Comments on: The Toxic Truth About Gluten-Free Food and Celiac Disease Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 04 Feb 2023 15:44:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gluten Free Diet Foods for 6 Stunning Benefits - […] you are consuming a whole food diet regimen, it is in fact easier to prevent gluten. If you are preparing your very own dishes and […]

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tina C.

HI Tine – you can find many of those articles and more here:

By: Tina C I’m curious where is the scientific data that proves celiac is caused by other grains like rice and quinoa?

It would certainly prove helpful for all of us if these peer-reviewed, scientific studies were listed somewhere. Can you post them?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gary Gomm.

HI Gary – the first step is to heal your gut and then retest on some of these foods. The truth, however, is thatm wheat, gluten and some forms of dairy are inflammatory and not well tolerated and therefore best left out of the diet long term.

By: Gary Gomm Very thorough article, I am allergic to wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, eggs, so when do I stop worrying and just eat something?

By: Audreysherrytop In reply to Angela at

Yes I agree about the glutin free

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cheryl.

Hi Cheryl – buckwheat is a gluten free grain and we therefor don’t recommend it (possibly in small amounts depending upon your situation).

By: Cheryl Is Buckwheat okay to eat?

By: Paul This list needs to add dairy as well which is a HUGE culprit, especially in early celiac disease.

By: Victora In reply to Stephanie.

Hi Stephanie. Recommend you do GAPS introductory . You can put bone broths into feeding tube . You must add sea salt -chloride is needed to make gastric juices specifically HCL which you’re obviously lacking. Also don’t take the fat off the stock it and the gelatin are vital for gut healing.. If you can tolerate butter the buteryic acid aldo aids healing . Coconut oil and lard too. We add a pigs foot to all our stocks -increases gelatin content and vit D . Good luck this will turn your life around.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amy.

Hi Amy – thanks for reaching out.

The breadth of symptoms people have from leaky gut is pretty incredible – from brain fog to joint pain to depression and anxiety to chronic hives to digestive issues. In fact – many people with leaky gut don’t even have digestive symptoms at all and have other symptoms instead.

The best way to learn more is to sign up for our free webinar on the “subtle clues” your body is giving you about your gut health:

By: Amy Question: does anyone else have systemic effects from gluten/SIBO/leaky gut?

I was diagnosed with gluten and soy intolerance and along with gas have lightheadedness at times and anxiety/remors.

By: Julie T Yesterday I went to a woman who has lots of certification in things like herbs, kinesiology and energy work. After telling her my varied symptoms ranging from hair loss and severe insomnia to chronic itchy ear and runny nose (with no allergies detected with prick testing) and last year’s diagnosis of celiac disease, she tested me for my specific sensitivities and needs. The diet she put me on looked very much like what you have outlined here, but even more specific to my body. For example, testing show that for the time being I can only have blueberries and raspberries, only pinto and white beans and lentils, only chicken and fish, only egg whites, goat milk and cheese, etc. And no raw veggies, only steamed. She tested me for specific supplements. She tested me for parasites as well (positive on 3 different tests).

I have tried paleo and other diets designed to heal leaky gut, but none of them helped. Now that I know my specific needs, I can tailor my diet to them. And that is why I found your site in the first place–to find recipes that are me friendly. AND I found all this great supporting information! Thank you!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Wendy.

Hi Wendy – thanks of reaching out. We do recommend following the phases of the diet and not just skipping to the legal/illegal foods.

Have you signed up for one of our free webinars yet? This will help you and your daughter come up with a plan for healing:

By: Wendy My 20 year old daughter was diagnosed with severe (Marsh score 3) coeliac disease in March 2016. Since that time, all gluten has been eliminated from her diet. However, despite not overeating, she is gaining weight at a ridiculous rate – weight in March before her biopsy was 57 kg and now in July it’s 64 kg. I could understand this weight gain if she was overeating, but she isn’t. It is very distressing, particularly as her previous clothes no longer fit. She is upset, and as her Mum I am at a loss about what to do. I have to give her something to eat! Would the SCD diet be something that would help? I have checked out the introductory and early phases and thought it looked very restrictive. Is it necessary to do the early phases if you don’t have bowel problems such as diarrhoea etc?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Rachel.

Hi Rachel – thanks for reaching out 🙂

First – we’re really happy to hear you’re feeling great!

