Comments on: How to Find a Trusted Functional Medicine Practitioner Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 29 Jun 2021 16:48:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kimberly Elwood.

HI Kimberly – I can’t say we know of any in that exact area, buy the practitioners we recommend work from people all around the world via skkype, telephone, etc. So, your locations should not be an issue!

By: Kimberly Elwood Please help me find a functional doctor in or around Charlotte NC
my zip code is 28214.

By: Sue In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thank you for answering.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sue.

Hi Sue – We don’t know of anyone in that area, but please keep in mind the practitioners we recommend do work via phone or skype, so your location will not be an issue:)

By: Sue Hi Can you recommend somebody in Australia. New South wales . I live in Tamworth 2340 but I am prepared to travel and then set up skype if necessary. Thanks, Sue

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deanna Gilmour.

Hi Deanna – while we don’t know any one in that exact area, the practitioenr we recommend do work via skype/ telephone, so your location should not be an issue. You can find one here:

By: Deanna Gilmour Looking for a functional MD in Wisconsin
Our zip code is

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

HI Donna- we’d recommend finding the practitioner you’d like to work with and then asking them that question, as they would be able to answer that for you:)

By: Donna I am wondering if I were to work with you via Skype, would you be able to order any blood work etc through my local veterans medical center?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James.

Hi James! You’ll have to reach out to them to see if they take insurance. Here are a few options for you to sift through: – Stephanie and Brie are our recommended practitioners, but they don’t work for SCD Lifestyle. They take new patients from around the world. – Dr. Amy Nett has trained with and works with Chris Kresser. Dr. Nett is currently accepting new patients who live in the continental United States. An in-person visit to Dr. Nett’s Menlo Park, CA office is required for the Case Review appointment. Follow-up appointments can be completed by phone or Skype. – Dr Ruscio is a highly successful and trusted practitioner. He accepts new patients from around the world.

You can also search for a functional medicine practitioner near you here: or a Kalish-certifed practitioner here:

By: James Hello,

My name isn’t James and I have been dealing with a crazy bout of Anxiety for more than 4 years now. My primary care physician, who I have been seeing since I was an adolescent, shrugs his shoulders and and has prescribed Klonopin and SSRIs. I have silent reflux and digestion issues and have since found out that I may have Hashimotos though two family members, one is a Chinese medicine herbalist and the other a chiropractor, said that my blood work was not comprehensive enough. I’m in south Florida and I really want to find a good functional medicine practitioner in the area. Where do I find them and do they take insurance?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Brooke.

Hi Brooke, thanks for reaching out.
We would be happy to support you in finding a functional medicine practitioner.

Steve is very selective in who he will work with for his own health, and he personally endorses the following options: – Stephanie and Brie are our recommended practitioners, but they don’t work for SCD Lifestyle. They take new patients from around the world.

By: Brooke Hi,

I am looking for a functional medicine Dr in the greater Seattle area (I live in Kirkland, WA). Do you have any recommendations? I have some serious health issues that need to be addressed/tested more in depth than what my ND has done. My kiddos would also benefit from a FMD; they have food intolerances and I could use some answers as well as help healing their gut. Our family needs more than what our ND can offer us but I have no idea where to turn for someone who can truly help us. Any recommendations you have for the Seattle area would be so much appreciated! Thank you

By: Sandra Hexner I have just been diagnosed with Hashimotos. I want to make sure that I have the best doctor and I’ve heard that functional doctors will help my hormone imbalances naturally. That is good to know that that will be looking at advanced autoimmune panels and blood serum to make sure that every angle is checked out. Thanks for your help and confirmation that I need to find a solution fast. Thanks.

By: Desiree In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Woderful!! Thank you so much!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Desiree White.

HI Desiree, sorry to hear you’re suffering right now.
While we are not familiar with any practitioners in that area, please do remember that our practitioners take all appointments via Skype or telephone, so your location should not be an issue here.
If you are interested, you can go here:

By: Desiree White I have had Lyme (misdiagnosed until 8 yrs ago) all my life and been reinfected a multitude of times. My bacteria load is higher then most Drs I’ve seen have ever come across. I also have MTHFR T667T, homozygous. I’m so sick that finding Drs is a nearly impossible feat due to “you’re too sick” “you’re a liability” “how are you even alive right now” “you’re high risk”. I have a myriad of health issues i.e. heart disease, had a blood clot, high toxicity, unstable labs, high bp, menopausal, acute diarrhea for nearly a year after yrs of severe constipation, failed L5-S1 transacial ALIF, etc, etc. Is there any FM docs near SE Dallas that you trust and do FMDs take insurance? I’m literally dying a slow painful tortuous death. Home bound and bed bound for 7yrs.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emily.

Hi Emily, thank you for reaching out! My best suggestion here is to search this site for a functional medicine practitioner near you:

By: Emily Hi Jordan, my daughter was born with biliary atresia. She is now 4. She has been on antibiotics and ursidol for a short period if time and then I took her off little by little. She has been doing good and she gets checked yearly. Last time we met with her specialist she said that her platelet count was low due to liver scarring. What can we due to get this under control so she doesn’t have to have a transplant latter on? What are some good liver specialist that we could get an functional medicine approach to biliary atresia?
Thank you for all you do.
