Comments on: 5 Tips to Stop Cheating on Your Diet Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 27 May 2023 14:48:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Create Account The point of view of your article has taught me a lot, and I already know how to improve the paper on gate.oi, thank you.

By: Estelle This is a great article and has helped. Thanks for the app links. Im only new to SCD, I feel off course, and learnt from my mistake, and had a huge attitude shift, recently. I am now recomitted, and realise I need to take responsibility for my health and not rely to heavily on others, whom this does effect.

By: Maria Been with ulcerative colitis for two years now and my biggest battle that I face is having an unsupportive family. I am 18 and still living at home (full time student) and both my parents and siblings refuse to alter or change their diets to provide me with some support. My dad is the healthiest eater in the family yet will encourage me to cheat because he feels as if I’m being deprived of all the joys normal children have. No, I’m not perfect but I’d say I stick to the diet 95% of the time – I’m a hormonal teenager, sometimes that spoonful of icecream feels necessary when I’m down. If I could did our fridges and pantries of all the chocolate, chips and processed foods it would be such a large help and motivational boost yet mum refuses to budge. Might I add, over the past year as a family we have gotten generally healthier but no where near enough for me to start healing and getting better. I’m out of all ideas, I don’t know what to do. I know all will be fixed once I move out but realistically that can never happen. I’m forced to lock myself in my room instead to eliminate the temptation of wandering into the kitchen when hungry…not to mention my colitis does get worse with stress and the lack of support I endure could easily be the biggest issue on my mind.

By: Kyle In reply to barb.


Many of us have had colitis for many many years… going on 8years for me. I’ve never been in remission once. I started SCD over a year ago and believe it has help me from staying out of a hospital, but hasn’t relieved me from my symptoms… I’m basically stuck on the all meat diet… and I can eat eggs, spinach, ched, and testing scd yog again. I’m still not normal, just “liveable”. Any of the fodmaps foods… are a big no no. I combined fodmaps with SCD. I’ve tried everything under the sun to try to get me into remission/”cure” me, but nothing as of yet. And on top of that my doc believes I had a candida infestation because my whole body itched for literally 6months after taking a round of Xifaxan for 6days… So if you think colitis is bad, add on top itching non stop for 6months and not being able to sleep.

I did find God in the middle of this, and He has helped me stay positive. I know I will find my “cure”. I just haven’t found the right tweak yet for it all to fall into place.

Hang in there. This is a terrible disease, but it is defeatable. Keep trying new things and researching. And I believe there is a reason for everything…

Take care.

By: barb my problem is that I have gone from eating all processed food/fast food etc. etc. to eating very healthy with no results!! I am on entocort yet any new food I add even if healthy still triggers a flare. I am frustrated, depressed and when that happens I end up eating a nut butter muffin which triggers nauseas but I don’t care. I just want some food besides the daily beef, bison or chicken and green beans or carrots. I was eating SCD yogurt 3x a day and now cannot tolerate it. UGH! I don’t even want to get up in the morning cause I have no idea what to eat anymore. I am at a loss. don’t want to be here anymore as you get no help from the specialists except saying they can take out your colon. I have lymphocytic colitis since jan and went SCD march with a few cheats then completely SCD starting may and still cannot increase any additional foods. Whats the deal here? what am I missing? I believe only the really mentally strong can do this diet. I am not mentally strong suffer from depression for years due to thyroid disease for 16 years. Not on any antidepressants as the SCD put the fear of god in me to not take anything with sugar or lactose. any thoughts would be appreciated thxs

By: Kessa This was a great post, thanks. I usually just read without commenting but Nancy’s concern for her 15 year old caught my attention. Parenting is hard enough without adding oversight of a restrictive diet to the mix. Steven’s advice is good and practical. I recently got an interesting ebook for kids and teens who have food restrictions (like with GAPS, SCD, Paleo, anything). It was written by a teen who has been dealing with this lifestyle for years. It had a lot of helpful ideas and good advice for teens and is written FOR teens. My kids often more readily take advice from their peers and it was a great find for my house (who wouldn’t get tired of hearing mom say the same things over and over?!). It’s just a couple of bucks on Amazon. I don’t have anything to do with the book, just passing on something that might help.

By: Steven Wright In reply to nancy.

My best advise is to be and act the way you wish him too and inspire him. Don’t push to much and instead talk about how you enjoy eating a diet similar to his and make delicious foods that will be hard to resist. He’ll likely keep testing the boundaries as he’s a kid. So to protect him I’d encourage you to get advanced testing to make sure he has robust Thyroid, Adrenal and Sex hormone status. I haven’t seen a an IBD person with good levels of cortisol yet, I’m starting to believe it’s the pink elephant in the room regarding inflamed digestive tracts.

By: gennet russom i start scd 4 month a go i am feeling good ones a one i get flare up but it is hard to stick with the diet i like beard so when i see my family eat beard i break my promise I REALLY needed this. I have been starting Thank you!

By: Janet Yes, it’s sometimes hard to stick with the diet, but feeling good is the payoff. And it only takes a small reminder of the “bad stuff” to get me back on track. I’ve only been at this for a couple of months, but every day I find new, delicious, HEALTHFUL things to eat. It’s getting easier.

By: nancy How do i get my 15 year old to stick to the diet. He would do anything to get out of pain and stay out of the hospital when he was diagnosed at 9 years old. Now at 15 one of his defense mechanisms is to ignore and forget. Its his way of dealing with it. But at 15 thats what the kids do they go out to eat. Yes he does stick pretty good to the diet, but the little bit of cheating is now starting to catch up to him. I’m afraid hes going to have to crash again just to realize how important all of this is. But if he crashes again, im worried the damage would be irreversable. To date he has not had any surgeries, and have been off of meds since he was 11 years old. His last blood work his crp and sed rate were elevated and iron was very low. I am currently try to get him on track so we can have the blood work done again. any advice is appreciated.
