Comments on: The SCD Trial Period: Making the Diet a Habit… How Long Before It’s Easy? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:39:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda I just started the diet about 2 months ago and would say in the past week or so it started to become more routine and less effort (thankfully)! Like you mentioned though in the past week I’ve just started to relapse which is really frustrating since I’ve been so careful to strictly stick to the diet. And a week in it just seems to be getting worse not better – my stomach keeps getting more and more distended, I’m having pains, and my severe constipation is back. The book just says “get over it” and I can’t find any info on anything else I can do to make it better – any advice?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Vibeke.

The testing and supplements can add up. To get every test it’s at least 1500 dollars and supplements are at least 100 a month on avg. However you can go slower and test only certain things which can dramatically decrease the money need. Still figure at least 350 though.

By: Vibeke Thanks Steven for replying. I would love to get some help from you, but money are an issue right now, with 4 children and me being at home looking after them. I also think that me not sleeping at night (baby wake up 2-5 times during the night) really disturb the picture of how it actually is going wit h my digestion. What kind of budget do you think I should consider if you could help me? I can afford 1 consultation, but it is the testing I am thinking of could get expensive?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Vibeke.

Thanks for sharing keep going! Maybe you just need someone to help you 1-on-1 there could be root causes here that you need to get rid of.

By: Vibeke I have been keeping to SCD now for 1 ½ years and do see improvements longterm. But I fail to stick to it 100 % which I am working on now, but have gone through a pregnancy and am now in the breast feeding period, so really find it hard to get enough calories. I did much better during the pregnancy, but now not sleeping at night and having 3 other children to care for. It seems that my hormones are really out of balance. I am alone on this diet, because the rest of my family has no digestive problems. So it is really hard to stay away from all the non-SCD foods around my house. Maybe it is all just excuses, but to answer the question on how long does it take getting into the SCD diet, is dependent on life circumstances and on how ill you are, I think. I only recently started feeling a bit normal about having bacon and eggs for breakfast:)

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Miia.

That’s great news Miia, thansk for sharing!


By: Miia I was just reading somewhere that forming a new habit can take up to 256 days! I stick to SCD (and actually much stricter than SCD) even though my progress (during my almost 6 months) is not super good for my GI symptoms. Why am I sticking to it is since I can feel it gives me a good basis to heal, which seems to take long for me. And for me it is nowadays a habit, not that stressful and I love the food.

By: Jordan Reasoner Thanks for the support Michelle! Congrats on starting the diet, you will never look back… let us know how things are going.


By: Michelle V I just started SCD last week. Your blog is very helpful and informative!

By: John Smith This is great post keep it up.
