Comments on: The Celiac Disease Diet: Why Gluten-Free Isn’t Working (and What to Do Instead) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:12:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Robert Berumen.

Hi Robert – we apologize for the late reply here! We’d highly suggest watching the webinar mentioned in the article, as this will answer a ton of our questions. You can register for free here:

By: Robert Berumen How did you get over this? Did you see any specialist who blamed anxiety and ibs? What is your the status on pain management? I have so many questions. 2 years into the gluten free diet, low fodmop no relief and the doctors are not helpful. How do you keep your job with this constant pain and discomfort?

By: Ginny In reply to kimberly.

Hi, have you ever seen a vascular specialist for that? Might be something they could do.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rebecca Cresswell.

HI Rebecca – if you’d rather read more you can do so here:

By: Rebecca Cresswell Shouldn’t have to watch a webinar to get the answer

By: Kathleen Hi this was a wonderful article. I have not been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, but have many of the symptoms. After many years of going to doctors and complaining of the same symptoms and getting no help, no testing, just prescription to treat the symptoms. I decided to do my own search for the symptoms I’m experiencing and just read about Adison’s disease which has many of the same type of symptoms as Celiac. Apparently Adison’s disease can cause Celiac disease, which may be why a gluten free diet is not working for many patients diagnosed with Celiac disease. Adison’s disease is caused mainly when adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone cortisol, but there can be other reasons as well. Here is a link to the article I read for anyone who wants to read it. You may also want to do your own search on Adison’s as there are many articles out there by medical institutions about it as well.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Steven.

Hi Steven – yes it can definitely help her gain weight. Of course there are many factors that play into this, but essentially her gut is likely not absorbing nutrients even though she’s eating food. Hormones can play a part, too, but healing the gut with diet and supplements is a great start.

By: Steven In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

My girl friend is celiac just about a year. Shes still devastated hates to est anything and is about 105 pounds when she used to be likd 145. I’m a cook and I know what she can eat ahat she cant I know the whole nine yards. But fixing leaky gut can help her gain weight again?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Betty Smith.

Hi Betty – Remicade is a prescription that deals with the symptoms, not the root cause and we therefor suggest the approach talked about in the article for lasting changes that address the root of the issue.

By: Betty Smith What about Remicade

By: Paul Its not just Gluten free. It is sugars. Cut them down to the minimum. Find out what the average intake is of sugars safely allowed then drop that number to the barest minimum. The brain needs a very small amount of glucose but the American diet is inundated with sugars. Yes just because it is gluten free does not mean it is sugar free. Agave, fructose, glucose and a myriad number of names hides it. Look everything up. Also try Garlic too because intestinal parasites come with Celiacs do to the immune deficiency issue…

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Greg.

HI Greg – sorry you’re having issues. Try using a different browse or device and let us know if you continue to have issues:

By: Greg Hi guys. I wanted to attend, but the register page is coming back with “Did not process request from due to Spam Sources.” There is no chance that spamming is happening from here. Must be some error from your spam list provider. I do not have this problem with any other Internet communications. In the meantime, I guess I’ll try from another location.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Modupe sanni.

@Modupe – removing Gluten is an important step, but it doesn’t heal the gut. We’d suggest registering for one of our Free Webinars here, which will help you to understand a leaky gut and what needs to be done to fully heal:

By: Paul Rowlandson My wife started out being extremely lactose intolerant. She had colitis throughout her entire GI tract before she began to cut out all lactose. It took us 5 years of struggling before we really had a handle on it. For instance, lactose free milk is only lactose free if it is skim milk because some of the lactose is in the milk fat and the lactase enzyme is not able to treat it. Fifteen years after becoming lactose intolerant, she became celiac and that was another learning curve. She is ok just as long as she receives zero gluten. Because she is so sensitive to lactose and gluten, we were able to eventually track down foods that contained these and eliminate them. Product ingredient labeling has helped a lot but some products do not inform the consumer of minute amounts of lactose or gluten.

By: Modupe sanni Am just been frustrated on the issues of this celiac diseases, whatsoever I tried which is not gluten is still pronouncing, I really need your help.

By: Peter In reply to kimberly.

Hi Kimberly, do you mean that gut powder and jelatin did not healed your leaky gut?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to a.

THanks for reaching out and I’m sorry you’re suffering. I’d honestly consider a new doctor – like the ones here: You could also print out each article in our celiac series and take them to your doctor but they must be open and willing to listen. Changing your entire diet along iwth going gluten free is the first major step and we’d recommend starting here:

By: a Can you please come to the doctors with me? It’s been around 7 years since my first symptoms and at least 3-5years fighting with doctors. 2 years ago I almost bankrupt myself at a natural path doctor who brought to life I was more then likely celiac… one will diagnos me with anything other then ibs….I seriously feel like I’m going to die somedays…..even after 2 years of a strick celiac diet, which includes no vinigars and only olive oil as well as I am intolerant to dairy, even goat. Sometimes if I just stop eating for a few days, I feel better, but then not eating catches up to me and it feels like a mini stroke is coming on. Finally something came up on a blood test with thyroid and graves was the first thing the doctor said. I’m beyond my breaking point. I can hardly hold down a job because of sick days and doctor days…..I don’t want to say I hate my life because I love it and everyone in it….it’s just this celiac thing is such a huge part of my life unfortunately….it needs to stop right now, today, but I am not equipped with the knowledge or resources to even point my doctor in the right way… there something I can take her?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to kimberly.

