Comments on: Is Your Thyroid Destroying Your Gut Function? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:07:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kimberly In reply to Robin.

Sounds like hyperthyroidism now

By: Kimberly In reply to David Hodge.

I live in morganton nc work in hickory im hyperthyroidism and sick all the time my friend is male and has hypo he also diabetic you can look me up on fb if you need someone to talk to about your problems

By: Jeanne I concur. Low thyroid activity also caused me decades of adult acne, chronic constipation, sleep issues, and much more. one doctor prescribes levothyroxine for me…not only did it NOT help the thyroid problem; but it gave me skull splitting headaches. Then I tried natural desiccated porcine thyroid. (NDT). The NDT apparently made my reverse T3 skyrocket (based on results of blood test). The only thing that made my hypothyroidism symptoms subside is pure T3.
After I had a genetic test, it was discovered that I had multiple gene snp’s for primary hypothyroidism and for poor/low conversion of T4 to T3. My mother and older sister have had hypothyroid struggles their entire lives. In retrospect, I have had subclinical hypothyroidism since childhood. When all else fails, a gene test may reveal why typical thyroid therapies don’t work, for some people.
Thsnks to decades of hypothyroidism, I have signs of SIBO, and very low stomach acid. At least now I know what to do about these issues!
Thanks for listening.

By: Ella In reply to Therese.

What did help you to get rid of Hashimoto?any great tips!?

By: L In reply to Rosie.

Many people online who have tried a low histamine diet say that has cleared up bloating. Maybe you could it up, and see if any of the symptoms for histamine intolerance match yours.

By: Rachael Thomas In reply to Dezere.

You really need to stay on a thyroid hormone supplement. I had a thyroidectomy. Due to goiters they we’re causing me to not eat swallow or even breathe correctly. I advise strongly to seek you’re local pubic service office to get on state insurance. I am due to having this life long disease that we have to take medicine for or it can and will cause serious problems with out it.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to David Hodge.

I David – you can reach out to us at if you have questions for us!

By: David Hodge In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hello my name is David I was wondering if I could get a few of you guy on my fb to give me some tips what to expect i have had thyroid problems since i was19 im39 now theve gotten worse my thyroid is very swollen, no energy, constipated dr. Has me on 50mg toproil to slow Hart rate 10mgs of methmazole but I fear Sergey need advice I’m a good person not crazy, my doctor says it mostly happens to wemon I can’t find many men to ask so i need you to please help (davidhodge hickory NC) on facebook

By: weev In reply to Rosie.

Thanks for your post. You have given us hope as my daughter has just been diagnosed with Graves disease. You can get help with leaky gut from a really good herbalist. There is a book written by Brendan Salmon that is very good for all kinds of issues too.

By: Therese In reply to Anonymous.

Hi I’m not sure if you have a Naturopath in your area? I found Bioceuticals digestive enzymes is amazing . Take one before each meal & im sure you’ll notice how good it is . .. for life .???
I’ve had Hashimotoes for 28 years & am Now free of constipation & the not so pleasant issues that come with it.
Lots of orange & green veggies & water too &
Daily Probiotics

Good luck
Therese N

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dezere.

Hi Dezere – we’d recommend Dr. Izabella Wentz’ program here – or a trusted practitioner –

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dezere.

Hi Dezere – we’d recommend Dr. Izabella Wentz’ program here – or a trusted practitioner –

By: Dezere I had a nodule on my right thyroid discovered 1 1/2 years ago. It literally covers the entire right thyroid. Went in to get checked to see if it grew again. Thankfully, it had not. But they discovered one on my left side. Ive always had issues with my weight fluctuating up and down and acne. now with the growing of the nodule, ive noticed i cannot swallow as well. The acne got worse once i had my tubes tied and my insurance kicked me off of birth control. What natural remedies can i take for my thyroid to maybe balance this out a bit? My ent dr and my regular dr wont do anything about it. Help!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim – Western medicine defines hypothyroidism a bit different than the functional medecine world. They typically just look as TSH, but there is more to the story. We’d suggest working with a functional medicine doctor to get tested with additional thyroid markers. They can also read the test for you and will be able to give you a better idea of what is really going on. the ones we suggest can be found here:

By: Kim I have been tested numerous times for hypothyroidism and always negative. I have severe digestive issues and lost 65 pounds in a few months. I just get too full and digestion is really slow. I’ve seen many doctors and was diagnosed with IBD and functional dyspepsia, but I am not convinced this is my issue. I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, I have lost my hair, skin is super dry, freezing all the time, and exhausted with terrible muscle pain. I haven’t worked in three years and my quality of like is low at times. I am wondering if anyone else has these issues and what your diagnosis is?

By: Kim In reply to Anonymous.

Can I ask how they tested you for SIBO

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Robin.

