Comments on: The Emergency Reset Protocol – What to Do When You’re Having a Setback Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:02:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Carol.

Carol, thanks so much for commenting. We have an amazing community of fellow-SCD’ers here and we are very grateful you are part of it! Setbacks and flares are a frustrating part of the journey, but they are inevitable when customizing the diet to make it work for you. If you ever need more support, have questions, or want advice, send us an email at

By: Carol Thank you so much for your advice and for speaking with so much knowledge and from your heart. I’ve been in this journey for over 2 years and the setbacks have been very awful because I do exactly what you are describing. Hopefully I won’t have more set backs but if I were to have one, I will remember your advise. Sometimes this feels like such a lonely journey and it’s very comforting to know that there are many people in the same path succeeding and sharing their knowledge and encouragement just like you. Thank you 🙂

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Amberly.

Hi Amberly, if you feel you are reacting to the gelatin, go ahead and omit it for now. Please take some digestive enzymes for the diarrhea as well and also test to see if you are reacting to the eggs as well. We do not suggest introducing the SCD yogurt until you have done some more healing and your body is ready for it.

By: Amberly I started SCD about a month ago and immediately developed profuse watery diarrhea. After about 3 weeks of trial and error, I discovered it was being caused by the gelatin in the chicken soups. (And sometimes I was adding Great Lakes gelatin or collagen.) It is not as bad if I eat yogurt or a lot of meat with it; when it’s just the broth is the worst.

Any idea what is causing this? Is this a healing reaction or should I avoid gelatin/broths?

By: Irene Priscilla, I am also treating Sibo and have been really sick for about 4 days & I hope Jordan’s estimate for 7 days applies to me. I’ve been crying a lot. Also, a headache from hell, nausea, diarrhea, depression, cold hands and feet and so much frustration!!! E-mail again if you read this and maybe we can help each other. Feel better.

By: priscilla Jordan, this is exactly what i needed to hear today. I am in a bad setback with my SIBO. Its scary and i was feeling scared. Because this past year i almost died from it. This video was very reassuring and calming. Your right about staying away from the Google death spiral . I know whats wrong i just need to keep calm and rest, go back to the chicken soup, eat very basic non irritating food for a few says. And rest in the comfort of your words. Thank you again for this comforting and reassuring video. ~Priscilla

By: Irene Thank you Jordan. I’ve been guilty of all those setback issues that you discussed. Your talk was very reassuring when I feel so alone in this process when others don’t understand how difficult this journey can be.

By: sandy Wonderful advice, also for other types of setback not just for those with sudden bad health, but also dealing with failing to meet criteria (as in blood sugar goals) or falling off the good-diet wagon. I had almost forgotten that things will not go perfectly, but am better armed to handle it now. Thanks!