Secondly – it really depends what you mean by gluten-free- of course you’ll need to avoid gluten for life if you have celiac disease. If you’re eating a diet with a lot of other foods that can promote leaky gut (like soy, industrial oils, and other grains) you should attend our free webinar to learn more about what you can do to promote a healthy gut.

If you’re gluten-free, healthy and thriving on a whole-foods diet with plenty of vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, meat, and safe starches – congratulations!

By: Rachel So if I’m gluten free and feeling great with no digestive issues am I still at risk? How do you know if gluten free is good enough for you?

By: Nicole I very much respect the piece written, however, like julie said, my grandmother lived to be 91 with untreated celiac disease. I do believe in some cases it can kill you, but i believe in most just makes your life down right miserable. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease 2 weeks ago, i kinda figured i had it, since going GF as doc still doing the wheat withdrawls and showing some improvement on pain, still have diharea. ( have for years ). Im going to take advice from this page and put it to good use and hopefully i can start to heal my poor guts. Natural diet seems right to me. Thank you for the artical

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kathryn Burton.

Thanks Kathryn!

We’re so glad to know this article helped you.

If you ever have questions or need more support, please don’t hesitate to let us know 🙂

By: Kathryn Burton Just wanted to say thanks heaps for such an awesome article! You really helped me to understand the connections between SIBO, leaky gut and celiacs. Brilliant!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to KC.

Hi KC – it’s awesome to hear we’ve been a resource for you on your healing journey!!!

Congratulations on your newfound health 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to KC.

Hi KC – thank you so much for sharing your experiences, being so positive and honest, and giving such great advice.

We’re grateful to have you as part of this community.

By: KC In reply to Julie.

Hi Julie. Well, my healing isn’t coming from my doctor. He doesn’t really know how to treat me. And all my allergiest/immunologist said was “stay away from these foods.” You have awesome knowledge at your fingertips–the computer. Read the blogs, google any question you have and the internet will lead you to what you need to know. I’m a researcher at heart; a teacher so its easy for me to get info I need because I know what to ask and then research and find. Don’t throw in the towel…ever. In this website and others you may come across, you’ll find healing. Start right here. Read scdlifestyles articles, take notes, print info and take baby steps if you have to, but do something positive and journal whats working and not working for you. Whats people saying in blogs? Those that have celiac, whats their outcomes? Go from there. What supplements are they taking and do you have the same symptoms? You do this and you may surprise yourself with a positive turn-around in your health. That chardonnay may sound good right now, but we know its only a superficial pleasure. Gods healing and peace in Jesus name!

By: KC In reply to Steffanie.

Stephanie and Julie. I highly believe in fermented vegies and a great live probiotic daily. Also, one of the best digestive healers in my opinion and multitudes of others is beef marrow broth. I suggest you google it to obtain info. During an inflammation flare up with my first cup of broth the inflammation, bloating disappeared. Vit D3, L Glutamine, beef marrow broth, probiotics, supplements to cure any infection, digestive enzymes, an adrenal support supplement (if needed), for women-hormone balancing supplements or cream, good quality aloe vera juice, increased water intake, a healthy diet and lifestyle of proper cardio and weight training and Gods grace is helping me tremendously.

By: KC In reply to Jill.

My parents are going to Sacramento (my brothers home) for Thanksgiving and asked me to come. Since being newly diagnosed, but having gluten intolerance for years and only thought I had severe hayfever allergies, I told them I couldn’t go and it all had to do with the foods. They understood. I could’ve made my own stuffing, desserts, etc but don’t want to go through the extra headache and stress of doing different at this time. My sis-in-law, my mom would be cooking regular Thanksgiving and then I’d have to try to prepare my “special” Thanksgiving. No, too many bodies in the kitchen. So, I opted to stay in my town, prepare my own food and heal myself. One day, I’m sure that I would know how to better deal with this type of situation but for now, staying home is my choice. People in my circle have been given some knowledge as to gluten intolerance and the possible outcomes if it’s ignored so they’re understanding. I’ve got a lot more life in me and desire to do it in the best health I can. So, yep taking charge of our health is the only way! Gods healing and peace!

By: KC In reply to KC.

