Comments on: What Is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 03 May 2023 22:16:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rhonda.

Hi Rhonda – Yes! Teh SCD diet will help you repair your gut so you can actually absorb the nutrients you take in:) Best place to start is here:

By: Rhonda Hello!
I had all standard tests to rule out any chronic conditions but the way my body reacts to wheat gluten, fruit and some vegetables tells me that something is wrong. I’ve just been diagnosed with osteoporosis at 33 and since I am taking calcium and vitamin D for over ten years now, I wonder why my body can’t process the nutrients. Could this diet help to ?repair´ my intestines to absorb the calcium and vitamin D?

By: David Eagen In reply to Cara G Montgomery.


Could it be this? or their homepage

(I just found out I have both SIBO and SIFO….SIFO is easy as my tongue is coated and following all SIBO recommendations is working. No I haven’t done the breath test. The cripping pain in my stomach tells me much more than a vague test, I think)

I can’t even eat all the food in the green and if I go into anything in the yellow or above the pain is too much

Take care I hope you find something that works

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Abeer.

Thanks for sharing, Abeer! Great to hear you’re doing well:)

By: Abeer In reply to Ken Klein.

I have hiatus hernia and came off taking Nexium with the help of a Naturopath. I told a tincture and slippery elm bark 30 mins before meals and it helped with severe heartburn and indigestion.
I then started taking ATP Science GutRight and started following the SCD and I feel amazing! I can’t explain but all my gut issues are gone and I don’t get heartburn anymore. I have never felt this good!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Atman sal.

Hello and thanks for reaching out! WE have a ton of information on Inflammatory Bowel diseases – and you can find more here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cyndie Ovalle.

HI Cyndie – we’ve seen so many in her same situation do really wel. Our suggestion would be to start the diet right away and see how she does. We have a free quick start guide that will be helpful for starting out: Also, this website is a great resource for kids and the SCD diet:

By: Atman sal In reply to Scott.

Can u to plz tell me more my son is diagnosed with ibd?

By: Cyndie Ovalle In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi there my daughter has been battling Crohns for two years she is now 15
Her colon so diseases that they would like to take it out is anybody on here that has some this diet and been able to heal to live a somewhat normal life? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cara G Montgomery.

Hi Cara – an intolerance to several foods is typically a sign that much more is going on. We’d suggest stool testing to dig in further and you can read more here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Scott.

Thanks for sharing Scott! Great to hear you’re doing so well and thanks for taking the time to encourage others.

By: Cara G Montgomery Many of the foods allowed on the diet have been causing reactions for me. I’m down to a very minimal diet. How can this diet work if I can barely eat any of the “allowable” foods. My sensitivities seem to be growing!

By: Scott In reply to Ken Klein.

It took me 12-18 months before I was feeling well. But it was certainly worth the effort, as I’m no longer on meds for Crohn’s, I’m back up to my normal weight after losing 45 lbs, and I’m living a normal healthy life without medical intervention. So my best advice is to keep at it, I hope you feel better soon.

By: Jessica In reply to Tanya.

Hi Tanya,

It definitely sounds like your daughter could have an egg allergy. Upon doing an elimination diet and then adding eggs back in, I too suffered from terrible rashes (the rashes were very painful). If your daughter is having stomach pain it could also be from the diet itself. A lot of vegetables with few simple carbohydrates (like rice) make me feel very bloated and uncomfortable. Unfortunately the way food is grown nowadays makes any special diet very difficult. Meats found in grocery stores are typically treated with preservatives to last longer and are often found to have high levels of dioxin. Vegetables that have also gone through many rounds of genetic modification are also very difficult to digest with a damaged digestive system. If your daughter is really struggling with not getting enough calories, you can also try adding back in quinoa or rice and see how she reacts. A little about myself: I have a severe case of Celiac’s disease and a slew of food allergies (dairy, soy, eggs, cashews, pistachios, mango, some preservatives and food colorings). I started off on this diet but have altered it to include quinoa and rice, and have limited my meats to wild-caught fish. – I feel completely better now. But it required a lot of alteration to get where I am today.

By: Skye Sylvain In reply to Ken Klein.

Try small amounts of apple cider vinegar, sipped with every meal, or snack. Say, a teaspoonful with food. Also, don’t eat large meals and don’t eat every 2 or 3 hours. Instead, eat every 4 or 5 hours. Don’t drink with your meals, don’t drink 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after eating, avoid pop, sugar, starches and grains.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ken Klein.

