Comments on: The Science of Fire Cider and Oxymels for Health Improvement Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 27 Nov 2021 13:01:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Firecider - The Cross Legacy […] Wright, Steven. “The Science of Fire Cider and Oxymels for Health Improvement.” Healthy Gut Company, Healthy Gut Company, 7 Dec. 2018,  […]

By: Lori Jenkins In reply to Jacqueline Paré.

It’s all about energetic. Depending on your current energetics (hot/cold, dry/moist), Fire Cider May be doing the exact opposite for you. It’s very stimulating and warming, if you’re already running warm and dry it could make things linger or get worse.

By: Lori Jenkins I agree, Fire Cider is amazing! What’s even more amazing is all the folk healers, herbalist, granny healers who have been healing with it for a LONG time, still healing today. No ONE PERSON should claim that name. It does not belong to Shire City no matter “how hard” they worked, someone before them worked even harder.
Make your own or support small batch businesses. Fire Cider is the herbalist medicine, not Shire City.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rigel.

Thanks for the feedback, Rigel! We will keep that in mind for other similar posts.

By: Rigel You should include directions for us spend thrifty DIY’s. Fire cider is not hard to make, and it is empowering to take ones health into ones own hands (gut).
Thank you for the review

By: Hattie Larrouy Hear’s the recipe I use, from Rosemary Gladstar (well respected herbalist whom you referenced):

I’ve been making it for two years. It’s great to make yourself, it’s easy and you can control the recipe to your specific taste and needs, plus it’s less expensive!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Liz.

Hi Liz – that is a great question. CA has differentn laws regarding supplements and you can find this on nearly all labels. I can’t say for sure whether this had been proven with this particular product but I’d look into the actual reason behind the law a bit more and inquire there. We have member’s of the SCD Lifestyle team that use it often with no issues:)

By: Liz Hi! Yesterday I was at my friends house and I told her I felt like I was coming down with a sore throat. She said a friend of ours sent her some fire cider. She told me all about what it did for her, so I tried a shot. Within the hour my throat was feeling WAY better. I was sold.. BUT here’s my dilemma.. I saw a disclaimer/warning that said this could cause cancer or infertility.. Is this true? My friend who gave me the shot told me her story.. She had developed bronchitis during a her pregnancy.. Which dehydrated her and made her go into preterm labor. She went to the hospital, gave her IV and antibiotics, nothing worked so she happened to try the fire cider.. Within 48-73 hrs that sickness was knocked out of her system completely. But I am confused about the California 65 warning about cancer and infertility.. Just want to know if this is actually true. Has this been proven?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jacqueline Paré.

HI Jacqueline, thanks for sharing! The fire cider will be more powerful in terms of eradicating the cold if you’re also eating a healthy diet (SCD, Paleo, or something similar). You’re also correct that it can work great in terms of preventative measures, too:) You might enjoy this podcast for natural cold and flu tips as well:

By: Jacqueline Paré I bought a bottle of Cider Fire. It tastes great but I have to say I have not experienced the benefits you describe. I’m going on two weeks of a serious cold tomorrow and can’t see that the Cider Fire is helping. I’ll continue to use it because if nothing else the taste is great and it DOES wake up tastebuds for aure. Maybe it works better as a preventive thing rather than helping when you start in the middle of an illness. It bears more study on my part.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Dora.

Hi Dora – that is hard to say. If you’re not progressing on SCD, it could be because of a root cause like adrenal fatigue or a gut infection, which Fire Cider can’t fix on its own. If you’ve already looked at these potential root causes, you might consider making your own Fire Cider using one of the DIY recipes out there, and omitting the onions.

By: Dora I want to try this but I cannot tolerate onions. Do you think it would be worth the risk? I have been on SCD for about a year and a half but cannot progress. I eat a very limited variety of food and feel I need something more to help me. Thanks for suggestions.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Wendy.

Hey Wendy – the shot glass comes with each bottle of Fire Cider 🙂


By: Anna @ Healthoop I am a nutrition expert. I enjoy reading your post which is useful. In the next, i hope that you will have plenty of greater articles. Thanks!

By: Wendy I’m going to order some as a gift, but where can I find that cool shot glass to go with it?

By: Terry I can’t eat apples, otherwise I’d try it.

By: Julie That’s quite an endorsement. I’m a frequent reader of your site and don’t think you would write that if it wasn’t true. It sounds like it is at least worth a shot. (no pun intended)
