Comments on: 3 Underrated Reasons To Meal Plan (and why I’m avoiding it) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:35:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deborah Houenstein.

Hi Deborah – you do have to do the cooking and shopping. However, if outsourcing those duties is an option for you based on where you live, that could be an option!

By: Deborah Houenstein My question is – is food sent to our homes, or do we have to shop. I’m assuming b/c of the price we shop. It’s still a good idea b/c I need HELP.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kelly Duncan.

Hi Kelly – hardly any! They are simple, yet delicious meals of high quality meat and vegetables (email us at and I can show you what a sample would look like:)

By: Kelly Duncan Are there examples of the type of menu you present? I am asking because my husband is a picky eater (hates seafood) how much fish is included in this plan?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cath.

Hi Cathy – interesting! You could try outsourcing the cooking! I’m not sure who would do this near you, but I’m sure Google could tell you:)

By: Cath Meal plans don’t work for me, partly because of food allergies, like fish and nuts. As soon as I see a diet with a meal plan I drop it. They would work great for someone like my husband, who will eat anything you put in front of him, as long as he doesn’t have to cook. I want to eat what I feel like cooking and eating today. Maybe tomorrow that same food will be anathema, but today, it’s what I want to do. Sometimes I am already tired of it by the time I am done cooking it. This is probably a sign of some type of disorder, but I have no clue what that would be. It’s usually not a craving, I look at what ingredients I have on hand and decide what I will make from them. I think a lot of it is focused on the cooking and not the eating. We don’t do restaurants or boxed food, I’ve always cooked from scratch. I think I’d be a lot more open to a meal plan if somebody cooked for me and I think then that food might take on more of a fuel concept than whatever it means to me now. Got any ideas?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Denise Bennett.

Hi Denise, thanks so much for commenting and sharing your concerns!

Steve and Jordan designed their meal plans to bridge the gap between reading and understanding the principles of BTVC and actually implementing SCD, because it can be really daunting!

If you haven’t checked out Steve and Jordan’s eBook, I recommend it as a companion to BTVC, as t clearly explains how to prepare all the foods (there is an entire chapter dedicated to just meat!) and has helped many former vegetarians convert to SCD! Here’s a link:

You might like this success story of a person who started as a vegetarian, too:

Steve and Jordan’s meal plans don’t include the dry curd cottage cheese (it can be hard to find in the U.S. as well!) and are focused on more common ingredients (chicken, carrots, beef, for example). We’re here to support you too – anytime you have questions you can email us at for help!

We have community members all over the world who are finding health through SCD and we’d love to see you have success too!

By: Denise Bennett Hi guys, I am a great fan of meal planning for many reasons (I teach it in relation to money management) and I am very interested I yours. My husband has crohns and hashimotos (and several other ai conditions) and my mum, my daughter and I all have hashimotos so I think scd is going to be helpful to the whole family. I have read Breaking the vicious cycle’ and it makes perfect sense however to actually put it into practice is very daunting so a ready made meal plan would be an enormous help – we have been vegetarian for the last 28 years so the change would be huge as I don’t even know how to cook meat! I am a little reticent about getting the plans though as we live in the UK and I’m worried that they will be full of things we just cant get – no dry curd cheese here I know – and translation difficulties – what exactly is ‘apple cider’ I’m guessing its not the alcoholic drink we call cider – i know fermented food is good for us but still…… I have tried to find links to the scd community in the UK to discuss this sort of thing but to no avail – your comments/suggestions would be appreciated, thanks

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Elaine.

Hi Elaine, thanks for reaching out!

Please check your email for something from 🙂

By: Elaine Hi

I bought your book a while back and I did not receive it. I am hoping I did not delete it, but I don’t think so as I cannot find it in those files either. Please, would you send me yiour book again. Thanks, talk to you soon
