Comments on: Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 10 – Starting a New Beginning! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 May 2015 16:57:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Wright Kat – Thanks so much for the support and being such a great asset to the SCD community, I referance your blog often! Just out of curiosity how long did you normally go “low-carb” SCD ?

By: Kat Hi Steve,
Glad to see you managed ok even with the move. In my early SCD days I was cooking in my garage using an electric wok because of kitchen renovations. A lot of people say the diet is hard to follow, it is, but it can be done.

About the fruit and honey thing. I did fall back on low-carb SCD quite a few times because of symptoms. It did help tremendously as well as cutting back on nuts (which I tended to bake with lots of honey too).