I forgot to add: I have regular normal BM’s now, no constipation as I’m allowing my body and gut to completely heal. No sticky rice (yet). I will re-introduce foods slowly after I’ve had complete healing and get the ok (from the Lord).

By: KC In reply to Tracy.

I’ve been diagnosed with gluten intolerance, and a few food intolerances for about a year now. I’ve come to learn more about this condition better than most mainstream doctors because of the help of the internet. Months ago, out of frustration on a 3 day gluten whatever binge I ate what I wanted UNTIL I awoke and was unusually constipated. No matter what I did, I couldn’t have a BM. I got real scared. I did research. After several days with no BM I turned to drinking liquid magnesium citrate and did it too often over a period of 2 weeks and a hot fire raged in my lower abdomen and then a candida rash across my belly then around my neck…leaky gut, inflammation, candida, stress. I prayed, repented and began to clean up the mess I made through a bad decision of eating gluten and all else. I learned abd. massage to relieve constipation, I de-glutenized myself through good eating choices, increased water intake, supplements, etc. 2 months later and not totally healed so I did more research and low and behold scdlifestyle through Gods direction (Im a Christian minister) I came upon several articles. Vitamin D3 and inflammation, the 3 heads (don’t remember the titles but I printed the info), and info on how grains hinder/damage the gut. I was still eating rice especially since going gluten free and not eating out to my Asian restaurants; I had to learn how to cook my favorite ethnic food-Asian. So, I was still eating sticky rice almost daily. I had become an African American Asian 🙂 This website helped me to my gut healing. I eat MORE paleo now, I know how to better read labels and know that gluten free labels in the USA only mean less than 10 or 20 ppm-which still means possible gluten exposure. The first day I took the appropriate amount of Vit D3 for me, bam! Fire hot abdomen subsided dramatically within 30 mins. Im treating the candida with proper supplements and eating habits, the rash is gone, where it was almost impossible to lose weight my weightloss is occurring (food intolerances, gluten intol., hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue). Anyhoos, I appreciate this website and what you’ve endured Jordan, to be able to share and teach us what you’ve learned through your years of pain and suffering. I pray everyone’s healing in Jesus name.

By: ut=83878c91171338902e0fe0fb97a8c47a http://www.bizlistonline.u Hey! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after reading through some of the post I realized it’s new to me.

Anyways, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking and
checking back often!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to peony.

Hey Peony, thanks for your question! Right now we only offer the book in online format. Sorry about that! You can download the book and print it at a print shop or at home though – it’s about 160 pages. You can also access the book on any e-reader, your smart phone, or your computer.

Hope this information helps! Let us know if you have more questions >>>>

By: peony I would love to order this book, but would rather not have e-book. Is there a way i can get a hard copy of this?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Cherise.

Hi Cerise, thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling right now. I think you might gain a lot from watching this video:

We don’t want you to be afraid of food! Have you checked out our Solving Leaky Gut plan yet? We recommend you sign up for a free webinar to learn more about the program:

You can always send us an email, too, if you have questions or need support:

By: Cherise I was just recently diagnosed with Leaky Gut syndrome about a month ago and have been eating gluten free, even before then, cause I suspected I had celiac disease. But now it turns out its Leaky gut. I’ve been eating gluten free, for quite awhile-maybe about 4 months – gluten free. But my doctor says I should take dairy out of my diet, but I like and enjoy dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and certain foods with milk in them. I don’t feel sick when eating dairy, but have been bloated almost all my life, but I linked it to the fact, I’m not that active, when it comes to exercise. This month of July, I started going to the gym more & even have a personal trainer. Ive been eating more protein:meat/poultry, & fish with some veggies. But with a lot of food allergies ever since leaky gut, I’m at a loss of what to do. I’m highly allergic to Peanuts/all nuts (I have an epi pen for allergic reactions) other allergies as well as: Asthma, dog/cat allergies to animal hair, dust, (Food: Peanuts/nuts, cahews, almonds, all nuts, being worse. High in allergy: Watermelon/melons, oranges, peaches, tangerines, apricots, asparagus, kiwi.
Low in allergy:turkey, chicken, avocados, ham, rice, celery, tomatoes, lettuce..
Foods I still eat and dont seem to bother or irritate me, but doctor says Im allergic to is all dairy & banannas.
I’m seriously at a loss of what to eat.
I understand, my gut is terribly damaged, considering I’m allergic to almost everything, but I’m also allergic to environmental trees, grass, & certain plants.
I’m taking vitamins & proteins shakes that are plant based, but after reading your aticle on plant lectins, phytates, & saponins being bad for leaky gut, I’m scared of what to eat.
I just want to eat real healthy food.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to sonal.

