the eBook focuses mostly on the diet and some lifestyle. The most updated research is included in the Solving Leaky Gut product whereas the eBook is a few years old now.

The course also provides extra meal plan advice, recipes, and recommendations as well as a quiz to customize each person’s plan. The course gives a step by step approach whereas the eBook is more of a higher level overview.

Typically, people will have the best success choosing to follow one or the other as there a some differences.

Hope that helps!

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Becky.

Hi Becky,

Thanks for reaching out. We’re very grateful to hear that you’re feeling better =) Keep up the great work!

Chris Kresser has a lot of extremely good info on cholesterol on his blog. Here’s one of his posts:

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Valerie.

Hi Valerie,

Thanks for reaching out about your husband. Sorry for any confusion our statement might have created. We suggest working with a skilled Functional Medicine practitioner who has experience working with people in his position. While Betaine HCl may not be right for some in this situation, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t for others. It’s just that there are certain risks involved and we’re not doctors and want people to use caution.

By: Becky I have Hashimoto’s and after making several changes, following a Paleo diet, taking selenium, Betaine with Pepsin, and digestive enzymes, I feel better and my blood work is looking better with the exception of my cholesterol. Eek! HDL: 42, triglycerides went from 153 to only 29′ VLDL went from 54 to r, and LDL jumped from 172 to 218. My Vitamin D levels are low at 29.4. I’ve lost 25 pounds, exercise more and do feel better overall. What do you suggest I change on my paleo diet, (keeping in mind I am allergic to pecans, walnuts, and almonds)?

By: Valerie “If you have a history of ulcers or gastritis, a history of being on corticosteroids (I have to throw that disclaimer out there), then Betaine HCL might not be right for you.”
My husband is in this situation (all three problems, although the ulcer and gastritis have healed). What can he do about it? What digestive “assistance” is there for him? Why were people with this problem not given even a hint of a solution?

By: Joline Thanks for the great post. I’m getting ready to start your Solving Leaky Gut program. Wondering if your e-book “SCD Lifestyle Solution Package” would be good to supplement the leaky gut program. Is the leaky gut tough case diet basically the SCD diet?

By: David Good column Jordan. In regards to the #401 test, I do not see 401 anywhere. There is a search box on the linked page, and if you search on 401 you come up with nothing. What is the name of the 401 test? Is it this one? And BTW, it does say DO NOT USE!!

GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori Antigen-BioHealth KIT-DO NOT USE

By: Christina This is SO timely and encouraging. I’ve been stuck on stage 4 of GAPS for months now (as self determined by experimenting with diet as you’ve described in this post), and recently found a naturopath to work with and did a stool test and some lab work (no results yet). You guys are the most encouraging people I’ve ever encountered in this difficult journey of digestive problems. Thanks for doing what you do!

By: Kathy In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thank you for answering, Lori Jo. I just checked the page again (the link you placed “if you can’t find a practitioner you can order one here” and on that page, here is what the third test says:
GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori Antigen-BioHealth KIT-DO NOT USE

Is this the test one should order?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jeanne.

HI jeanne, thank you for reaching out! We definitely suggest getting your little one in to see a practitioner that is trained in functional medicine and can run some tests or get him on some supplements to help him.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kathy.

Hi Kathy, thank you for reaching out! I am not seeing the same thing you are. Perhaps, you need to switch or refresh your browser.

By: Jeanne Thanks! I totally needed to read this. I am feeling much better being on a real food diet, but at the same time, I know there are still somethings going on. Hormonal imbalance from pregnancy and breastfeeding with acne that will not go away. KP (chicken skin) my whole life and still at 26. Acid reflux that doctors wanted to just cover up…thankfully has gotten so much better since getting rid of junk food, but still think I may have low stomach acid. 🙁 I really am going to try to find a doctor who can help me with what to do next. It is so frustrating. Not to mention, my 21 month old son who had reflux and possibly intolerances and crazy stomach issues since a baby and still is having lots of loose weird undigested food stools as well as KP. I can’t figure it out. I wonder if he has low stomach acid. Do you have any suggestions for helping a toddler with low stomach acid?

By: adele engel I have struggled with digestion since I was a child with bloating and constipation being the main issues. These can last for a month at a time. They almost always happen when travelling.
I have just come off of 3 gluten free weeks and have re-introduced it with no change.
I have done the elimination diet without any foods seeming to be the culprit.
I take probiotics, digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s.
I eat a semi paleo diet with an emphasis on small meat portions
I am a very modest drinker of coffee (usually one cup per day but a maximum of 2 and that happens very rarely)
I am a modest drinker of alcohol
Dr’s put me on PPI and this didn’t help
I’ve experimented with Increasing stomach acid bit stopped when I felt that I developed a low level of reflux….I think this will be my next “experiment” and that I will continue to take HCL for a longer period of time…there is no evidence of undigested food……and so this ahs been a 7 year intensive journey of discovery and at best, I do have short bursts of reprive.
I drink a great deal of smoothies with superfoods

By: Kathy While I really appreciate your offering a BioHealth #401H stool test, why does it say “DO NOT USE” on that page?
