Comments on: The TRUTH About Gluten-Free Food — Does it Help or Hurt Gut Health? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:12:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kim.

HI Kim – We’d suggest getting off the grains as much as you can and starting the SCD diet your self -

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim – yes it is possible to heal your gut and be able to tolerate fructose again. This is going to take changing your diet (avoiding cereal grains) and adding in helpful supplements such as enzymes and probiotics. We’d recommend starting with your diet here:

By: Kim I have found near complete relief of my “symptoms” from being on low fodmap diet for the past yr., but have heavily relied on cereal grains as an everyday staple. So am I actually healing my gut at all?? I’m curious about what’s next for me. Is it possible to further heal my gut and one day be able to digest fructose? Should I consider the GAPS or SCD diets? I’ve read that these can truly heal the gut over a 1 to 2 yr period.

By: Kim I’ve found mild relief of symptoms (constipation, extreme gas, reflux & some joint pain) from 1yr on a gluten free diet and FULL relief from a low fodmap diet. I’m concerned that I rely heavily on other inflammatory grains (oats, rice,corn) as everyday staples? . I’m fully committed & feel compelled to healing my gut but don’t know where to start -SCD, GAPS, grain-free, even though my symptoms are gone. After your wonderful post, I’m scared that I’ve been over-consuming inflammatory grains/starches. I’m a wife & mother of 3 little boys (one of which I believe to have many symptoms of an imbalanced gut) -all of whom eat a ton! It’s so hard to feed them all. I feel lost & want to spare them of the leaky gut which I’ve acquired. Help!

By: a In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Yes! Thank you!

By: Susan Good information. So true, the processed GF foods out there are totally unhealthy.

By: Donna In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Keep us up dated if they do ……if I decide to try , I will let you know how it goes.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to A.

Hi, thanks so much for your comment and question 🙂

What Jordan means is that if you go gluten-free and replace the gluten-containing foods in your diet with the four most common fillers:
1. Soy
2. Corn
3. Sugar
4. Industrial oils

(Like gluten-free granola, gluten-free cookies and bread, gluten-free pizza, etc.) you may actually be worse off than if you had continued eating typical gluten-containing foods. Lots of gluten-free foods are completely nutritionally empty and contain more sugar and industrial oils than their traditional gluten-containing counterparts.

Going gluten-free is healthful so long as you replace those foods with other whole foods – fruits, vegetables, meats, and healthy fats 🙂 Jordan and Steve don’t recommend you eat any processed replacement “gluten-free” foods.

I hope that helps clarify!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Genevieve.

Hi Genevieve, thanks for asking!

We have community members around the world, but our book hasn’t been professionally translated into any other languages.

Since it’s online, however, you could use an online translator like Google Translate to translate the book, if you want.

Thanks so much for your interest 🙂 I hope this can help your friend!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Wendy.

Great point Wendy – I know Steve and Jordan are very interested in this topic and will be addressing it further in the future!

Thanks for reading and for commenting 🙂 We’re so grateful to have you as a member of our community!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna, thanks for commenting. Steve and Jordan haven’t used CBD oil themselves or with clients yet.

Thanks for asking though!

By: Lisa b This was a really great article.
I’m not celiac but am homo zyg for ncgs, with sibo, klebsiella, candida, and a leaky gut. (Also Lyme, Bart, ebv and hormone imbalance.) the best motivator for me is information so I appreciate this really fantastic article containing links to research and other articles. Very helpful n

By: Donna Been hearing a lot about CBD oil, any comments on this helping ?

By: Wendy Great article, but wish it had gone a step further in linking the GMO factor, esp with regards to soy and sugar. Many still do not understand the role GMOs play with their health, so we need to get the word out more.

By: Genevieve Has this book been translated into other languages? I live in France and I know someone who is suffering from Celiac, has gone gluten free and still has several severe health problems. I would love to share this information with her but she doesn’t speak English!

By: A Awsome article! It puts everything I’ve been hearing from you guys, Christina, Dr. Tom, ect in one place. Everything made since except one part!…..

“What about people without Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity that go gluten-free to lose weight or get more energy?
Well, new research is beginning to suggest a gluten-free diet has harmful impacts to the good bacteria in our gut.”

Please help me clarify this, as I am someone that has tried to switch myself and family to a GF diet as a choice . (I have been aware of the poor/ toxic fillers being used and therefore try to avoid those products.) I hope to hear your response. I know you guys have a great following, so my comment might get over looked:/
Thanks! A

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Izzy.

Thank you Izzy! We really appreciate hearing from people like you who are having success with SCD 🙂 You’re on the right path, and we know your health is only going to continue to improve.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Pamela.

Hi Pamela – thanks for asking!

Steve and Jordan don’t recommend buckwheat either while you’re healing your gut on a protocol like SCD or for longterm health and wellness.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Agnes.

Hi Agnes – thanks for your question! Steve and Jordan believe most people can eventually graduate to a paleo/primal eating template (including potatoes and other dense sources of carbs) once they’ve healed their guts on a diet like SCD.

SCD isn’t necessarily low-carb either – you can eat a lot of veggies and fruit while following the plan. You can tweak the diet to make it work for you.

I hope this helps to answer your question 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Coleen.

Thanks for commenting Coleen 🙂

Awesome to hear you’re feeling better!

By: Coleen Thanks for a great article. I had to find this out for myself the hard way, when I gave up gluten in 2011, but still had a bad reaction to other grains, such as rice, GF foods and vegetables! Recently I discovered the “zero carb” (ZC) diet and have never felt better and am finally able to lose that stubborn last 10 pounds!

By: Agnes I’ve been following and enjoying your posts for over a year now. What you say makes sense and works. Something I would like to see you address is serotonin. Do you get enough on the SCD? What about potatoes? Is that something a person can eventually eat?

By: Pamela Hi I am just curious what do you think about buckwheat as I know it is a psudeo type of grain.

By: Izzy I was diagnosed with mild SIBO two years ago and just told to eat a low fat, low carb diet. In addition was diagnosed with a Mast Cell disease. The latter made eating any food very difficult. I went from 3 foods that I tolerated to now 22 foods. I looked into the SCD diet list of foods just now and thankfully only 6 are not allowed. Hopefully I will see further improvement in inflammation in deleting them. Unfortunately mast cell disease is one of inflammation so I don’t know that I can ever be free of inflammation. I’ve been able to cut the number of medications that I’m on in half, but still have many health issues.
Unfortunately in my area I know of no one of your caliber or Chris Kressor so I appreciate all the information the two of you are able to provide. I’m my own lab rat and so far have done fairly well. Thanks so much.
