Comments on: Big Picture: Evaluating Your Digestive Healing Plan Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:27:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Ferry.

Hi Ferry, I’m so sorry to hear about your son.

The first thing I would do is have him eat the SCD chicken soup for 1-2 days and make sure he’s taking digestive enzymes to help digest the fats.

Then next thing I’d do ASAP is get a Metametrix DNA/PCR stool test to see if he has a bacteria/parasite infection. It sounds like he does, get this test ASAP:

I believe in you!


By: Ferry Hello, I am extremely worried about my 8 year old son. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in January 2012, but was experiencing problems well before then.

It all started with an abscess on his bottom in September 2011, which after courses of antibiotics, did not clear up. The doctors then confirmed that it was actually a fistula and not an abscess in January 2012.

In February 2012, they inserted a seton tube to drain the fistula of pus but to this day, I have noticed that pus (yellow discharge) is still draining but not as much as before. (It has been 8 months since he has had seton tube inserted). He had a MRI Scan on 20/4/12 which confirmed that he had more than one fistula. (Results of MRI Scan showed he has 3 fistulas).

During April 2012 – May 2012, my son was on a milk diet for 6 weeks, where he was not allowed any food, except this predigested milk and jelly and ice poles. The doctor mentioned that this milk diet would allow his bowels to have a rest and heal, however when he starts eating again the symptoms of Crohns Disease would return, and the treatment they offer is immunosuppresants to deal with this. I am not happy to use immunosuppressants as there are too may side effects.

I slowly introduced foods on the 16th of May 2012, however, I am extremely worried about Ahmed, as I have noticed that now that he is eating foods again, like the doctors said, his symptoms have returned. He is complaining of stomach cramps and pains. When he eats, I have noticed that he has to stop in the middle of eating and lie down for a good few minutes due to his stomach cramps/pains. He then returns to his food to finish it. But by that time his food has gone cold.

At the moment, Oct 2012, he is going through a flare up, he gets terrible abdominal pains/spasms, bloating anytime of the day now. I feel so helpless and would be grateful for any advice that you can give me, especially which foods he should eat during flare up for breakfast, lunch and supper. Do u have any advice re elemental diet as at present I am reading a book by Prof John Hunter stating that diet can significantly help crohns.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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