HI Ken – if you haven’t seen much improvement, there are a couple things to consider. One is the four horseman here: The other is stool testing and you can read more here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jenna Gardner.

HI Jenna – milk, especially the stuff you buy in grocery stores, is typically of poor quality. We also lose the ability to break down lactose as we age, so this can cause gas, bloating, and an overall groggy/fatigued feeling. If you want to get started on the diet, you can go here:

By: Jenna Gardner In reply to Linda.


Really interested reading about this diet. I have ulcerative colitis & have really struggled to get it under control for the last 18 months. It’s been hell really. My biggest problems are severe urgency, stomach pains & diahhorea. I was following a low fibre diet at one point to see if that would help – white bread etc, but I didn’t see a big difference in my symptoms. Can I ask why milk is not advised? I thought some whole milk was meant to be good for you?

By: Rajesh Gopidi In reply to Michele.

Hi Michele,

I’m also suffering from the exact same thing. I’m diagnosed with SIBO, and lately i’m belching a lot. Were you able to find solution to your issue? Please please reply back if you made any progress. I’m feeling very frustrated with my current situation. thanks

By: Ken Klein I’ve been on the SCD diet since the end of November 2017. I was diagnosed with GERD, and rather than take medications that only make things worse, I decided to try this diet. I haven’t noticed very much progress. My symptoms remain mostly as they were when I started, with perhaps nominal progress. In following the diet, I’ve also added supplements such as the HCL, enzymes and bitters. Wondering what else I may want to do? What am I missing? Any suggestions?

By: Breanna In reply to Aaron.

Aaron, here is a link to a study on valsalva induced headaches. Variously also known as exertional and cough headaches. Perhaps taking a copy of this article might help give your doctor the direction you feared might be lacking. It is published by the National institutes of health.

Best of luck to both you and your son!


By: Breanna In reply to Aaron.

Hi Aaron, just saw the post about severe headaches with bowel movements. There are medical problems that can cause headaches with valsalva (bearing down as in during a bowel movement.) They have to do with the changes in pressure transmitted to the brain and upper spinal cord and sometimes can reflect a more serious problem to be addressed. I recognize this is a “natural” website and many won’t want to hear this. But consider seeing a neurologist for valsalva induced headaches. Or researching the topic. If there is a problem then early diagnosis and good information can be key. If there isn’t, then you’ll be reassured.

Best of luck!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Linda.

HI Linda – It’s hard to say, as we do recommend pureeing your foods at least for the first 2 weeks of the diet and then followign the phases found in our eBook..This will help you determine problematic foods. We’d suggest some digestive enzymes for starters, as that should help:
First, here’s a video where Jordan talks about digestive enzymes and how to use them:

Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Linda I have been on the SCD diet strictly for about 1 1/2 months at least as best as I can based on what I know. I have been feeling much better since starting the diet. I should mention that I have been diagnosed with mild Crohn’s disease which includes an inflamed stricture in my colon. My small intestine is not inflamed. I did the intro diet for about 2 days (according to Elaine) and then started adding foods. I did not puree everything. I never did have diarrhea but did have some constipation. I was having a pain twinge in the area that has the stricture and depending on what I ate, was how bad and long the pain was. In the last month the pain pretty much dissipated with only a twinge here or there. In the last couple of days it has significantly increased, today being the worst but I haven’t added anything new. I eat the yogurt but I have since the beginning and have gotten better and better until yesterday. I did read in Elaine’s book that sometimes you get a set back after a couple of months, is that what this could be? I am looking for some help. I really don’t want to start from scratch all over again. Thanks for any advice.

By: KRISTEN I believe colloidal silver kills h-pylori

By: Kathryn Jones In reply to Margaret Horner.

Dear Margaret, Your story intrigued me and I wonder whether you make your own Kefir or you purchase it? If purchased, which brand do you buy? Thanks for sharing your experiences. Best regards, Kathryn

By: Kristi In reply to Marcy.

Marcy, I have the same issues as those that you listed: Eczema, am reactive to dairy, eggs, almonds and other things. I am curious to know how and if this diet has helped you? Thanks!

By: Victoria Shaw In reply to Tanya.