Hi Sonal, thanks so much for reaching out to us. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet isn’t about a specific way of preparing foods like rice, but about eating specific types of carbohydrates that are easier for the body to digest. The best place to start is with our free quick start guide here: From there, our eBook explains exactly how to start the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and move through all the phases. You can find our more about the book here:

By: sonal In reply to Katie.

my 2 yr old daughter is recently diagonised with celaic disese. i wanted to ask which specific carbohydrate diet has to be given to improve and digest other food. how to cook white rice i.e. without carbohydrate? or steamed rice?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dini.

Hi Dini, this is a great question and the truth of the matter is, is that gluten free foods are still boxed, process foods that contain inflammatory grains- all of which negatively effect our health. You can see how your body does with consuming them once and a while, but we do not suggest these types of foods are a staple in your diet.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Brittany.

Thanks for the feedback, Brittany! Please let us know if we can support you further.

By: Dini Hey.. ive been diagnosed with celiac in 2009 and i have eliminated gluten from my diet but never tried a gluten free food i.e. bread, cookies etc. Just recently i found a new brand in the market called “Schar” that mades gluten free bread, pasta, cookies. I have started having them for like a week now and i feel my gut is heavy and my colon a lil painful. I usually eat lots of rice and potatos and i feel fine.. i have never thought that gluten free products could be harmful to our guts. Its not easy to cook a home made meal.. does the symptoms lessen if i consumed it once a month maybe?!

By: Brittany This artical is amazing. I finnaly have the tools to take me life back. Thank you! It has been a real struggle. I want to start a family so baddly but know my baby would not be properly nourished. I can finnaly begin to heal and achive my dream! It will take time but with this arctical i belive ive been gifted a chance at a longer healthyer happier life!

By: Jane To the Gluten Free Band Wagon Followers,
I have read most of these articles, I have found that some folks are really rude and mean regarding the writer of the article.
The food company’s have almost all jumped on the “gluten free” band wagon. It makes it highly impossible for some of us to eat this type of food. My son and I discovered quickly that “gluten free” foods hurt our digestive tracts. We spend too much time in the stores reading labels on food products to keep from purchasing that “gluten free ~ no gluten” types of products, which in most cases is Hidden on the Label.
I agree with the person that makes all natural food. When I mentioned to my physician about the problems I have eating “gluten free” products, and that when I prepare natural food such a homemade Hungarian food, he replied that is because natural food is better, and doesn’t cause those types of problems.
SO, “FOOD COMPANIES, PLEASE get off of that “GLUTEN FREE” BAND WAGON and LEAVE “GLUTEN FREE” products in their “SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE AISLES” in the grocery stores for folks that desire and or need that product.
I once heard that death will begin thru our food chain.
You naysayers can laugh and make fun all you want, but remember, it can affect you and your loved ones someday.

By: Julia I soooo agree with you. I was diagnosed after 4 years of untreated celiac disease, but I didn’t get really better before I switched to Paleo. Now I have the same, but not as severe symptoms when I eat corn or rice as if I get glutened by accident, which hasn’t happened in a year now.
I also found out that I am histamine intolerant, luckily before it got severe, so thanks to all the clean eating I have that under control, too. I was able to reduce my asthma meds by half and my thyroid hormones by 2/3, because of my diet. I think every Paleo is an individual form, which has to suit the individual. 🙂

