Comments on: The Gluten-Free Diet Didn’t Help Amy with Her Celiac Disease, But Here’s What Did Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 25 May 2023 09:00:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: gateio I may need your help. I’ve been doing research on gate io recently, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Later, I read your article, and I think your way of writing has given me some innovative ideas, thank you very much.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to KATHY EVERETT.

Hey kathy – thanks so much for reaching out and sharing your experiences.

We don’t believe there is any scientific merit behind the principles of the Eat Right 4 Your Type diet. If you’re interested in why, this podcast does a great job summing up the issues with the theory:

That being said – we don’t doubt you feel a lot better eliminating foods that don’t work for your body. We do support everyone finding the customized diet that works for them 🙂

By: KATHY EVERETT Years ago when I worked in a health food store one of our customers walked up to the counter and somewhat loudly dropped 4 books on the counter; and done with great pride – pride of knowledge. The book(s) were written by Dr. D’Adamo ‘Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type’. Immediately I was struck by the title and the common sense stated within it. There were a few curious people standing around and when the young fellow was asked “Why are you buying so many copies?” he said, “I have tried every modality, healing protocol, vitamin, potion, diet, fast…everything this health food store could offer – and NOTHING worked like ‘eating right for my blood type!’…so I am buying all my closest friends this book for Christmas. ! Ten years later (oh, well) I purchased a copy of same book and low and behold…!….all the nasty little food triggers that set me off as a kid, which my parents never believed (” EAT your tomatoes – AND stop saying they make your mouth itch!) were those bad little ‘AVOID’ foods listed under my blood type (example is my ‘A’ blood type). NO gluten, NO Dairy, Nightshades, corn, chick peas, navy beans, kidney beans, melons…etc all things that as a child I noticed had given me some reaction.
To improve your health and immune system, I would start here – book is now called ‘Live right 4 Your Type’.

By: Beth Cheatham Great article Sweetie,


By: scout104 Your story hit me like a ton of bricks. I was diagnosed Celiac 5 years ago and have been strictly gluten free ever since. Aside from the short lived relief I felt by eliminating gluten, I still feel pretty miserable almost daily . Living with chronic malaise and its myriad of vague symptoms will eventually take over and your ability to push through it won’t always be possible. A couple years ago I learned I’m allergic to Dairy. I considered myself pretty savvy when it came to food and nutrition because of all the research I had done, but that one stumped me. How could it be that I would eat ice cream and suffer no symtoms, but on other days eat a baked potato with butter and suffer a stomach ache for hours? Ok, maybe nightshades are a problem for me, too. I just finished reading The Vicious Cycle and I’m just about convinced that SCD is in my immediate future. Thanks for opening up and sharing your story.

By: Soraya Amy, I thought I was the only one who sometimes gets overwhelmed by reading the knowledge of others on their healing journeys and thinking that I am missing something crucial. This hits the nail on the head:

It’s easy to find myself spiraling into thoughts of “How did they even know about that topic? Will I ever be healthy if I don’t immediately learn about all of those things?”

I am so happy to hear that you are doing well simply by taking it one step at a time and following what is working. Keep going and thank you so so much for sharing.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Delores Fischer.

Hey Delores – thanks for reaching out! We send everyone who registers for our webinar a FREE replay in case they can’t make the time of the broadcast. If you register, we’ll email you the link to the replay the morning after the webinar airs 🙂

By: Delores Fischer I took the quiz and was scheduled a time I cannot watch at that time
