Comments on: How to Take Epic Epsom Salt Baths Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:42:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Beth.

Oh No! Just make it as hot as you can stand it – and if for you that means room temperature, that is OK:)

By: Beth In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thanks, Lori. I’ve tried an Epsom salt bath without the essential oils, as you suggested, without any problems, as well as one with the addition of lavender, which was also fine. So, the culprit is probably one of the other essential oils I tried before.

With regard to your recommendation about making the bath as hot as is bearable, I have found I cannot tolerate a very hot bath. I’ve started with the water at a lower temperature and then added hot water when I was in the bath. I felt quite ill very soon after I raised the temperature of the bath, and had to get out quite quickly. It definitely wasn’t relaxing, unfortunately!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Beth.

Hi Beth – it’s hard to say if it was the oils ou reacted to or not. We’d try leaving the oils out next time and see how you do then.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Glynn.

Hi Glynn – it is always a good idea to rinse off with clean water after an epsom salt bath (especially if you used essential oils in the bath, too!)

By: Glynn In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hello,Have a question that may be silly but are you supposed to rinse off your bottom with freshwater after soaking it in Epson salt bath?

By: Beth As I write this, I’m lying in an Epsom Salts bath and have been for about half an hour or so. I also added bicarb and some essential oils (lavender, rosemary, lime and bergamot). The bath was warm, but not hot, when I got in (got a bit distracted beforehand, so got cooler than I would have liked). Its now lukewarm. My back started burning about 5 to 10 minutes ago, and although I sat up in the water just after starting to write this, the burning has become quite painful, especially where my wet long hair is hanging against it. I’m going to finish my bath and get out as soon as I publish this, but I wanted to find out if you could tell me why I would have this problem. Could the Epsom salts cause it? If so, why?

By: JB Hi Steven…Great article.Very informative.I have been diagonised BPH.Since last 2 weeks am taking sitz bath along with prescribed medicine.I added Epsom salt..its great.I do kegel exercise while seating in Epsom hot water.Found very invigorating soothing and beneficial for bph.

By: Kathy In reply to Michelle.

I to have had planter fasciitis but since I tried Jordens idea and SCD lifestyle a little bit of fish every day say for breakfast and a no nightshade foods I’m off all supplements for pain. I was purchasing 2 bottles of USANA brand Proflavinol C for natural pain management but now I don’t need any. A save of over $100 , I now put that into buying a full salmon cutting it into my size portions to freeze and having this every day has got rid of most of that hideous pain. Now I sleep better too. It’s worth a try. I think Jordan suggested shrimp. I take it any deep sea fish would do it.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Charani.

HI Charani, we don’t recommend adding soap to the bath while you are soaking, but you can wash off with soap at the end of the bath. More research is needed regarding how soap effects the role of the oils so it’s best not to mix the two while actively soaking.

By: Charani Wat all you is correct but i have a question.
I wanted to use epsom salt daily for my bath purpose but without using soap daily it seems to be incomplete for me. But it is clearly mentioned not to use soap so am really confused how to use epsom salt daily?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Suzanne.

Hi Suzanne – thanks for reaching out. I’m really sorry you had this experience. We advise you go to the doctor regarding the pain in your kidney – an epsom salt bath should not cause these kinds of symptoms. It can lower your blood pressure, so if you already have low blood pressure it might not be the best choice for you right now.

By: Suzanne This was my second time using Epsom salts in my bath. I used two cups. After about 20mins, I got a sharp cramp on the left side of my torso. I had to immediately sit down, felt very dizzy and nauseous. This stopped after about 5/10mins. I then felt a pain in the lower right hand side of my back (kidneys). My hands and feet were very cold. I decided to go to bed for a few hours. I still have the pain in my kidney! Can anyone let me know if they have had this type of experience. Thanks Suzanne

By: Kelly In reply to Carole.

Carole, I like your comment.

By: Sheridan Jackson In reply to Steven Wright.

The heat of vaporization for magnesium would be hundreds or thousands of degrees, so at bath temperature it would remain behind as the water molecules vaporize. However, if you use an ultrasonic vaporizer, dissolved salts would be carried along in the microdroplets emitted. This could be a problem if you use tap water, as you would be introducing into your lungs all the contaminants that might be present. This could be avoided by using distilled water (not “purified”) to make your magnesium solution.
Incidentally, hot tubs are regulated by law to be no hotter than 105F, as cell damage occurs at higher temperatures.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Patty.