Hi Robin – changing your diet will be helpful if you haven’t already. Here are some of our favorite resources on thyroid health – As far as the WHY behind your thyroid TSH jumping like that – it is hard to say. Our thyroid is tied to nearly every system in the body. You may want to check your adrenals to see if this is affecting your thyroid – maybe you can have a conversation with your doctor on that:)

By: Robin I had my thyroid removed over 3 years ago. Things were going well until this past 8 months. I lost 30 pounds ( that’s not the bad news!) and now my THS has jumped to 4.8 and I have chronic diarrhea. My doctor is giving the meds three more months, but my guts are fighting me all day. Any light you can shine on the situation would be appreciated.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sarah.

HI Sarah- sorry you’re feelign this way. Many, unfortunately, feel the same way and we’d encourage you to first start by healing your gut as described in the article. You may then want to work with a practitioner to get some testing done and work out a protocol to support your thyroid.

By: Sarah Hi I’m Sarah I am actually suffering right now. I have done my research both my mom and sister have suffered with thyroid issues. I have all the systems and this article spoke to me the most bc I have had stomach issues for years thought I had issues to gluten and high fructose corn syrup and sucralose. Now I’m not so sure. The most and worst thing is I’m always so stinking exhausted and I feel like I could sleep all stinking day. I’m just curious is anybody going through the same issues ? I have an appt with a specialist this month

By: Rosie Hello everyone, Thanks to everyone who has shared their experience. I am here because I have not quite found what I am looking for. I was diagnosed with Graves 4 years ago. I took my medications & radiation therapy and it was just getting worse. Against my Dr’s advice, I changed my Diet a little and started an excersice routine. I was still very hungry and very tired, still I went from sleeping 12-16 hours a day with intermitten naps to sleeping only 10 hours. Fatigue is the worst. I then opted for a colon cleanse, enemas & turpentine/castor oil treatments. I feel a lot better. I have a lot more energy, do not require naps, my mood is far more stable, I do not have racing heart episodes anymore. I sleep 8 hours, no naps needed. My thyroid is not swollen, I can eat without regreting it later. Coffee, food, fruits sometimes water caused an incredible pain under my right rib. I do not get those anymore. However, I still have this bloating gut!! I look pregnant!! I have excersised rigorously and it’s still there. Could it be effects of leaky gut syndrome? My acne is the worst!!! I can’t clear it up with anything under the sun!! Could this be related to the fat deposits I can’t burn off? My Doctor had no response. My last tests came out negative for hyperthyroidism last check up. He said… “Keep doing what you’re doing”. I thought Graves decease was incurable.. I have some symptoms left, so I cant’t take the lab tests at face value. Don’t get me wrong, I hope it’s gone for good. Could I have been mis-diagnosed? Does anyone here have any experience with leaky gut syndrome or relatable conditions that may explain my belly and acne? Thanks for reading.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennifer.

HI Jennifer – I apologize but I’m not sure what you mean by gastric stomach, can you clarify?

By: Jennifer Hi I suffer with a gastric stomach which gave me awful indigestion and heartburn. I’m on tables for it and has helped. But now and then I get heartburn. I’m also in the process of getting .your thyroid checked. A gastric stomach is inot the family. Is there anything I can do to help it at home. Plus would a gastric stomach be linked to my thyroid. Thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Linda.

Hello – if you’re looking for Sylvie’s SIBO book you can find it here:

By: Linda In reply to Anonymous.

So sorry that you are dealing with SIBO! I had it too. Try the Hollywood Homestead lady’s SIBO e-book. It worked for me and I didn’t take antibiotics. It isn’t easy because you have to go on a liquid/formula diet for 2 weeks and die off isn’t fun either but it worked for me. There is a formula a lady makes you can buy online, I think her name is J. Patel. It is for people who have really bad Crone’s/colitis, etc. she has a no sugar variety which is the one I used. Good luck and hope you feel better!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Anonymous.

Hello – thanks for reaching out. We have some great resources on constipation and we’d suggest starting here:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Anonymous I have SIbo and my digestion is ridiculous slow. My thyroid seems to be under control so I assume the digestion is all the Sibo. Already did two rounds of antibiotics and didn’t get rid of it. Any suggestions for improved digestion and movement? My constipation is so bad I don’t even feel the urge to go to the bathroom when I’m all full inside.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Amy.

HI Amy –
The SCD diet has helped many people in your same shoes regain their health.

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: Amy I was diagnosed with thyroid issues back in 1999. I took levothyroxine for years, but recently switched to synthroid. After almost a year, we finally got my thyroid regulated. Recently I’ve been having stomach issues. My primary physician wouldn’t/couldn’t answer my questions, so I went to the Mayo Clinic. Still can’t get any answers! I understand this condition is hereditary, as my father and all of his sisters have had issues, and some of my brothers do, too. I just want answers, and to feel better!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Starr Bustillos.

Hi Starr – so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. you’re definitely NOT crazy. The first thing you should do is get a 2nd opinion from another doctor. The next thing is sign up for our free webinar on healing the gut:

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Alice.