Hi Kimberly – thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling, but I’m really glad you’ll be joining us for the webinar on Wednesday. I think the majority of your questions will be answered at the webinar – including what to eat and avoid and what triggers a leaky gut.

Hang in there! If you have questions after the webinar, go ahead and email us at

By: kimberly Oh I forgot to mention I have inflammation too, real bad in my right heal, side leg and knee…… so bad i can’t be on my feet long w/out resting leg/foot. and I take curcumin and tart cherry but it doesnt help. Nothing does, except maybe changing shoes for a bit.

By: kimberly hi, I have been celiac since i was in my late 20’s. took a while to diagnose back then , but i had chronic fatigue so bad …..all of it went away without wheat./gluten. But I still ate oatmeal and no one ever told me to heal my gut. Im now 49 and have struggled with depression 4 diff times. In March i became very ill with terrible brain fog (indecision, cant multi task or do anything I used to), depression (although this is better with d3 and lots of bible and prayer! laundry/perfume smells bothered me, was waking at 4:30am & couldn’t get back to sleep. by May I had insomnia, terrible. I thought i was going to die. I was determined not to go on anti depressent but find help. Wasn’t sure if it was adrenals or what. 3 doctors later lots of $$ and none of them were any help. It took a lot of research but my husband and i finally figured out that I had leaky gut…so we started to look for ways online to heal this. So we started with colostrum and Dr. Axe leaky gut powder. Then it was apparent after more research, that I have malabsorption because my skin was getting creepy, i was b-12 deficient daily, mag, and d3, and was still loosing weight, and the insomnia (its not my hormones already had them ck). Plus looking back at my spectracell in Aug, so many deficiencies. Calcium was one of them. My stool volume in the am was huge but always came right out, soon as I sipped lemon water upon waking. It just seems very strange that after 23 years of strict gluten free all of this happened. But no one ever mentioned I needed to heal my gut way back when I was diagnosed (i had dermatitis hepitiformis too) Im trying the scd, with what info i can find here online, but im also leaving out lectins because I read a lot about them, and Im afraid I wont be able to heal my gut if I dont go off those too? You ever meet anyone whos been gf for 23 years and all this happens? I feel so alone. I think we need a support group. Will I be able to stop malapsorbtion? and I so want my brain back. I hope? its very scarry. Its very hard figuring out what to eat but im keeping it simple, grass fed meat, chicken, or fish, and salad/veggies and some squash. What about protein like gelatin collagen beef protein? because I make bone broth weekly but I need the protein for my fruit smoothie for breakfast which makes bkfast easier since I don’t like sausage. I cant think of any other protein that would be ok in a smoothie? I buy frozen blueberries and berries and use coconut water and a handful of spinach. I was eating an egg every morning but im willing to give those up for now because i read unless they are organic and free range, how do you guarantee that? we cant always afford that plus i was eating it on a slice of gf bread and I know I cant have that. I am wondering how long I have to do this way of eating to heal? I wanted to watch the webinar but its not set til Wed. So i have to wait. thx for your answers. ps. its very hard on someone with brain fog to figure out what to eat for herself let alone her family. 🙁

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Patricia.

Hi Patricia – I hope this article helps:

By: Patricia My son is nearly 4 years old and he has chronic diarreah. He has had it all his life. I have had him on a gluten free diet which did help significantly however there are other people in my sons family that give him gluten thinking it is only a little bit, and that he will be ok. I have no control of his diet when he is not with me. Doctors have found nothing wrong with him but there is definitely something wrong. I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Laura.

Hi Laura – your daughter is so fortunate to have been diagnosed at such a young age!

We recommend our Solving Leaky Gut program – it is the next step beyond a gluten-free diet for healing from Celiac disease. You can learn more by registering for a FREE webinar here:

I hope this helps!

By: Laura Thank you for your article. I am looking forward to learn more. My 5yo daughter was diagnosed 3 years ago with Celiac Disease and even though she is following a strict gf diet, her intestines are damaged. I have seen multiple experts and they don’t have answers. I truly hope this helps. How can I find accurate info on leaky gut and what diet to follow? Thanks, Laura

By: Nelson Modern funcional medicines are the
Beginning Of health status
Thanks God

By: Will O'B Dr Joel Wallach and Dr Peter Glidden have some interesting ideas.


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Cherie.

Hi Cherie – so sorry you experienced this problem!

It sounds like it was a little glitch – we hope you’ll try registering again. You might also want to try a different browser or device, too.

If you’re still having problems, you can email us at

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Rachel @ Where The Wild Stuff Grows.

Thanks for commenting Rachel 🙂 We’re so glad you’ve found our site as you work to heal your gut. If you ever have questions or need support, you can reach out to us at

By: Cherie I tried to register but despite filling in the info it said I was 50% done and clicking the submit button didn’t work

By: Rachel @ Where The Wild Stuff Grows Wow what a great article! I was diagnosed with Celiac’s over a year ago, and although I don’t experience any digestive discomfort I still have very low vitamin levels and (all of a sudden) bad acne. I am currently in the slow but steady process of healing my leaky gut.
