Comments on: Why Polyphenols Are Important and How They Feed Your Gut Bugs Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 10 May 2018 18:57:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tina Wissner.

Hi Tina – did these symptoms start when she changed her diet?

By: Tina Wissner My 16-year-old daughter has T1D and hypothyroidism and is currently suffering from allergies, headaches and muscle pain. She has been on gluten-free, non GMO, non dairy diet for 30 days. Could the removal of some of these foods cause her discomfort?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lita.

Hi Lita – great question. As healthy as polyphenols can be, they may not be the best fit for you at this time, since salicylates are a type of phenol. This article explains that more: You can test them out and see how you do, though, as the SCD diet is all about building a custom diet.

By: Lita Would incorporating polyphenols be tolerated since i am salicylates intolerant.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to where is article dosing hci.

Hello – you can find that here:

By: where is article dosing hci cant find dosing w hci

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lisa Angelo.

Hey Lisa – thanks for reaching out! Everyone who registers gets a replay the morning after the webinar.r If you don’t receive it, just email us at

By: Lisa Angelo In reply to Susan Carr.

Susan I have had the same problem with mold and mycotoxins. I assume you are taking cholestyramine (as per Dr. Shoemaker’s protocol) and activated charcoal. I had many gastric problems with the cholestyramine (a common side effect) and found that I could use natural Phytosterols instead. I had to take a couple more of the 650mg capsules a day but the result has been very good, especially in the return of my cognitive functions. I will be experimenting with this diet after seeing the seminar myself. I hope this info. helps a bit and good luck to you.

By: Lisa Angelo I am also in the Eastern European time zone and have already registered with a note in the “name” section. I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me the recording too. Many thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jeanine.

Hi Jeanine – please attend our free webinar on how to solve leaky gut! You can register here:

I know this will help you 🙂

By: Jeanine I have hereditary angioedema, hashimotos, peripheral neuropathy ( due to the HAE), migraines, severe fatigue, and have changed my diet drastically ( paleo) over the last several years. I do use supplements. It has helped, but I don’t think it’s enough. I KNOW that with HAE my guts are leaky, and need help in getting their balance back. I try to support them, but could use a lot of help. Thank you for the gummy bear recipe! Do you have more recipes and other suggestions I could use for this endeavor?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Susan Carr.

@Susan – we’re really sorry to hear you’re still struggling!

You’re definitely right that a healthy gut is the foundation of health. We encourage you to keep working on the diet as you address the root causes like lyme and mold – when you get to both diet and root causes at the same time, we think you’ll see big changes 🙂

I hope some other people in the community will have some advice as well!

By: Susan Carr Hi. Just wondering how the heck diet can further help me. I worked hard on diet for 4 years even with Dr Wright and got better then sicker?! The diagnosis as they stand now are Mold toxicity and Lyme (Australian-yes! it exists!) I’m currrently working with some of the top Drs in these fields. Email me for a list. But they don’t seem to understand diet as deeply as I do. So far as I can see in their treatments. I need gut support to actually DO their proticols! Help! I’ve done everything right, but the medications that are necessary are undoing my hard work! Even most polyphenols are off the menu!!!? Please if you can help contact me. Warm regards Sue Carr