By: Mariam To: Stephanie I so identify with your story. I was eating 2 Tbs. of food per meal and that needed to be ground. Stomach was too full to take more. Tried the medications that truly help gastro paresis but soon scary side effects showed up so had to stop those. I had tried Ensure previously and the SIBO really kicked up. I went with the SCD diet only, no potatoes, no rice-tried those and it make it worse-I put all my food thru a food processor as that seemed to ooze past the stomach better. My GP suggested I use olive oil to get calories in so I soaked meat, vegetables, in olive oil, was using butter but cholesterol went up a bit too high. Then I was referred to a massage therapist who specializes in visceral manipulation, he teaches world wide and continues to take classes. After my first massage I felt hungry, did not think that would ever happen again. It is definitely a specialty and most have not been trained to do it for what we need. I continue to see him now just monthly. I am now eating only SCD but can eat food prepared normally although well steamed so digests more easily, I have gained back some weight and am nausea free and have come to accept that I will have to stay on SCD without variants as things revert very easily. It is a discouraging journey and frightening when you can’t eat. I hope you are able to find the diet that will help you and if possible find a skilled visceral manipulation practitioner as well as Drs. that understand and can help guide you. You are not alone out there, there are a number of us who understand even though the medical community is not usually one of those who understand.

By: Mariam Hi guys, thanks again for great info and all the specific research you continue to do. Have been on SCD for several years and find it has made a large difference, One area I have not seen addressed is multiple chemical sensitivity which does impact SIBO, food allergy, fatigue, environmental issues etc and certainly has to do with immune system dysfunction. Would love to hear some imput about that issue in conjuction with the other issues. Besides SIBO also have gastro paresis, Hashimoto’s, cystitis, and lots and lots of chemical sensitivities. I tried to fudge with other grains, potatoes, yams etc and found I could not as SIBO really came back. Also can not tolerate fructose so fruits don’t work either. Gut is doing so much better Thanks.

By: Celiac Disease Diagnosis And Gluten Free Food Analytical Control | my gluten free diet […] The Toxic Truth About Gluten-Free Food and Celiac Disease … – About the author. Jordan Reasoner is a health engineer and author. He was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007 and almost gave up hope when a gluten-free diet didn …… […]

By: Gluten Free Lifestyle By Katie Ross | my gluten free diet […] The Toxic Truth About Gluten-Free Food and Celiac Disease … – About the author. Jordan Reasoner is a health engineer and author. He was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007 and almost gave up hope when a gluten-free diet didn …… […]

By: Gluten Intolerance Grease Trap Enzyme Treatment | my gluten free diet […] The Toxic Truth About Gluten-Free Food and Celiac Disease … – About the author. Jordan Reasoner is a health engineer and author. He was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007 and almost gave up hope when a gluten-free diet didn …… […]

By: L Fields It’s real shady of you not to mention GMO’s in your article, you know that 90% of the problem.

By: Carolyn Just wanted to thank you for your website and let people know that I have lab test results that show my liver function tests are now completely normal after only two months on the SCD diet and following Elaine Gottschall’s book. This may seem trivial to some, but I haven’t had normal liver function tests for my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE (almost 30 years so far). Despite being gluten free for ten years since my diagnosis, I have never felt completely well on a very “healthy” gluten-free diet. I’ve seen some of the best doctors at Mayo Clinic and University of Colorado, none recommended anything but a “Low-fat, Gluten Free diet”. It doesn’t work, SCD does. It’s not just in my head, I have the lab tests to prove it! I hope anyone struggling to be well with Celiac disease will give the diet a try, it’s worth it!

By: Esa In reply to thomas.


I am just wondering…have you concidered that GM soy and GM corn cause also leaky gut and dozens of different symptoms including inflammation. There are studies also about meat that has been produced using previous GM organisms and they show that GM animal feed is passed through the animals we eat into human body causing there bad problems. I am just thinking as a vegetarian, that there are lots of plants that have not been studied but propably have their defence systems as well. Why do you think Soy would be worse than other beans or grain? Just because they happen to be tested and there are recearch about them? BR. Esa Salonen, B.Eng Food Tech. M. Eng Environmental tech.

By: What the heck is Gluten? (and how to know if it's hurting you) […] squash to meet even the most active of lifestyles. Also, other grains like rice, while potentially still problematic for some, can be soaked and consumed without any […]

By: Cindy Hello and thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site! I have a question about Malabsorption issues: Is the liquid nutritional product “Ensure” by Abbott very harmful? It seems to have greatly benefited me in the past but I am worried about this SIBO thing you mention here. I have gluten intolerance and bad pains, gas, etc. but sympathize most with the folks here who just feel like giving up if they can’t seem to eat anything at all that they like. And by legumes do you include lettuce? Lettuce is the only veggie that I can eat (except organic green beans and peas) because I am a kidney-stone former. Thanks for any additional info!
