Comments on: SCD Legal Spices: Frontier Simply Organic… Spice Up Your Life! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 13 Dec 2017 23:12:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Barbara Willenborg.

HI – you’re correct that cinnamon is legal so you can assume this ingredient is as well. The real test is how you do when you consume it:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Barbara Willenborg.

Hi Barbara – there are a few different ways to get a hold of us:) You can comment on any blog article (below the article), email us at or ask a question on our FB page here:

By: Barbara Willenborg I left a question on this chat group but don’t see it here or an answer. How do I join this group?
What “tab” is it under in the scd lifestyle website?

By: Barbara Willenborg I adore this tea called Sweet &Spicy from good earth. They said it had “refined”?cinnamon bark in it. I noticed an earlier question about this with no answer. Cinnamon IS bark… yet it’s legal. I’m confused

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mary.

HI Mary – if it’s between that or chips (or something like that) yes, please choose the apple gate hotdogs. Just do the best you can with what you’re working with:)

By: Mary So is it ok to have the organic hot dogs from apple gate farms? That would be the only fast good I would fee able to give my son… i am working hard to prepare for this diet. But it is so overwhelming. Please help! There are so many restrictions and my son is picky a it is

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ami.

Hi Ami – we aren’t sure about this question.

We always advocate reaching out the manufacturer and asking questions!

Good luck 🙂

By: Ami he, im doing research i heard simply organic is sourced not in North America ?? any idea.. i have these spices as well & am curious now, thnx

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to virginia.

Hi Virginia, thanks for commenting. You can find info on all legal and illegal foods, including ham and hotdogs here:
Ham and hotdogs can be illegal or legal, depending on how they are prepared.

By: virginia Hi Gina,
I’m new to this but I did read somewhere that processed ham and hotdogs are not legal. It is in the books/literature that I bought from SCD. It is not listed on the list for “Breaking the Vicious Cycle”. I could be wrong, but I do remember reading it. Hope this helps.

By: Gina Hi,

I have heard that in November 2014 the FDA made a new rule that you can’t call your produce “Organic” if it had silicon dioxide in it since it is a man-made product. Companies are using rice hulls instead so they can still call their product organic. There is talk on the pecanbread yahoo user group about applegate farm hot dogs. They do contain “illegal” ingredients (Onion Powder) etc. that probably has the anti-caking agent in them. This is very important information if it is in fact true. We have been on the diet for about a month now and re-introduced the hot dogs thinking they were ok and I noticed some behaviors that were better, had returned a bit. So I am guessing that it is true that even a little is not ok when it comes to “illegals”. Not sure about the labeling of flow agents if they “have” to put it on the label if it is less then a certain percentage? Does anyone know what the law is on this? Thank you

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Becky.

Hi Becky, thanks for reaching out! Other ingredients, as well as the way the substance is processed must be taken into consideration as well. Please find a complete list of legal and illegal foods here with descriptions:

By: Becky If bark teas are illegal, how is cinnamon (a bark) legal?

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to marianne.

I’m not sure, and it’s hard because we can’t ask her.

It might have more to do with the anti-nutrients that are in seeds in general, which can be tough on the digestive system.

In good health,


By: marianne I do not see want is wrong with pure fenugreek powder, because it’s made(as you know) from the seeds of fenugreek, which is a herb. So, I do not understand, why it’s on the illegal list of Elaine. (only because you can produce other substances from this powder??)

By: Carol Frilegh Pointing out again. We know Frontier to be a good source for spices, but just a reminder that email does not suffice for a food processor or distributor to verify ingredients. If you want to be truly legal for your readers a letter on company letterhead, signed and mailed or faxed is the best way to go.

This was mentioned before in regard to Shelton’s products. If you are sharing what seems good to you with your followers, that seems fine, but they should be aware that there are only a few processed commercial store bought products that were approved before Elaine’s death or by the aforementioned procedure after. Hope you guys are healing well!

By: Steven Wright Carol – I fixed the post above, thanks for pointing out that most curry powders are illegal I missed the fenugreek that is added into their product.

By: Carol Frilegh You currently own and use several frontier products including their pure vanilla extract, simply organic cinnamon, chipotle pepper, simply organic basil, simply organic oregano and simply organic curry powder.

Curry powder is a mixed spice and not legal.

SCD 10 years
