Comments on: The SCD Diet and Alcohol: A Guide to the Effects of Alcohol on the Digestive Tract Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 26 May 2023 19:11:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: gateio I may need your help. I’ve been doing research on gate io recently, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Later, I read your article, and I think your way of writing has given me some innovative ideas, thank you very much.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Randy Lahey.

Hi Randy – alcohol is inflammatory in general and can cause bloating in the stomach – which in turn can put pressure on the LES where the acid comes through.

By: Randy Lahey In reply to Kari.

Alcohol is a very weak acid though. I don’t think that is why it causes acid reflux. It’s a much more insidious type of acid reflux than one due to other causes.

By: Kari Acid reflux is caused by low stomach acid so adding acid (alcohol, vinegar, etc…) makes sense.

By: Kari Whenever I have chest pain, from “acid reflux” or heartburn, I always feel better after a glass or two of wine. My thoughts are that acid reflex comes from low stomach acid so it makes sense that acid, from the alcohol is being added back in to your stomach. Read about low stomach acid being the cause of acid reflux/heartburn. Takes my pain away but everyone is different.

By: Cathal I find mojitos are a great scd legal drink. Lime juice, honey, mint leaves, white rum and soda water. I miss dark rum and coke as well as lager obviously! But great to have a refreshing fizzy drink that’s legal. I’d be very interested to know more about how little maltose etc is left in pilsner, gonna check that out

By: Jerome Gaines Hello, I used to drink. I started off moderately, no sooner did I began drinking more and more. It seemed I had a propensity to do so. I really hurt my liver. I am blessed to have had a liver transplant two years ago. It took ten months for me to receive one— I had fallen into a coma; a liver transplant was the only way the doctors could save me.
One of the main reasons I started drinking is: I often heard about the benefits of drinking red wine. I came to the conclusion as you: Drinking alcohol isn’t worth the benefits. The damage/harm out weights the benefits.

By: Sean In reply to Neil.

Hello Neil, was wondering if you you made any discoveries? Any feedback is greatly appreciated…

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tatiana.

Hi Tatiana – this article can help you decide about jaggermeister: I’d check out the ingredients a little more closely as well as the preparation process, as I believe they add sugar at some point.

By: Tatiana I heard that Jaggermeister help digestion as it is made with 54 different herbs.
It’s also gluten free.
What are your thoughts about Jaggermeister (having it occasionally, of course)?
Regards, Tatiana

By: Bonnie Thank you for this timely article. I wish I had read it before I went to the baseball game last night. But at least I am now on track for the holiday weekend with compelling reasons to NOT drink alcohol.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim, we are not aware of the product you speak of, but if it contains alcohol it could still have an effect on the GI tract. You may just need to test it out. If you are in need of a practitioner to address the Lyme disease, please go here:

By: Kim Hi!
I didn’t have time to see if anyone else asked this, but what about herbal formulas with alcohol? I am looking at some of cowden’s formulas and they contain alcohol. I hate to use them (I don’t like alcohol at all), but we have been on gaps for 8 months and it seems we need to address our Lyme more than just with diet. I Thanks for your thoughts!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jessica.

Hi Jessica, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, that is an illegal ingredient on the SCD diet as well. You can view the complete list here:

By: Jessica Is gluten free beer SCD legal? Usually it’s made from sorghum but idk if that’s legal or not.

By: Ivan Hi,
Thanks for the great info.
Curious if anyone has any thoughts on my plan to use cider apple vinegar as a mixer for vodka.
Maybe the anti-bacterial properties in the vinegar will negate the potential damage from the alcohol…
I was thinking of a mixture equal parts vodka and apple cider vinegar with soda water, ice and a slice of lemon.

By: rollicking I am not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic.
I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding
more. Thanks for wonderful information I was looking for this info
for my mission.

By: Kara Terna I think hard are greater and wine are the best and vodka. Just sharing

By: What to drink on SCD | My day-by-day guide to 90 days on SCD […] research on how even the smallest amount of alcohol affects the digestion process.  See the end of this post for my […]

By: meg I live on Japan and was wondering if shochu and awamori (they’re distilled unlike nihonshuu ie sake) are SCD legal?

By: Pat In reply to Neil.

Neil, have you tried any of these beers? Curious to hear what the results were.

By: Phloxie In reply to Neil.

Do you know how your “good pilsner” rates on a gluten-free scale? Most beer still contains some damaging amounts of gluten. There are a couple of newish brands of gluten-free beers, Estrella Damm Daura, and Omission (they have an ale and a lager) that are really tasty and proven to have <20ppm of gluten. They're actually both brewed with barley, so they taste just like real gluteny beer, but somehow they get nearly all of the gluten out. This makes them great for a gluten-free diet, however, the carbs left in this beer (and maybe your "good pilsner") might be the wrong kind for SCD. I believe long-chain/complex carbs are illegal. It's definitely worth looking into.

By: Mckenzie Any opinion on if apple cider would be a better choice then others when it comes to drinking alcohol? My thoughts being that it is more SCD or natural then hard liquor? Or is it all pretty much equal?

By: Brian Are hard firers legal?

By: Sergio Rosen I started in first 2 weeks of SCD diet because of recent stomach issues. in reading about the diet I learned that Aloe Vera is on the illegal list. In mexico it’s such a miracle plant, has controlled many peoples Acid reflux instead of taking ppi’s, this is just by ingesting 2 in. of the leaf without the thorns of course. also I wonder if Nopal is illegal as it is also an anti-inflamatory but has the same mucosa….

By: Neil After doing some research a good pilsner converts all the maltose and isomaltose to CO2 and ethanol leaving very little or no residual sugars. Any residual sugars will monosaccharides such as glucose or fructose.

