Comments on: 3 Common Gut Infections (Found with the Right Stool Testing) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 19 Jan 2018 16:47:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Firouzeh.

HI Firouzeh – We almost always recommend herbal/natural treatments first, as they do not cause the damage antibiotics do to the gut ecosystem. We’d recommend working with a functional Med. practitioner to get on teh right protocol for you and you can find one here:

By: Firouzeh Hi Jordan,
I seem to be following in your footsteps! I have had colitis for years, but last 1.5 years I have been acutely ill in my gut and trying to get to the bottom of it through many tests, doctors, SCD/keto diets, supplements, etc. I finally just took a blood test and tested positive for Strongyloides. My Dr. said I just need a 1 time treatment of Ivermectin and I will be cured. This sounds way to good to be true!?
What was your experience / how did you treat Strongyloides? Your feedback would be INCREDIBLY appreciated as I am so sick of being sick 🙁

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sharique Rehan.

This can help with weight gain:

By: Sharique Rehan dear sir last 2 years i suffering digestive problem please help me please my weight is 39 to much weakness on me … please help me

By: Peanut I don’t think your favorite test covers e.histo. DRG labs does a pcr that does find it by dna.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Julie Ware.

Hi Julie,

Thanks for reaching out! Our recommended practitioners have worked with people all over the world if you’d like to check them out here:

Or you could search

By: Julie Ware Hello, So out of my depth, I live in Brisbane Australia. I know its a long shot but can you recommend anybody.
Best Wishes Julie Ware

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Chandra.

Hi Chandra, thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear that you’re having such a tough time right now… but know that it will get better.

Here’s a video that I think might help clear a few things up for you about following an anti-candida diet:

As for consulting, we no longer do this, but we do have a recommended practitioners page here:

By: Chandra Hi, I am from Canada and the stool testing here is antiquated to say the least. I think Genova Labs has a stool kit that is comprehensive.
I have been struggling with Candida overgrowth, taking anti fungals, fungal cell wall inhibitor, probiotics and Candida diet. This diet is impossible to follow, I read your SCD diet and I much prefer it, but I am so overwhelmed I don’t know which to follow. I am getting my cortisol checked, but I also need that Comprehensive stool kit. My medical costs are so high, it is not free in Canada. I am depressed and at my wits end. I would like to purchase your books, but I feel hesitant as I don’t know if it will work. Help? Do you do consults via phone or Skype?

By: Diane Hi, I need some expertise with diagnosing and healing our 16 year old daughters stomach, painful eating issues! Medical doctors want to write a reflux prescription without a real diagnosis!

Four years ago she ran a fever and puked all day long after swimming in a horrible unclean pool after a sleepover. Immediately I had taken her to the docs, but never diagnosed or tested after informing them I saw the pool water was very bad.

She has had extensive testing from various specialist after a year long skin rash erupted over 85 % of her body. (Kind of eczema like rashes). The same year after the pool related illness. Since then, these past four years I’ve managed to resolve her skin problem by a natural detoxification..eight months cleansing the liver on down. However, despite stool testing and begging doctors to see if this is a parasite, she currently has horrific stomach pains after eating any meal except fresh fruit or blanched veggies. Zero tolerance for protein – sheer stomach pain. She sometimes still gets patches of a skin rash, but nothing like the first year long out break.

She doesn’t want more rounds of doctors subjecting her to extensive testing again. However I am greatly concerned about her lack of protein and terrible stomach pain. Please advise me on the most accurate test I could have her receive with the best outcome in healing her for life! Thank you in advance, answer a mothers prayer! -Diane

By: anna Hi Jordan,
I contacted BioHealth to try and find a practitioner in Ontario that may do this test however they direct you to Sunrise Medical Center in California…who doesn’t seem to have a functioning website. Any tips on accessing these tests? Have you heard of Genova Diagnostics? They seem to be the only tests I can find near me. Thanks!

By: Claire Oh no, I missed this! Can I hear a replay? I’m in the process of getting stool tests done but need to learn more.

By: Jeanne Thanks for lots of great information. I love your emails, and I got so much information from your 2.5 hour webinar last week. It was great to have something to take to my doctor. She was very receptive. I have 2 questions. You mentioned TherBiotic in the call. They have several. Do you recommend any one over the other for someone with sibo, or are they all equally good? Also, my nutritionist says to take herbal antibiotics away from food, but my dr has me taking them with meals like in your protocol. Have you seen any problems in effectiveness in taking them with food? Thanks so much!!


By: Sally Will the show include any information about the newly discovered “rope worm”?
