Comments on: How to Eat Out Gluten-Free and Never Get Glutened Again Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:33:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Thanks for this article – I love your humor and I think that’s what I needed most. Well, maybe that and enjoying a read from someone that gets it.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Oonagh.

Great tips!! Thank you so much for commenting and sharing your experiences 🙂

By: Oonagh What I keep repeating in articles, classes and conferences I speak at on food for gluten free and other food allergy diets. Make sure waiter/waitress writes your order down as gluten free and say medical necessity as too many restaurants have been burnt by people playing with following a gfd and being asked is it a preference. As a chef with cd I can understand frustration of restaurants trying to do the right thing and then have some idiot have wheat filled chocolate cake. Then check if restaurant says it has any visible protocols for gfd – different shape or color plate, allergy flag, meal served by chef or manager not your waiter. I was given a wheat filled meal one time as my waiter hadn’t put it through as gf and only avoided severe xc since I knew their protocols. If they don’t have visible protocols then double check when served that it is a gluten free meal and if they are not sure push back and insist they check, even ask for manager. And then smile, smile, smile, be sweet and leave a good tip so they take more care for next one of us. Remember you are only as safe as the waiter, manager and chef on duty that day.

By: Kendall Ryder From someone who has had to switch to a gluten free diet, it can be so hard eating out! Of course, there are more and more restaurants adding gluten free items to their menu, but it is still hard fining those restaurants. Eating only meats and fruits and veggies is not fun. That is why finding gluten free alternatives to your favorite items is important for us gluten free folk! Searching for a restaurant that has these foods will be so much easier and better for you ! Don’t fall into the trap of eating the food that will make you feel sick!

By: Karen I find asking to speak directly to the chef helps too, usually in higher priced establishments. Also, sometimes a Mom & Pop mid to upper-scale restaurant can offer the most time and consideration.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly – you’ll need to check the labels on any store-bought milk alternatives to see if they are gluten-free.

However, we really don’t recommend these grain-milk alternatives as they can be damaging to the gut as well.

We recommend you try almond milk or another kind of nut milk. Some people do very well with coconut milk as well!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Christina.

Great point – and what we discuss in the article, too!

Here’s some info on L-Lgutamine, if you’re interested:

Thank you for commenting 🙂

By: Christina An abstract discussing the enzymes I referenced.

By: Christina I call ahead, talk to the chefs, take aspergillopepsin & dipeptidyl peptidase IV and heavily supplement with L-glutamine to heal quickly.

By: Kelly Hi,
Just wanted to ask -does anyone know if dairy-alternative milks such as Brown Ricw milk and Oat milk are gluten free?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Yolanda.

Yolanda – that is a great idea!

Often when people don’t have special dietary needs they can get overwhelmed by them (vegan isn’t the same as gluten free as allergic to wheat, etc.!)

Thanks for sharing this tip!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Dr. Larry R. Ward.

Hi Dr. Larry – we love Dr. O’Bryan as well!

He collaborated with us on our Solving Leaky Gut program and we very much admire his work and expertise.

You can learn more about SLG and our work with Dr. O’Bryan by signing up for a free webinar here:

By: Dr. Larry R. Ward I am impressed with your insights, care, compassion, and experience. Because of that, I want you to know about another Doc I met that is an incredible tool against gluten sensitivity. I met him at a conference last year, and I have since come to greatly respect his expertise. He is speaking at a functional medicine conference in Atlanta this month or next- and is an incredible resource to help you help others. His name is Dr. Tom O’Brien. He has formulated supplements to aid gluten sensitive souls, as well as a program to educate people on what to do …. is his web stuff I believe.
Thank you for what you do.
Sincerest Regards,
Dr. Larry

By: Yolanda I present the manager with a 3×5 index card to be given to the chef with a statement of my disease. Then specific on how my order must be cooked and what items my food can absolutely not be exposed to. In some restaurants the chef or cook has actually come out to thank me for giving the information in written form. Things can be lost in translation from one person to another. I rarely go to high end restaurants but most definitely avoid low end chains. Of course calling ahead and speaking with the manager or cook is very helpful as well.