On this basis I too am struggling to understand why ‘some’ beer/lagers are not SCD legal. Especially when wine is legal and most likely contains some sugars.

The Holsten Pils advert claims that all of the sugar turns to alcohol and is a favoured drink by diabetics. There are other pilsners out there where all the sugar is converted to alcohol – although ‘sugar’ is a loose definition.

I shall try a few pilsners and let you know how they effect me. After all life is for living.

By: Rich Thanks for the response, Steven!

Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to this thread. Since I posted my question, I did try the SCD — but a modified version, and only for a week and a half. My problem is that I’m a vegetarian, so there’s no possible way to try the SCD from the ground up, including the intro week. So I simply made a list of the allowed non-animal foods, and stuck to those.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much change. And on top of that, I found the diet almost impossible: I was eating a lot, and was usually hungry anyway. Whether the diet would work for me or not is still an unanswered question, since I didn’t follow it exactly. My symptoms are mild enough that going back to eating meat after 20+ years as a vegetarian just to try it out with no guarantee would be a difficult decision to make. I haven’t ruled it out, but for now I’ve gone back to a “normal” diet.

In the meantime, I’ll keep reading and learning.


By: google, I have figured out some points through your blog post post. One other point I would like to state is that there are numerous games available and which are designed specifically for toddler age youngsters. They involve pattern acknowledgement, colors, creatures, and styles. These generally focus on familiarization in lieu of memorization. This will keep children engaged without having the experience like they are studying. Thanks

By: Steven Wright In reply to Ad.

@Ad – There can also be gluten and other remains in beer depending on the type of ferment used. Beer is very diverse term. From the large to the microbrews it can be very hard to be sure that there isn’t added sugars and that the sugars are as low as you say they are. That being said we’ve always said this is your life, if you can drink it, you want to drink and it doesn’t affect you go for it.

By: Ad In reply to Ad.

Anyone have an answer for this one yet? I’ve noticed a trend of my inquiries receiving no answers on the site…

As a note, I’m not trying to decry SCD. I follow it religiously. I’m just trying to understand /why/ it works and the rationale behind the restrictions. If we don’t have an understanding of why this diet works, then it makes it that much harder to figure out what exactly is responsible for the myriad conditions that it can treat.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Rich.

@Rich – decreased motility can lead to diarrhea or constipation totally depends on gut flora, infections, hormone status. If the food takes longer to get through the system it sits around and gut bugs eat it for dinner. Their by products cause diarrhea, gas, bloating and a bunch of other bad by products. Try SCD for 30 days to get off the Imodium.

By: Rich It doesn’t appear that this thread is being followed closely, but I’m hoping the author is still around, as I have one question about one statement in the article:

“Alcohol impairs digestive motility (muscle control and contraction), which slows the movement of food through the esophagus and intestines and usually leads to diarrhea”

I’m taking Immodium twice a day in order to decrease motility. I don’t understand how decreasing motility leads to diarrhea.

Wine seems to help me, maybe decreased motility is the reason.


By: Ad In reply to Ad.

I’m sorry, that should read why /isn’t/ beer SCD legal.

By: Ad A question,

I have trouble understanding why beer is illegal under SCD. As I understand it, the reason that beer is illegal under SCD is because of the trace amounts of maltose and isomaltose (disaccharides) left after the brewing process. However, the amount of those disaccharides left is comparable, if not much smaller in many cases, to the amount of lactose present in SCD legal aged cheeses. So my question is why are maltose and isomaltose more difficult to digest than lactose and why is beer SCD legal by this logic.

This question also draws upon my continued confusion as to why starches and disaccharides in some foods (squash and carrots) are tolerated, but others aren’t.

By: kathleen Hi there,

Ive been on the SCD now for 3 weeks! Im wondering if anyone has any insight on when i can add in a once a week couple glasses of wine?

MUCH appreciated!!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Martin.

Great points Martin. I think what we can deduce from the research is that Alcohol does impair digestion… so doing it atleast 2 hours after a meal is important. The 2nd is that research continues to pile up showing alcohol causes SIBO, so those that can’t naturally defend against a temperary increase in SIBO shouldn’t drink.

In good health,


By: Martin I have gone a the long way from a enthusiast beer lover to abstaining from alcohol completely. While getting vast health benefits from that there are obstacles too: In society where majority practices social drinking it is not easy to stick to tea. One note on the research: At the beginning of the research of smoking health effect the initial results were also neutral or beneficial in moderation while recently the results were more conclusive. We might see similar research results with alcohol with some 50 years of delay.

By: Trish I found this very helpful. Thank you…

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Katieb.

Thank you for sharing that Katie, I’m so happy that you’re doing well!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Danielle.

Thanks Danielle, awesome tip!


By: Katieb Thankfully, we do fine with our daily wine and SCD. I personally think a daily glass or two of wine is beneficial and not heavy or alcoholic drinking. In addition, as any of us know on SCD SOoOoO much else has been taken away, it’s nice to be able to enjoy at least ONE ‘vice’ in life…:)

By: Danielle I want to note that I’ve done some research and reliably dry wines (0-1 g sugar/L) are French Bordeaux blends, specifically from the Left bank (Medoc or Graves) – they tend to be Cab Savignon dominant which are slightly less sweet than Merlot dominated blends.

By: Angie I am new to the scd diet… I hope to be able to drink alcohol in the future. Currently when I try to drink my skin gets blotchy and I use the bathroom about every 20 minutes for hours. It is not very fun! Any suggestions on how far along in the diet I can try alcohol again?

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Astra Li.

Hi Astra – Tequila is a “grey area” on SCD, If you do drink some I would keep it to the clear Tequilas and in moderation. Check out part 3 in this series for more info.

By: Astra Li Thank you for this information – is Tequila an ok alcohol occasionally? Astra