That’s interesting Patty. Can you share with us your source for this information? We’d like to research it further

By: Scott In reply to Tracy.

Wow you have mrsa also. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve only known a few people that had mrsa and amputations and a couple that have healed it 100% with Cannabis oils. Look up Rick Simpson oil or canna is oil mrsa. Besides a new ocean sponge found this year in the Antarctica , Cannabis oil is one of the only things in the world that kills mrsa. Which is why it’s so abundant in hospitals. If big pharma has medicine that worked on mrsa we would already know about it. Good luck with your health

By: Patty I disagree with the water temperature. When the water is very hot, a person begins to sweat so at this point no magnesium is able to absorb into the body. If you do use very hot water make sure you stay I the bath until it cools so the body can absorb all the minerals.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Gayle.

Thanks for this suggestion Gayle 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michael.

Hi Michael – we understand your frustration! You might look into a whole-house filter or a filter that goes over your shower faucet.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lea.

Love this tip!! Thank you Lea 🙂

By: Lea I mix my oils into my salt and/or baking soda in a mason jar and it really helps the oils not to sit on top of the water.

By: Michael Good article. Every holistic practitioner I have ever seen has recommended Epsom salt baths. The problem in my area is that the mental midgets in government require fluoride added to the water supply, so I avoid all baths and have even changed my showering habits. I do have a four-stage water filter that removes 98% of all fluoride from my drinking water, but this does not affect my bathing water.

I may try to heat some filtered water on the stove for a foot bath. Our legislators truly are our worst enemies. Please just leave us alone. Sorry to be negative, but this one really sticks in my craw. The government forces us to PAY to poison ourselves. See the recent international study in the UK linking fluoride to hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism just a few years after fluoride was mandated in my water supply, so this is a particular sore spot with me.

By: Gayle YL has a detox Bath recipe that I use. It recommends mixing Epsom salt with baking soda and adding your favorite essential oil to that mixture and stirring. That will keep the essential oils from floating on the top of the water and affecting the more sensitive parts of your body. I will be looking for the vitamin c to add to the mix.
Thanks for the article!

By: Flibberdejibbet In reply to Manik.

I have the same problem. I have even passed out on occasion. Apparently it is due to having low or high blood pressure. There’s heaps of info if you google it, but definitely talk to your doctor about it. Although I have been recommended to have Epsom salt baths, I can only have the water lukewarm and someone has to be home at the same time (so I don’t faint and drown). Hope this helps

By: Varna S I too have a really complex ritual like you.
Generally on weekends after a hectic week I take some time off. And pamper myself.
I light up plenty candles and first soak myself in raw milk bath with some Rose petals… It feels wonderful with my favourite playlist on the background… Then I soak into Epson salt and create ideas..

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Cassandra.

Hi Cassandra – thanks for replying 🙂

I always add my salts hen the bath is filling and give it a good stir (with my hands) to make sure they are dissolved. I don’t add bubble bath but a couple drops of essential oil are a great addition!

As another commented mentioned, adding a lot of baking soda could potentially alter the pH of your vagina – but we don’t have first hand experience with that. I’ve never heard of epsom salts causing pain or tenderness, but it is always best to use your own experience as a gauge of what does and doesn’t work for you

By: Cassandra In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I love Epsom salt baths, but recently noticed that my ‘lady parts’ are very tender. Could it be the Epsom salts were not dissolved properly? Does this take some time? Also I read somewhere of a woman taking an Epsom salt/bubble bath. Sound great but would the bubble bath negate the Epsom salts?

By: Trinity rose Hi everyone. Just wanted to give you some more info on your great epson salt baths. First, if you have sugar diabetes Do NOT use this! My brother did and it caused him to get holes in his feet that never healed. On the back of the bag it say not to use if you have this disease. My pain doctor said you did NOT have to have your whole body in the bath. Just taking the bath affects your complete body. He said it with all the science facts, but all I can remember is just take the bath and all of your body will be happy. I was worried about getting my neck ( have had several surgeries on it) and my low spine which has had problems. So happy bathing! It works wonders for me!!

By: Dana In reply to Manik.

