Comments on: 7 Uses of Tea Tree Oil for Kids’ Skin Problems Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:29:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: TagBand USA Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oil. When used as a topical treatment, tea tree oil can cause skin rashes, inflammation and redness that is often the result of an allergic reaction. For kids tea tree oil used topically for burns, cuts, diaper rash and fungal infections. Both adults and children can benefit from the use of tea tree oil. Thaks for sharing.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alice.

HI Alice – Most tea tree oils are NOT for ingestion in any way, even if diluted with water. We’d recommend reaching out to the company you buy oils from (we like Rocky Mountain oils) and see if they have a cleaning product.

By: Alice Hiya! Can you tell me about safely using tea tree oil with vinegar as a home cleaner for toys, counters, tables, floors, etc.? My little ones are toddlers, and they eat things off the floor sometimes or put toys in their mouths to lick or chew. If tea tree oil is toxic when ingested, does that mean I should not use it as part if my vinegar solution bc residue of the cleaner would be on all surfaces? I was hoping to use it bc it kills germs. I’ve heard of using grapefruit seed extract, but I hear it can mimic estrogen, and if they put things in their mouths with that residue, that could be an issue too. I’m new at this, so any clarification would be appreciated greatly!

By: TagBand US Great article! Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oil for all types of skin even kid’s skin. For kids skin, tea tree oil used for burns, cuts, diaper rash and fungal infections. Both adults and children can benefit from the use of tea tree oil. Thanks for sharing.

By: Georgina How convenient that tea tree oil can be used as a natural bug repellant as well as to treat insect bites! I’ve been searching for an effective bug repellant that doesn’t involve DEET. I’ll be sure to try your recipe. It sounds like the perfect cure-all for a camping first aid kit.

By: Jenny S. Hi,
I really love Tea Tree Oil! I use it on my face and my kids’ skin, it’s even included in my first aid kit! It’s not expensive, and it’s quite useful. Thanks for sharing!

By: Harvey Lee Tea tree oil is one of most popular essential oils. It can be used as a cure for almost all infections and diseases. Tea tree oil can improve your skin and treat many skin problems naturally!

By: Maureen In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Dear lori
Thank you kindly for your information. It was very reassuring that I had done the right thing by using tea tree oil. The wound is slowly healing. Apparently the doctors found a bleed inside the leg on the hip area. I am still using the tea tree but with the coconut oil over the wound area. Thank you maureen

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Maureen wright.

HI Maureen, tea tree oil is very powerful and we suggest diluting it iwth a carrier oil (coconut oil) when applying it directly to the skin or a wound. The scab turning white is normal and expected, as this is the antimicrobial properties going to work:)

By: Maureen wright Thank you so much for this information. I applied tea tree oil neat to my daughters wound. The doctors and nurse felt it was a bedsore. But….this wound was ordinal red and inflamed skin and appeared to come an infection from the hip bone. The side effects from the antibiotics was causing other problems so had to be stopped.
I applied the tea tree oil to the open wound where the scab had come off. This actually turned the surface scab a white scaly top. Not looking healthy with the red inflammation spreading the dice of a email hand.

Go and nurses not knowing what to do……more antibiotics subscribed……..had the tea tree made this worse. It is so very sore all in the thigh area. From your news letter for tea tree oil. Should I use the coconut oil as a carrier over the inflammation area and wound which is not open.?

By: Sarah When using a metal scrubby to wash dishes, I stabbed my finger on a wire. It hurt but I thought “I’ll put something on it when I finish”. I got done and forgot all about it. Until an hour later it was throbbing! Then I recalled other times of this type of injury – with redness, swelling and throbbing for days – I was not looking forward to that. Really thought it was just too late to avoid that but decided to TRY tea tree oil just to see if it could help. I was in for a real surprise – I put the straight oil onto the puncture and rubbed a bit to help it get inside. Immediately I felt relief! The throbbing came back in awhile and I did the same thing again with relief following. I did this several times that day and within a few hours, all pain was gone! It then healed quickly with no problems. Now, if someone in my family gets a cut, this is my first action. This stuff is the best!

By: Julia G I love this! Essential oils have always scared me a little, unless their use was completely spelled out for me. I have been using tea tree oil, but I am hoping to start using more. I could probably use an energy bath right now!

By: Melissa Recently had surgery on my dominant arm. As part of my treatment/healing I decided to use a combination of essential oils at the sight. We dampen an organic cotton round and then add the oils to it and wipe around the stitches and the area of pain. I did use pain meds first couple days but gave them up as they made me ill. Oils, ice, nutrition, and rest have been my focus to aid healing. All that to say, tea tree is one of the EO’s I am using! Try something natural and new to you for the sake of health 🙂 God Bless
