Comments on: 6 Reasons Frankincense Is ‘The Holy Grail of Health Products’ Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 08 Jan 2019 18:12:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denise Ignatowski In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Actually essential oils are quite safe for pets although there are some oils that can be toxic to them. Many vets use essential oils with horses and other animals. My suggestion is that you consult a reference for animals and essential oils. I use my oils on my dog and I diffuse around her too. It is important to always leave an exit to the room where you will be diffusing oils so that your pet has a means to escape if the oils are too strong for them. Their s nose of smell is much more sensitive than outs so what is fine for us may be overwhelming for them. Purity of oils is key. I’m not familiar with the RMO brand but use instead Young Living oils which have the seed to seal guarantee if purity. Always do your research for the use of oils.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Patricia.

Thanks for sharing, Patricia and we’re really glad to hear you are doing better!

By: Patricia Last year I was diagnosed with stage 3.5 colon cancer. I had the surgery and a month later started chemo. I was sick every day while taking the treatments, and ended up in the hospital twice (in ICU). My body couldn’t keep potassium or electrolytes nor could it make white blood cells. My Dr. Kept trying to custom the chemo so I wouldn’t have such severe reactions to it………..long story short, I had to quit the treatment 1/2 way through. I felt like I had to do something so I talked to a naturopathic physician, and she recommended 10 drops of frankincense daily. I have been taking it faithfully everyday, and though it is early to tell I feel pretty good and my checkups so far have been positive. I take a brand called Ameo, it is natural and pure also, and, of course, I am hoping it is truly capable of holding cancer at bay???

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to kathryn.

I Kathryn – it depends on the company and the quality of Frankincense, but yes the general answer is to ALWAYS use a carrier oil. Fractionated coconut oil is an all-natural carrier oil that readily absorbs into the skin, making it ideal for topical therapies. It is completely soluble with all essential oils and is colorless, odorless, and will not stain or go rancid. I don’t know how absorbably raw coconut oil is and it also needs to be heated to get into a liquid state in order to use with the oil. For these purposes, we just use fractioned:)

By: kathryn Nice article. Question: whether you are placing a drop of frankincense oil on your third eye or using it on your chest for respiratory relief….do you ALWAYS need to use a carrier oil in order for the body to absorb the frankincense and for the frankincense to be effective? IF YES: can you use raw organic coconut oil as a carrier oil or does it always have to be fractionated? The carrier oil part is where I get confused re: what works / what doesn’t work. Thanks very much!

By: Alyssa Peters In reply to Bev Olson.

I have started to use this and learn more about its multiple benefits instead of using 3 or more products I find this combination helpful. DoTerra Frankincense contains three varieties (Boswellia carterii, frereana, and sacra) and combat multiple issues that I am facing personally. I find it a small investment in my health and I suffer with anxiety, depression, and arthritis inflammation.

DoTerra is a company that believes in empowerment on a global scale to bring Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils to the global market. While I am sure Rocky Mountain Oils or Young Living and other brands to be effective, I prefer DoTerra which is why I became a Wellness Advocate.

Good luck to you on search and discovering which brand is right for you.

By: Jenny S. Hi Mariel,

Thank you for sharing your experience. It is also a relief knowing that you are fine after using this Holy Grail. I know that frankincense is good of its anti inflammatory factor, but I was amazed that it also stimulates the regeneration of cells. This post was really informative and full of ideas.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Naomi.

Hi Naomi – animals are more sensitive to essential oils than are humans. Please don’t give your animals any oils internally or topically without consulting with your vet first, and be sure to keep them out of your pet’s reach.

That being said, they are fine for you to use and diffuse, even if you have pets!

By: Naomi I was planning on ordering Sacred Frankincense to use topically, diffused and possibly internally. I have a cat and a dog. Will my using them in ANY WAY be bad for them?
This is very important. I need to know….

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Midori S..

Hi Midori – NO essential oils are NOT safe for pets.

Please do not diffuse near your pet or administer oils to them! Pets like cats and dogs are very sensitive to EO. I suggest talking to your vet about other options for treatment for your cat – or seeking out a holistic vet!

By: Midori S. Thank you for sharing this valuable information! I’m definitely trying this amazing essential oil!

My question is, is it safe to use on pets? I have a cat with breast cancer. If so, do I also use it the same ways as human, by diffusing and ingesting and how much/often?

Thank you so much!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nate.