I believe the sense that she is always hungry is actually healing going on in her intestines. It is a pulling feeling. I and my son feel it even soon after having eating a calorie rich meal.
Rashes are a clearing out of toxins. Observe, keep a record of symptoms and persevere.
Good luck.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tanya.

Hi Tanya – whether to not she has a confirmed diagnosis of Celiac Disease, gluten can cause digestive distress and we’d suggest omitting it from the diet for at least 3 months at the very least. Eggs can certainly cause a reaction, as they are part of the four horseman we talk about here (so is fruit): We’d recommend digestive enzymes and probiotics for your daughter – Here are some SCD legal suggestions for kids: p

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dima.

Hi Dima – legumes can make a difference and this article goes into detail on that here:

By: Tanya Hi. I’ve put my 10 y/o daughter on this diet after reading your website. She’s had severe allergies since birth. We’ve lived overseas her entire life and have battled/treated giardiasis for years. She’s exhibited signs of Celiac’s or gluten intolerance for the last year or more. We recently treated our family for positive H.Pylori tests and hoped that would cure her chronic stomach discomfort. We started the SCD diet and a full elimination diet (eggs, dairy, nuts, grain) about 2 months ago after a terrible gluten reaction. Her stomach pain is significantly reduced but hurts now because she’s always hungry, I believe. She had a faint rash on her trunk for several days and now has a red rash and her hands and between her fingers. We reintroduced eggs a few days ago. Could this cause the rash? Are all these things normal? Is it ok for her to eat unlimited fruit? She’s always starving. (btw- we’ve not officially tested her because the country we live in doesn’t have adequate testing facilities. We do have a home test but I’m hesitant to reintroduce gluten just for the test.) Thank you so much for any advice or suggestions. Any help is truly appreciated. Blessings.

By: Dima In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Lori!

Thanks for the answer!
As I see it, however, I already ate the same things on a paleo-keto diet, that I’d eat on SCD, minus the legumes.
Does that make a significant difference to my gut?

Kind regards

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Janice.

i Janice – neither foods are on the legal/illegal list, which mans you can test them out and see how you do once your symptoms have calmed down.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dima.

HI Dima – the SCD diet is specifically for healing the gut, where as a keto diet doesn’t necessarily always have the same goal. A paleo diet is something many transition into after more of a gut healing diet like SCD, so we’d suggest starting with our free quick start guide first:

By: Dima Hi!

I was wondering if there is any gut health related difference between this and a keto-paleo diet? I’ve been following the latter for a year now without much success for my gut health, and, as I see it, I’ve already been avoiding all the foods on your “avoid”-list.

Kind regards

By: Margaret Horner In reply to Charles LaRue.

Hi…I have had Colitis for over 35 years. I tried this diet for 2 yrs without much relief. I came upon a Facebook group called Heal Your gut and thats where I found out about Kefir. ii highly recommend this fermented drink as for the first time i=I feel normal. If your gut is compromised you will experience what is called “die off” where it may feel like youre not getting better but if you continue drinking Kefir (1 litre a day for 2 months) i can assure you it will make your life so much better. Drugs are NOT the way to go as it is likely your issues are from taking antibiotics.

By: Janice Hi,
Wondering if Bragg’s liquid aminos and nutritional yeast are allowed on the SCD diet?
Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Charles LaRue.

Hi Charles, really sorry to hear your sick right now. Diet is going to be the best place to start right now. What we’d suggest is reading this article here and that help explain a lot : Just so you know, we are not affiliated with Dr. Axe in any way, so if you have specific questions for his company, you can reach out to them:)

