Comments on: How I Survived the Most Stressful Time of My Life Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:10:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jane In reply to Steven Wright.

I totally agree with taking 5htp and supplements!! I was hesitant of taking 5htp and it worked amazingly! I had panic attacks for 4 months with terrible anxiety in the morning from a break up stressful breakdown. And it’s like an awful nightmare you pray to wake up from!! I am so happy you got over your stressful situation.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alyssa.

HI Alyssa, we typically recommend 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner.

By: Alyssa Is it best to take the Acetyl Glutathione with or without food?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Diana.

HI Diana, the 60 caps bottle is 300mg per capsule where as the 100 caps bottle is just 100 mg per capsule. We like the higher mg count as you don’t have to take as many capsules to reach the 600-900mg a day goal.

By: Diana great article! One question – citrisafe sells their glutathione for $100 for a bottle of 100 capsules. Yours is $145 for 60 caps. Why the difference?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jolene Steen.

Hi Jolene – we recommend staying at the dose your son’s doctor recommend.

You can learn more about die-off here:

We recommend epsom salt baths – you can learn more here:

By: Jolene Steen I started using the Acetyl Glutathione with my 13 year old yesterday, and he complained of having a stomach ache afterward. Could this just be a detox response?. His MD wanted him taking only 300 mg daily based upon his weight. I’ll order the remaining supplements next week. I’m really hoping this helps!
Another question I have is regarding ionic cleanse foot baths. Detox baths are an important part of this diet, based on the understanding that we can detoxify through the skin. So why is there so much controversy regarding the efficacy of this type of treatment? Does anyone out there have knowledge or experience with this?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jolene Steen.

Hi Jolene – we don’t recommend using a fiber supplement. You’ll get plenty of fiber from a whole foods diet like SCD or our Solving Leaky Gut program. If you are struggling with constipation, here are some tips:

By: Jolene Steen But if the glutathione is helping chelate out metals…don’t you need fiber in the diet to help elimination? I’d like to order these supplements for my 13 year old son who has tested high for lead and Mercury.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jolene.

Hi Jolene – you can try these supplements in any phase of the diet – just be aware when you’re picking the ones you use for illegal ingredients.

By: Jolene Can I take the glutathione and ubiquinol when I’m still in phase 3 of the SCD diet, or do I need to wait til there’s more fiber in my diet?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to George Olson.

Hi George – thanks for commenting.

This is an issue we take really seriously because we’ve been where you are.

Steve and Jordan have tried a ton of supplements – and what they’ve found with supplements is that there is typically a direct correlation between quality and price. They tried a ton of glutathione supplements and the Citrisafe product is the only one they recommend – despite the high price tag- because it is really effective.

Going into 2016, we are looking for ways to make really amazing supplements like this more affordable. In the meantime, please know we wouldn’t recommend an expensive supplement if we didn’t believe it was completely worth the cost.

By: George Olson I would love to try the glutathione, but man is it EXPENSIVE!! And not only that, health insurance doesn’t cover purchasing alternative therapy supplements. I am thinking about the guy testifying before congress “Pharma bro Shkreli” and how he deliberately ran up prices of vital medicines in order to increase his bottom line. 900 mg a day would be 9 pills a day, which would use up the bottle in 1 week. So to do this for 1 month would be about $145*4 = $580, so for 6 months that would cost $3480. Many of us cannot work because of the health problems induced by digestive illness. How are we supposed to pay for something like that, and also have enough money left over to buy food? I fear that the natural medicine world is following the footsteps of big pharma in seeking cost over the welfare of customers, which will eventually result in some kind of backlash. I hope the company that makes citrisafe will take some steps to reduce the cost of this supplement, especially if it really is so much better than all the others.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Patricia Lyons.

Hi Patricia – thanks for your question!

L-tyrosine with 5HTP is a supplement recommended for brain support, but as Steve mentioned we recommend you work with a practitioner for any dose above 300 mg 5HTP and 3000 mg L-tyrosine. A practitioner can help you find the right dose for your individual circumstances!

We have recommended practitioners you can contact here:

I hope this answers your question.

By: Patricia Lyons In reply to John Es.

I was reading your note and would to know why you should take L-Tyrosine with 5HTP.


Patricia Lyons

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to lol.

Hi, thanks for commenting. This article represents Steve and Jordan’s understanding that health isn’t a fixed state that you achieve and maintain but rather an ongoing journey that requires tweaking as your life and circumstances change. Steve and Jordan support people is finding the solution – be it SCD or something else – that helps them feel their best long-term.

By: lol If you’re so into health and couldn’t handle what you preach, why should anyone even listen to you?

By: Joanna Forgot to say they also have a calming cream containing GABA, L-tyrosine, 5HTP, l-theanine and magnesium. Absorbs and acts quickly as doesn’t have to go through the digestive system.

By: Joanna Glutathione plus by Neuro Biologix is a cream that you can use on children. I use it on myself too-very effective. It was developed by a neurologist and available in the US.

By: Brandon Any recommendations for glutathione supplementation for a 4 year old?

By: frank spenser Hi

Thanks for all the great tips. One point however people who are mercury toxic or who have amalgam fillings must not take ALA let alone in the quantities described. It will make you seriously sick. Please caution people.

By: John Es I was taking 5-HTP by itself, and not feeling very well, mentally.

Then I heard the Paleohacks podcast interview of Dr. Kalish where he cautions against using 5-HTP without L-Tyrosine, and without the assistance of a practitioner.