I know this is old post but I have gotten very sick after epsom salt baths. A few times I felt dizzy and in a cold sweat and not well, and recently I got a very bad headache, my eyelids swelled up and I realized I overdosed on Epson Salts magnesium baths. I read that the antidote to magnesium is calcium so I’ve been drinking milk the last 24 hours with a little salt and I feel much much better, though still slightly unwell. So i don’t care what the doctors or convention says, you CAN take in too much magnesium from a bath. My advice is to start with just a little with WARM water and just soak for 10 minutes. See how you feel, drink water and also eat something (don’t do this when fasting), and then wait several days to a week and try again, the same amount/time or increase SLIGHTLY. Everyone has a different disposition. I am really sensitive to things and really do best by getting my nutrients from whole foods.

By: Aletha In reply to Jocelyn Baxter.

It is my understanding that ACV is NOT to be combined with the salts, just as you should not ingest probiotics within an hour before or after the bath. Try the bath with just Epsom salts and see how it goes. Hope this helps!

By: Jane Yay for Aussie baths with no overflows. I’m currently neck deep.
1kg of Epsom salts in about $8 here In oz so not cheap really.

By: Tony Hello! So I can’t believe I just read every single comment/question here while soaking in about 3 to 4 cups of Epsom Salt! Lol At first I was trying to stay in for ten minutes, then 15 and I just realized it’s been an HOUR!!

Anyway, I decided to soak today because I strained a muscle in my lower back. It happened a few weeks ago but because I’m Type 2 diabetic, everything takes FOREVER to heal!

My skin does feel smoother; as the water level has dropped I’ve had a chance to feel my stomach and arms and they are nice and smooth.

I will definitely have to buy the overflow cover, it’s already in my cart. What’s the point of trying to get all the benefits if the whole reason you’re doing this gets drained right away? (Actually, I’ll need to buy two, because even the drain stopper slowly passes water through!)

I’ll try to follow up later or tomorrow and let you guys know how it went. I’m sure it will go fine. I’ve done E.S. Baths before and they felt great for general back fatigue and pain but never an hour and now 5 minutes!

Thanks for the great article, you guys rock!

By: Gina In reply to Michelle.

Yes! My husband has PF and soaks his foot nightly…it has helped alot…as well as the brace he wears at night and the exersizes his doctor gave him to do

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Dionne Mast.

Hi Dionne – you could try that concentration for a foot soak – but more isn’t always better when it comes to a bath. We wouldn’t recommend that strong of a concentration for a full bath.

By: Dionne Mast Just wondering if you have read anything about taking a bath with the full concentration of 2 cups of epsom salt per 1 gallon of water? I know this is good for a small amount. Have you read anything that says a full bath with that much epsom salt can be harmful?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sean.

Hi Sean – thanks for commenting. Epsom salt baths can lower blood pressure in some people. If you have any concerns or are taking blood pressure medications, it is always a good idea to run any new practices by your doctor first. After your doctor gives you the go-ahead, we hope you enjoy a nice warm soak 🙂

By: Sean Hello. I’m new to the forum. I’m about to to try the Epsom salt bath for the first time. It was recommended to me after it was found that I have high levels of metals in my body that are even considered poisoning. My only concern is that the metal toxicity has given me fluctuating levels of blood pressure in which I am on two medications to treat this. Is this still safe for me to do given my scenario?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jen.

Hi Jen – we don’t think so! We say if you enjoy the coconut oil massage afterwards, go for it! Massage has tons of therapeutic benefits. The main benefits of the salt come from absorbing the magnesium in the epsom salt through the skin – having massage oil on your skin AFTER the bath won’t impact this! Have a great bath!! 🙂

By: Jen Do you think that following the bath with massaging some coconut oil infused with some essential oils on the feet and shoulders and other parts of the body would be counterproductive? I love finishing up with a nice coconut oil/essential oil massage but if this could potentially clog pores and compromise the effects of the detox bath I’ll begrudgingly quit doing it;)

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mountain Mama.

That sounds like an amazing practice for the health of your body and your marriage.

Thank you for commenting!

By: Mountain Mama I discovered Epsom salts bath about 2 years ago after a bad marathon race. My feet and legs hurt so bad after the race. Between yoga and baths I am recovered. Now it’s part of our routine. Every other day, my husband and I bathe together in Epsom salts, baking soda, coconut oil and lavender oil. We do not rinse off after. Our primary concern is to soak our midsection belly. It’s been a blessing for our health and our relationship. It’s our time to connect and unplug from the computers. We practice gratitude verbally during the baths.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amy B.