Hi Nate – we think they would both be great. Sacred frankincense has been studied for its anti-cancer properties. I use both

By: Nate I did some research and found that frankincense was good for the eyes, such as glaucoma. I am wondering if sacred frankincense would be better?

By: Nick Interesting article, I’m going to look more into Frankincense in the future, and it’s good to know now that I have a source of high quality stuff, as that’s so imperative for using any new supplement to see the true benefits.

Thanks guys 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to John.

Hi John – we recommend Rocky Mountain Oils Sacred Frankincense

By: John Hi, where can I find something like this? Wherever i was looking it was sold

By: Martin In reply to Nick.

Your in the right track Nick!! Email me

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to linda.

Hi Linda – check out a capsule product like this:

By: linda I have a bottle of organic frankincense boswellia serrata
It state 100 pure organic natural frankincense, but it also says NOT FOR INTERNAL USE.
you must mix it with a carrier oil if used on skin.
You are stating that it can be taken internally, is there a special one that can be taken internally?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Geri.

Hi Geri – thanks for asking.

We think the more ways you use frankincense oil, the better.

You can diffuse it using a diffuser like this: (It is important you use an ultrasonic or cold diffuser – you do not want to heat the oil when you diffuse it, as this will damage the oil).

You can also ingest it by putting a drop or two under your tongue or you can try rubbing it on your temples.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sam.

Hi Sam – we think it is best to do both (diffuse and ingest the oil.) When you diffuse it, make sure you use a high quality diffuser that doesn’t heat the oil (heating can compromise the integrity of the oil!) like this: or

You can ingest it by putting a drop or two under your tongue or mixing it in water. You can also rub it on your temples.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Linda.

Hi Linda – I totally get it 🙂 We were introduced to this line of oils by Lori Jo – she wrote this post on tea tree oil and at the bottom she discusses Rocky Mountain Oils and why she prefers their oils:

LMK if you have more questions after reading that!

By: Linda I know essential oil companies are very proprietary and can be almost religious about their products. I get that. I just want to know how RMO differs from the major multilevel marketing brands. Obviously there is no upline, thankfully. I’m looking for good quality oils without the hype. Thanks.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to sally.

Hi Sally – thanks for commenting! We recommend Rocky Mountain Oils

By: sally Hello Please advise where to buy the Frankincense resin? to take in the UK
Many thanks I have UC

By: Emily This is superb, great article thank for you the information! I’m a firm believer in essential oils and will now definitely start using this one with my family. Excellent facts supporting this. Thank you for enlightenment.

By: Geri What is the best way to use this product for digestive problems? Thanks

By: Sam For overall body inflammation and gut health, what is the best way to use frankincense eo? Is it effective aromatically for those conditions, or should it be ingested?

By: Shell in San Diego Thanks for the great article- I’ve been using a few drops of Frankincense mixed in coconut oil as makeup remover and moisturizer for a few months and it’s actually tightened my skin and removed dark spots. As a lifelong surfer, sailor and otherwise sun-loving beach goer- it’s miraculous! I’m fairly new to essential oils but believe God gave us every natural thing we need for health so I’ve cut out putting toxins on my largest organ (skin)
Btw, there were probably many wise men- the scripture just mentions 3 of the gifts they brought. =)

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nick.

Thank you for sharing your story Nick!! Congratulations on your success with the frankincense 🙂 We’re so glad you liked this article

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Bev Olson.

Hi Bev – thanks for reaching out to us! 🙂 We recommend the frankincense from Rocky Mountain Oils here

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Linda.

Hi Linda! We recommend Rocky Mountain Oils. You can get them here:

By: Linda How can I obtain the oil as outlined in this wonderful site. Please let me know. I would love to purchase dime for me and my family. Thanks.

By: Bev Olson Where is this sold.

By: Nick Great article. I have taken 1500mg daily of Boswellia Serrata (boswellia resin extract) in tablet form for the past 18 months or so and it has totally solved my colitis symptoms, which had been in flare up mode for close to a year and not responding to the Lialdia medication I had been on. I’m not sure the relative merits of oil form versus tablet form but I find the tablets convenient to take three times a day. I am strongly considering phasing out the allopathic medication (entocort) that I am now on and seeing if the boswellia alone works, along with the wheat free real food diet I have been on for four or five years now. The only dietary change I made was to cut out tomatoes. I think it will because The resolution coincided with starting the boswellia and came a couple of months before my new gastroenterologist changed me from Lialdia to the entocort.
