Comments on: Why You Are A Health Hero & What To Do With This Energy Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 31 May 2023 17:52:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: gateio I may need your help. I tried many ways but couldn’t solve it, but after reading your article, I think you have a way to help me. I’m looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

By: Log in The point of view of your article has taught me a lot, and I already know how to improve the paper on gate.oi, thank you.

By: Don Busch This article by Steve really hit home; as if he were speaking directly to me. I fought off tears as his words hit me so powerfully. I’m that internal person needing to bust out and share my experiences with others. Like Cynthia Paqualli, I too have a story to tell; where I can guide people from not making many of the same mistakes I did as I struggled to find my health. This course really sounded perfect. When I discovered it would take 2 years to complete, my hopes dropped somewhat; as I am already 68 years old. I live on a small income and was excited to think I could make extra income doing what I always had a passion for. Unfortunately, I don’t have the financial means to do this. It sounded so good! Anyway, you guys are doing a great job, and you will help so many on your journey. Be well.