Hi Alice – it really depends how damaged your thyroid is. Most people whose damage to the thyroid is due to autoimmune disease (Graves or Hashimotos) cannot reverse the damage that has been done. They can prevent further damage from occurring through diet and lifestyle, and better manage their symptoms. Some people are able to reverse problems with the thyroid before it advances to the point of Hashis or Graves disease.

Hang in there! Just because image has occurred doesn’t mean healing cannot occur.

By: Starr Bustillos I have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed April 2016. Since then I have had terrible stomach issues. I have a GI Dr. that has preformed numerous tests that have all come back normal. Through out this time my starting weight was 123lbs as of today my weight is 100.4. I have no appetite, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and or constipation, and nausea. My blood work has also come back normal. Am I going crazy?

By: Alice Steve,
How did you heal/fix your thyroid?
My docter said to me that this will never be healed again!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Maryke.

Hi Maryke – I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with these hypothyroid symptoms. I know how frustrating that can be 🙁

A leaky gut is often one of the root causes of thyroid problems and by healing the gut, you can better manage your thyroid health.

You can learn more here:

By: Maryke I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2001 after complaining of huge mouth ulcers at the back of my throught and eating next to nothing and still gaining weight and always being tired. I also suffered from diarrhoea all my life. Whent to the doctor and did tests for that but they can never give me any answers. Its now years later and I still suffers from diarrhoea every single day, I am still tired. We can not seem to get my thyroid under control, it goes up and then down and up and down. In my country they only prescribe one of two meds for thyroid – eltroxin and euthyrox…I was on eltroxin for years but my medical aid said they dont cover it any more so now I am on euthyrox…. Dont now what to do anymore. My biggest problem is the diarrhoea….I just wish they can design a sort of testing devise like with sugar and high blood pressure where you can test the levels of your thyroid everyday and then use the correct dose…?

By: Brianna In reply to Engela Conradie.

I’ve recently been diagnosed with the same thing! My doctor told me that it can actually go into remission – especially if you’ve been treating it in some fashion. Not sure if this would be the case for you. Hope this helps!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Engela Conradie.

Hi Engela – thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through! We suggest you talk with your doctor and closely monitor your thyroid health. Your doctor is best equipped to determine if you need medication to address a thyroid issue.

You can learn more about the connection between your gut health and conditions like hypothyroidism at our free webinar here:

By: Engela Conradie I was diagnosed with hypotyroidism 4 years ago. Now all of a sudden my tests came back normal and they stopped my thyroid medication. Can it be. I am 60 years old and all of a sudden I get stomach problems like a sharp stitchy pain on right under ribs, nausea, and anxiety which is terrible.

By: Karen Puccio In reply to Lisa.

I recently have symptoms of hormonal imbalance hot flashes, head aches, nausea, no appetite, stomach gas. They are checking the thyroid, can the no appetite occasional loose stool be thyroid symptoms?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to janella.

Hi Tanella – we suggest going to see a new doctor in your area as soon as you can to have your thyroid levels reassessed – getting your thyroid under control will be crucial to handling your digestive symptoms

By: janella Every time I eat anything or drink anything my stomach boosts. My digestion has slowed down and my feet swell if I stand a lot. I was diagnosed 28th hypothyroidism five years ago. I was on Levonthyroxine but I stopped taking it because I moved a lot and didn’t have a Dr.
I also gain weight like crazy and I’ve not done anything to cause it.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Krista.

Hi Krista, thanks for reaching out! This will depend on many different variables and we suggest working with a practitioner to get on a specific protocol for you and your specific needs. You can search here if you need a practitioner:

By: Krista If you have hyperthyroid (borderline) according to a reg gp not a functional medicine Dr. What r some supplements to take to assist your thyroid?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Bethany.

Hi Bethany, thank you for reaching out! It sounds like you need to do some testing to get to the root cause of your problems. We suggest working with a practitioner and you can find one here if you are interested:

By: Bethany After being on the candida diet for years I still get a vaginal itch /irritation after drinking water . PLEASE HELP . Am I over hydrated . The canfida is now at a very low level and my energy is back but I constantly battle with it . I know I have a sluggish thyroid as well. I read that eating more and drinking less will actually raise my body temperature

By: bak In reply to Lisa.

You are absolutely right Lisa, doctors hardly recommend any natural alternatives remedies as they have either no knowledge or their hand tied up. Can you please share your knowledge how to get Thyroid test done properly, also the effective alternatives ?
Many thanks

By: Lisa Testing for thyroid is a dead end road most of the time with the test appearing to be normal but one has all the symptoms. In addition, all can be well in the blood but there is resistance at the receptor site. Most practitioners are unfamiliar with natural treatments for the thyroid and the meds they give rarely work. I am a nurse and can tell you it is very difficult to find treatment because these doctors just don’t have a lot of experience with alternative treatments