Hi Amy – plantar fasciitis is no fun at all!! We’re so sorry to hear you’re going through that discomfort.

Epsom salt baths can definitely help- and they’re almost free and VERY relaxing! You can soak just your feet or soak your entire body. Epsom slat baths may also help with the charlie horse cramps as well – they are an amazing tool!

Since you have IBS and restless leg syndrome too, we think it would be crazy not to at least give epsom salt baths a try. You can find the salt at most grocery and drug stores.

Hope you’re feeling a lot better very soon!

By: Amy B My name is Amy. I’m a full time waitress and single mom of 2 kids.. I work 9-11 hours a day / 5-6 days a week. Last Friday my heel went out on me and I’ve now been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis which I’m learning is very common with waitresses. My co-workers have all told me to do an Epsom bath for my feet. Monday I was given a cortisone shot and I’m still feeling pain in my heel. I’m limping. Wednesday I went back to the foot dr and he gave me a brace and boot. I also have a high arch and an instep… Please tell me if this will reduce the pain so that I’m not on my tiptoes. I also now get charlie horses from the plantar issue.. And I have IBS and restless leg syndrome.. Will any of these issues help with the Epsom eucalyptus salt bath??? I’ve been a server 21 years… Amy

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jocelyn Baxter.

Hi Jocelyn – we’re so sorry you experienced this! We aren’t familiar with this kind of reaction to an epsom salt bath. Magnesium (in the epsom salt) can have a laxative effect in higher doses, but we aren’t aware of any instances of a bath like the one you’re describing causing diarrhea and vomiting!

We hope it doesn’t happen again. If you’re continuing to feel unwell, we recommend you seek out medical advice.

Maybe some other commenters can share some insights.

By: Jocelyn Baxter Great article and comments! Extremely helpful. Thanks so much for posting. I’m actually going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) and Red Skin Syndrome (RSS), and bathing in epsom salts has been talked about in various blogs that I’ve researched. I took my first epsom salt bath yesterday (09/26/15) afternoon for about 20 min. It was just a combo of 2 cups of epsom salt, plus 1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in. I submerged my entire torso, legs, neck and only the chin area (under the bottom lip). I didn’t digest any of the bath water. Unfortunately, between 1:10 am to 2:30 am, I had a massive GI episode (similar to food poisoning – two separate rounds of vomiting and diarrhea combo. I felt so much better after the second round with no additional episodes). My husband and I theorized that it had to do with the bath, not food related (otherwise, he and my kids would’ve had issues, too, since we all ate the same things all day). Only way to prove it is to repeat the same batch concentration. Anyone know if there could be a correlation to the bath and side affects I experienced? I’m still researching, but all I’ve found so far were side affects relating to “ingesting” (not bathing in) the salts. Thanks in advance!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nalini.

Hi Nalini,

You my have had a reaction to the essential oils you put in the bath.

We recommend you try the bath without any essential oils next time.

I hope this helps and your legs are feeling better!

By: Nalini Hi
I came across your article because I was researching the Internet to find out why the inside upper part of my thighs developed a burning sensation while I was taking an epson salt bath.

I mixed 2 cups of white mountain epson salts with 1/2 cup of Dead Sea Magnesium Salts, a few drops of orange citrus essential oil and a few drops of rosehip oil.

So I quickly got out of the bath rinsed in cool water. The area was still burning and rashy until I dabed some apple cider vinegar on it.

The burning sensation has subsided but there is still indication of a little rash.

Any insight as to what the cause may have been?

Thanks much,

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Shanna.

Hi Shanna thanks for commenting, and your question – we recommend you soak for 15-20 minutes. Then you can rinse off and wash with body wash if you want. Hope this helps!

By: Shanna Hi there,
Sorry this may have been answered further up in the comments, but are the positive effects of Epsom salts lost at all if I soak in the salts briefly, then add my regular body wash to wash myself properly? I’m aware some of the ingredients are not 100% natural, but I’m mainly concerned about diffusing the strength of the salts or the salts losing their effective properties if mixed.

Please advise,


By: phyl I just wanted to say that my massotherapist said it is good to take an epson salt bath after his therapy. You should wait at least one hour or take the bath before bed. He said you do not want to go to sleep without taking a bath because the toxins may be absorbed. When you do soak, you should soak under 20 minutes,15 to 18 is good. This allows the toxins to leave the body. He said that if you soak longer, the toxins may reabsorb.