I immediately added L-Tyrosine to my routine, taking 100mg 5-HTP and 1000mg of L-Tyrosine, and feeling better. I’m now going to bump it down to 50/500, until I exhaust my supply. Then, it will be time to find a Kalish Method practitioner, and do it right.

Here’s a link to the podcast:

By: lorin parker In reply to Stephanie W..

Stephanie W,

I am on Biocidin, my doctor wants me to work up to 10 drops a day with breakfest and dinner. Right now I can only handle around 3.

I can handle the mild herx at 3. How are you doing on it?

By: jess any glutathione left? would like to try it…

By: Kerrigan Hi, I bought a bottle from the link but there was no confirmation number or email. Do you know how long shipping takes? Many thanks, I have high hopes for this. Thanks for your hard work.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Brandon.

The 60 caps is 300mg per pill which is what we use not the 100mg caps.

By: Stephanie W. Thank you for sharing some of the supplements you use that help you. After listening to one of your leaky gut webinars where you mentioned Biocidin, I decided to try it for my dysbiosis. It seems to be working, but I have to go slowly to let my body catch up with the detoxing, etc. I’ve been on it for three weeks now.

By: Shirine Thanks for this post, Steven!
Can you tell me what other ingredients are in the Citrisafe Acetyl-Glutathione?

Next to acetyl-glutathione, are there any other vitamins/minerals/amino acids in it, and in which quantity?

I cannot see this on the picture and I would like to know the composition…

Kind regs,


By: Terri Would be wonderful to win! Thank you for this article.

By: Brandon Would love to support you guys and buy Ovation from your link, but I can’t see any product details, only a checkout option. What’s the difference between your link (60 caps @ $144) and this one (100 caps @ $99);jsessionid=423398040EDD5451779B792665B3F4F2.m1plqscsfapp05?productId=62

By: Brandon I’m in a similar boat right now trying to recover from adrenal fatigue and facing a huge new workload with a tight deadline. I had the closest I’ve ever been to a panic attack last night. Already doing this stack, except the Ubiquinol (yeast sensitivity = avoiding anything fermented). Taking liposomal not s-acetyl glutathione. Would love to try the s-acetyl

By: David Steve, did the magnesium give you diarrhea? I have used magnesium in the past and had gastric fallout.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Laura Conley.

Laura give it a shot. Dr Amy Myers is who introduced me to the this specific product and I know she’s used it with high stress athletes at higher dosages of 900-1200 mg with reportedly good results. But as with anything more is not always better, best to work with someone. Most dosages of this product are 300-600 mg a day.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Bill.

Bill great question, I’ve looked at Guardian before, they irritate me with their lack of information about the glutathione they use. Citrisafe is using a proprietary deliver molecule and they deliver much higher dosages than most others on the market. It’s impossible to say whether it’s all about the dose and all S-Acetyl-Glutathione is the same. My guess it’s more complicated than that.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Elizabeth.

Hang in there Elizabeth! There’s always hope!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Beatrix Willius.

Like most industries the supplement one is a pay for what you get industry. We don’t always recommend the most expensive thing out there, which you’ll notice if you click on all the brands I recently used. We recommend the ones that get results, which does correlate a lot with price.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Patty.

They are based on research, other known dosage uses from the top practitioners I know and what I’ve experimented with in my own body. Always best to be working with a practitioner who can suggest the right amounts for you.

As a side note I first tried using much higher dosages of Ubiquinol to try and biohack transatlantic flights and liked it a lot so I started testing it in other ways.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Marilyn McDonald.

Your welcome Marilyn glad to hear that!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Sunny.

Yes give them a try, especially the journal stuff, make sure to be eating SCD or Paleo, Glutathione and Ubiquinol.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Cathy.

Us to, we’d love to hear from a wider audience what people’s experiences are.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Debi Olson.

Hey Debi – just click on the box above that says join the mailing list. Even if you are already signed up we need to get your email to do the random drawing so sign up again. You can then get extra entries for sharing on social media.

By: joanna gosh, i watch a lot of tv!! haha i doubt i could ever get down to one hour per day. i do a lot of other things to relax, too, but always have the tv on for background noise.

By: Bill How does Citrisafe compare to Guardian glutathione? (see Guardian info at this likn Maybe you can cover that in your upcoming glutathione blog post.

By: Paul In reply to Beatrix Willius.

You may be missing the point! 😉

By: Debi Olson I don’t under stand how to enter the giveaway. Or is it just me.

By: ED BURNS I hope it will help me cause I need help ED

By: Elizabeth Thank you for your honest email Steve. The information you provide in your blogs help me so much . It gives me hope when I feel discouraged . As a person who suffer from CFS , I will love to give Glutathione a try.

By: Susie Weiss Thanks for your candid and helpful discussion. I appreciate it when those in the health field can be real and share their own struggles. We all have them and others can learn from them. It just takes courage. You’ve got it. Thanks!

By: Beatrix Willius Good luck for you health. Is it accident that you always promote the most expensive supplements? This makes me grateful that these supplements aren’t available in Europe at all. And the replacements are much more affordable.

By: Patty Just wondering about the rationale for your supplement limits. For example, Mercola’s Ubiquinol indicates 1- 100mg Ubiquinol capsule per day, far less than that noted above. Ohhh, I ditto your thoughts on Ubiquinol… many definitely notice days that it is skipped even at the 100mg/day dose.
