Comments on: How to Avoid Buying Fake and Rancid Olive Oil Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 18:38:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Otazo Your olive oil has the best flavor I’ve ever tasted, including at an entire week of olive oil tasting in Italy! Your selection process is amazing!

By: Courtney Gillis In reply to Beth.

If olive oil is fresh and good quality (most supermarket olive oil’s aren’t) you can use it to cook with. The smoking point of extra virgin olive oil is somewhere around 400 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the impurities and acid content of the olive oil. The better the quality, the higher the smoking point.

By: Courtney Gillis Thanks so much for bringing awareness to this topic! Tom Mulleur wrote an excellent book called Extra Virginity about olive oil fraud. His website is a great source of information on extra virgin olive oil and he even lists his recommended places to buy here:

My family owns an olive oil tasting room called Blue Door Oil & Vinegar in Calgary, Alberta. Our olive oil comes from Veronica Foods out of Oakland, CA. They source the freshest, highest quality single varietal olive oils available in the world. Oils come from both northern and southern hemispheres in order to ensure freshness. We post harvest dates and chemistry for all of our olive oils. The oils are tested for proper chemistry and quality by a third party lab. Our huge selection ranges from mild to very robust and peppery. Visit our website!

By: Laura There are a number of affordable organic fair trade olive oils from Palestine. Proceeds support small farmers. Also, it’s pretty delicious.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly Thanks for asking about the oil.

I reached out to the olive oil company and they let me know that the oil isn’t certified organic,but often comes from farms that use organic farming methods. They also said you can opt to only receive certified organic oil, but then you may not receive oil every quarter.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Darlene.

Hi Darlene – you can share this to Facebook by clicking the blue Facebook symbol on the far left side of the screen.

Thanks for spreading the word!

By: Darlene I wish this article had a Facebook logo so it could be posted to Facebook.

By: Liftoff Thanks so much for this piece about your experience with olives and olive oil in Syria, Kevork, it’s very evocative. I never thought about Syria as a source of olive but it makes sense. I wish you peace. And fresh olive oil. 🙂

By: Tracy Karbula I use Bragg’s Olive Oil because I’m pretty new to learning to eat real food (sad we even have to say that). They seem to be a trusted source by many who seem to know more than me from information I’ve read about using food for health and healing. Had to start somewhere = )

By: Kelly Hi – I’m interested in this club, but as someone else mentioned, I don’t see any mention of the oils being biodynamic or organic. I know that organic standards vary from country to country…but I would want to know that there were not chemicals, pesticides, etc. used in the growing or production of the olives and olive oil

By: Kevork Der Alexanian Hello, My name is Kevork Der Alexanian, I was born in war torn Syria in a town called Latakia, Syria,. We didn’t have a refrigerator until I was 12 years old, every thing was cured pickled sundried, it was a process through the whole year each season had some thing to add in our basement. When it comes to olive black olive and olive oil, it was the autumn season we would get the Green olives and crack them with a wooden hammer than soak them in water to reduce the bitterness, when it come to black olives spred them on trays and saturate them with mine salt, until it was dehumidified and ready to be stored, the choice of the family. All this came from connections and places for flavor and quality, east of Mediterranean specifically natural Syria is the Origen of the Olive Tree, the best grows on mountain slopes where the soil is white, and lots of orchards are thousands of years old. On my last trip before the war on my way to Kessab the Armenian village, I realized that it was harvest time, the harvesters were family members sitting on the soil havig breakfast some tea herbs cheese, they looked very happy.
When the olives goes to the press and settles down they deliver it in 16 litter tin cans to the customers, for our family of five we consumed three sixteen liter cans.
A good source on the California Market is Aldaffe from west bank.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Beth.

Hi Beth – you might be interested in this article:

Thanks for commenting!

By: Beth I would like to know more info on why Olive oil is NOT easily destroyed by heat, most science says otherwise..

By: Deb Norris I am a member of this olive oil club and I get soooooo excited when my quarterly box arrives. The olive oil is fresh and aromatic and peppery and yummy! I also love the stories they include about the owners of the groves and the procurement of the olive oil as well as the recipes provided. I want that job!!! Before I went Paleo, I was probably drinking at least bottle of wine a month. Now I use a bottle or more of olive oil a month. Much better to be part of an olive oil club than a wine club!

By: Hannah I like Bariani’s olive oil. It’s produced at an olive farm in California. Harvest date and bottling date are on each bottle.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sandy cardy.

Hi Sandy – we’re really sorry that Steve’s suggested oil isn’t available in Canada yet.

We hope you’ll use the tips in the article to find a great olive oil available where you live.

By: Bolette Tuxen Thank you for good advices. Why don’t you mention that organic (or biodynamic) grown olives are free from pesticides etc. ?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Alan.

Hi Alan – direct from the farm in Greece sounds like the ideal way to get your olive oil. If only we could all be so lucky 🙂

By: Sophia Sutton I would only eat olive oil that is organic.

By: Sandy cardy Hello. I tried to order your large quarterly olive oils only to find that this offer is only in the US. I live in Canada. Just a suggestion, but perhaps a good idea to mention countries you do not ship to right at the start before we spend the time to read everything only to find, when we go to place an order, that we cannot. Please let me know when this might be available in Canada. Many thanks. Sandy.

By: Alan This is interesting to me. A friend and neighbor is Greek and his family owns a olive tree farm near Argolida Greece. He gets his olive oil direct from his farm. Recently he had them send him unfiltered olive oil. His oil is great and my wife says it’s the best she has ever had. He sells it to all the neighbors and all agree on how good it is. His family, him and two sons age 20 and 22 use like a quart every two weeks. I find that allot of oil to consume. None of them are fat, all thin. They eat very little bread or other starches, so they are only cooking with it. What is your thought on unfiltered all pure natural olive oil? It is always in tins or dark glass container. Thanks, Alan