By: Charles LaRue I was diagnosed with Crohn’s at age 48 during my 1st routine colonoscopy in the year 2000. It was discovered by that time an arthritis infusion process using Remicade was also helpful for Crohn’s disease. I underwent Remicade infusions every 6 weeks for about 15 years before the effectiveness of the treatment became too ineffective to bother with. The Remicade worked well up to that time. I was able to maintain my weight.
After the Remicade process became ineffective, I started to gradually lose weight. At 6’2″ and close to 190lbs in 2010, I have lost weight continuously until now I weight about 128lbs. I lost almost all of my energy, and I can now see that I will die in the not too distant future.
Thinking about death caused me to do a little light research on the subject of Crohns. Yesterday, I finally started my research. Almost immediately I found the YouTube video “10 Keys to Conquer Crohn’s & Colitis” by Jordan on the Dr. Josh Axe YouTube channel. It is very inspiring and very good information.
However, I lost my wife to Mesothelioma two years ago. For over two years I have been eating baked beans from a can. Obviously, this is not working for me. I think it is time to attempt to develop some cooking skills, since I have not been able to interest any women in myself – lol.
The video was great, but it did not provide any suggested meals or recipes. This site looks great for recipes, but most of them are beyond my current capabilities. I wonder if anyone can point me to beginner recipes. Note: I went through all my cupboards last night searching for something to eat. All items included gluten, or whatever, except for the Quaker Oats (old fashioned). There is nothing else in my pantry or cupboards that would be SCD. So a shopping list would be very helpful as well!
Skinny in Mineral, Wa

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jdub.

Hello – I can’t say we do have any research on that right now – sorry about that!

By: Jdub Are you aware of any information or research available on whether Black Seed Oil is beneficial in treating SIBO? Would you recommend incorporating it into an SCD diet? Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to sal.

HI Sal – first off we always recommend consulting with your doctor about your medications. You can still do the diet while on medications, as that shouldn’t be an issue.

By: sal hi

I got Ulcerative Colitis for 2 years and very bad, I am hoping this diet will help me but i wanna know if we can take medication with this diet. I am on mesalazine 4grams a day and Anti-TNF bioligics for several months which are keeping me away from bleeding. So whilst I love to try this diet, I cant forgo the medication because it would destroy me. Can i still try this diet while on the medication?

By: Tina In reply to Jennifer.

Please, please do not use Sweet n Low or any other artificial sweetener. Ever. They are man made chemicals that have solid evidence proving they are detrimental to your health in every way. Do a quick Google search about what these artificial sweeteners actually are and do to your brain and gut. I also believe with it being man made it would not fall into the “Legal” category.

By: Eric Hissom Tests reveal I have a parasite, Cyclospora. Treating with an herbal protocol given me by my nutritionist. I have other issues, SIBO for one. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this parasite?

Thanks, Eric Hissom

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennifer.

Hi Jennifer – it sounds like you need some stool testing at this point! We’e recommend the following: Test 1: The BioHealth #401H GI Pathogen Screen:

(NOTE: This can be found by selecting Specialty Labs under Find Tests)

This test uses advanced staining and antigen techniques to recover pathogens from 3 stool samples, taken each day for three days. I like the fact that this test uses samples taken over multiple days… and not only that, but it uses state of the art technology to look for pathogens that could be missed.

Test 2: The Doctor’s Data Parasitology x3:

Update: We’ve updated our recommendations for stool testing. The Metametrix #2105 is actually no longer available and many other reasons have led us to change our recommendation for the second test to the Doctor’s Data Parasitology x3 stool test.

This article goes into detail on why we suggest 2 stool tests instead of one: Please let us know what questions you have regarding your next steps:)

By: Jennifer In reply to Ellen Divizio.

Sorry, I don’t have a reply for Ellen, but I do have a question for Jordan, and I can see no other way to ask it
I have a connective tissue disorder, and a horrible gut. I know I can’t eat onions, garlic, or much of anything containing fructan or fructose. Frankly, my gut is only happy at near starvation. Symptoms include chronic constipation (I do have BM every day, but never full evacuation); I bloat very badly; I burp; I get stomachs aches; chronic fatigue (and chronic pain- but that’s because all my joints are damaged due to my faulty connective tissue). Plenty of connective tissue in the gut, too, which is probably why I have the symptoms. Anywho…. much of what’s listed as legal in the SCD doesn’t work for me, but strangely, lactose is not a problem. Looking for input

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marissa.

HI Marissa- just get back on the diet and start where you left off:)

By: Marissa Hi there,
A friend of mine gave me your SCD book because I have two autoimmune diseases and have been diagnosed with a leaky gut. I have tried this diet and was very strict on it for about a week but last night, I just couldn’t resist eating nutella and meringues. Now I was wondering if I would have to start all over again with the into diet or if I can just carry on where I left off. I really felt great while on it but the setback is pretty bad, can feel the flare up. Sugar is definitely my biggest problem..Please help!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Aaron.

Hi Aaron – sorry to hear this. We’d recommend a functional medicine practitioner and you can find the ones we suggest here:
