Comments on: 6 Gut Infection Case Studies: Why You Should Get Stool Testing Done ASAP Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 02 Mar 2018 19:24:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Olivia conti.

Hi Olivia – H. pylori needs to be tested for specifically. You can use this test here:

By: Olivia conti In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi, I have a question about stool tests. I had one done recently that was supposed to be comprehensive but it did not test for H pylori, or candida. It said I had no parasites… Would that have been where the H pylori would have shown up?? Thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ashley.

HI Ashley – great question! most of the labs account for this by accepting stools from a 3 day period. For example, if you need two samples you have a 3 day window to provide that. The est thing to do is get in touch with the lab as each test has different rules and protocols.

By: Ashley What does one do if they are severely constipated and having trouble providing stool for a sample, if we are required to stop all supplements/enzymes, etc. before and during the test? (magnesium glycinate and or citrate – especially magnesium Calm are necessary for me currently to have a movement). Just had a major flare and my doc and I both feel testing soon is crucial, but my gut is still very traumatized and even though constipation has consistently been my issue, it’s quite bad right now without support). Have a history of SIBO and am going to re test for that now as well, but also feeling the importance of these other stool tests as I have had multiple bouts of food poisoning/water contamination while traveling in far off places! thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to alexa.

HI Alexa – sorry to hear that! We’d suggest starting to rebuild the gut with dietary changes, probiotics, and also some stool testing to see if a gut infection has been spurred from this. Our Solving leaky Gut program is the best place to start – Or you can read more here:

By: alexa Hello! In August i went to the Dominican Republic and got really bad food poisoning i was having severe diarrhea and twisting stomach pain. I came back home and got a fever and felt faint i went to the ER and they gave me 5 days of cipro. I felt slightly better but pain was still lingering and then suddenly diarrhea cane back. They gave me ten more days of cipro and the pain and diarrhea got worse. Now i have intense cramping, burning pain, diarrhea, fatigue, gas, and brain fog two months later i’m so lost as to what is going on

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Maria.

HI Maria – we actually have an article on psoriasis coming out very soon! (stay tuned..) I thnk this article would really be the best for you at this time: As far as stool tests go, we’d recommend reading here (you can order them on your own w the links in the article)

By: Maria Hello everyone
I am writing to you from the UK after some very interesting reading on your website
I am 52 and for a long while now I have had Psoriasi(since age 4)
For about the past 20 yrs or so I have had Fibromyalgia which I think came along after a dose of Shingles
My doctor wouldn’t give me any anti viral treatment and just advised that it runs its course
Also for about the last 23 yrs or so I was diagnosed with I. B. S
I would be keen to get some stool tests performed to see if anything shows up as they are making my life a misery
Can anyone recommend where I can have the tests done

By: andrea In reply to Dain.

Well it’s not exactly the that kind of research project as if I can find the information on your question. The research project I was doing is a Math IA which is more likely be a research paper. The topic I chose was the ‘Diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease’ which is finding which of the test used for Diagnosing Crohn’s is more accurate of detecting the disease. Sorry I couldn’t help on answering your question.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Benjamin.

HI Benjamin – Jordan and Steve have found that the 2 different stool tests we recommend in the article are the most effective for detecting a wide range of variables such as yeast, H Pylori, and parasites. We haven’t used any of those other tests and typically find that an all in one type test is less sensitive and not as effective.

By: Benjamin (CDSA/P) - GENOVA KIT" for $388? And the "Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects Microbial Ecology Stool Profile - METAMETRIX KIT" for $338? Do you get what you pay for with these, and are the lower cost tests less comprehensive, I assume? Thanks in advance for your help with this. With so many options and the mental brain fog I have going on, it is a challenge to research and navigate, so any input is greatly appreciated.]]> Thanks for the article and information. I’ve been wanting to have some type of stool test done for awhile now, but keep putting it off because they are so expensive and I want to be extra, extra certain that I am getting the right one that is really top of the line and will pinpoint anything and everything that could be going on. Has anything changed since the time that this article was written? I found the 2 tests referenced in the article, but I also found a couple more I was curious about. The “GI Effects Gastrointestinal Function Comprehensive Profile (Three Day Collection)-Genova Kit” is $653 – it seems very comprehensive – could it be used in place of the 2 tests referenced in the article, or would it be better to spend the $788 total ($396 each) for the 2 tests referenced in the article?

Same question goes for the “Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile – METAMETRIX KIT”, which I found for $599? And the “Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis/Parasitology™ (CDSA/P) – GENOVA KIT” for $388? And the “Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects Microbial Ecology Stool Profile – METAMETRIX KIT” for $338?

Do you get what you pay for with these, and are the lower cost tests less comprehensive, I assume?

Thanks in advance for your help with this. With so many options and the mental brain fog I have going on, it is a challenge to research and navigate, so any input is greatly appreciated.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jen.

HI Jen – Biohealth uses several stool sample over a certain period of time where as other labs typically contain just one sample. Also, Biohealth used strict shipping and handling procedures to ensure the stool is not damaged by heat or other elements and I’m not sure other labs take those precautions.

By: Jen Hi, Thank you for this post. I tested negative about a year and half ago for Hplyori on a stool test which my insurance covered. However, I continued to have symptoms and decided to retest with BioHealth, turns out I have Hplyori!

I recently had my husband test with our insurance paid for stool test and it came back as hplyori was not detected, yet we also did a BioHealth test for him and it was detected.

Can you explain why the BioHealth test picks up the H pylori yet the others do not?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Trish.

HI Tirsh, to keep from getting confused I’d complete one full test and then the other:)

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Trish.

HI Trish,

As long as your following the direction in terms of each kit it shouldn’t matter. If the Biohealth Kit is asking for 3 samples from consecutive bowel movements, just make sure that requirement is filled. It may be easier to just complete one test before moving on the other and this is the way we’d suggest going about it so you don’t get confused:)

By: Trish Hi I asked a question a week ago or so, I have my stool kits ready and ordered from you all (I am a different Trish than the one in postings above from years ago). I needed clarification but I haven’t heard any answer back- I’m sure you all get a lot of questions…. just wanted to understand if I am taking my stool and dispensing it into two different kits on the same day- or if I am doing my BioHealth kit for three days and then start my Doctor’s Data kit after that…Could someone please help me? My aplologies for the questions- it’s just the kits are expensive and I want to be sure I do this as you all have recommended. Please feel free to use my email directly. Thank you for your time-Trish

By: Trish Hi Lori Jo- I hadn’t seen your response until today- thank you- So to clarify, the stool samples used for the Doctors Data Kit will be done on different days than the stool samples used for the BioHealth kit. You won’t use the same stool sample as a specimen to put into each BioHealth/Drs Data kit at the same time/day? Thanks again

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Trish.

HI Trish – you’ll treat these as two separate stool samples. For example, you’ll fill and complete 1 stool test and then fill and complete the second stool test separately. Hope that clears up the confusion. We don’t have any experience with the “rife” or Pemf machines, sorry!

By: Trish Hi I have a question that may sound kind of dumb….when you order these two stool panels, you are putting part of your stool as a sample into to one kit and another part of that same stool sample into another at the same time? Also has anyone here or part of the SCD Lifestyle heard of or had experience with rife or pemf machines for cases where people’s insides are so sensitive they cannot tolerate the medicines needed to heal? Thanks for any input!?

By: Joelle Look into Drglab. com Hi pathogens plus is all pcr with antibiotic resistance

By: Dain In reply to andrea.

Hi Andrea, Can you share your research project with me? I’m especially interested if you’ve found that the stool test is worth it and can, as you put it, “detect infections infections that could trigger the G.I tract and cause inflammation?”

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Megan Falk.

Hi Megan – you can work with your practitioner or order them yourself here:

By: Megan Falk How do I purchase these two stool tests? I am in the USA

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Carlos Ferreira.

Hi Carlos – the test we recommend is listed as GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori Antigen-BioHealth Kit on Direct Labs ( It does call for 6 samples over 3 days – so twice per day. Full instructions are included in the test or we suggest reaching out to Direct Lbsb customer support if you have questions before ordering.

By: Carlos Ferreira I am planning on purchasing the 2 stool tests recommended as I’m still having a lot of GI issues / gastritis constipation after getting rid of h pylori. I suspect a fungal imbalance and stress.

I was reading the bio health stool test and it states 3 stool samples for 3 days, does that mean I have to have 3 bowel movements through out the three days? I usually have 1 per day.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to James.

Hey James – you’ll find it here as the “GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori Antigen-BioHealth KIT”

Sorry for any confusion!!

By: James Hi…I can find the first test, just copied and paste into the search bar, but I can not find the 2nd test, 401H GI Pathogen Screen. I followed the link Mariel left for Suzzane, 3 posts up, but it just sends you to a page with about 40 tests on, and none of which are called ‘401H GI Pathogen Screen test’. Please, can you give me the correct name for the test and the price, that way I will be able to find it…Thanks.

By: andrea Hi, i’m doing a research project about Crohn’s Disease and I was wondering how accurate can a stool test be? especially on detecting infections that could trigger the G.I tract and cause inflammation?
Thank you very much in advance and for the information provided

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to danny.

Hi Danny – yes they both can detect tapeworms.
You can order them here:

By: danny does Doctor’s Data Parasitology x3 or BioHealth #401H detect tapeworms?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Suzanne.

Hi Suzanne – you can find it here:

By: Suzanne Hello;

I have had major digestive issues for the past 4 years and I have been on a very restrictive Paleo/SCD type diet to no avail. I have had 2 recent stool tests through Genova that show no parasites but plenty of inflammation. I also had a food sensitivity test done and I am sticking to the list of foods I should and shouldn’t eat.

I would like to do the parasite tests just to see if there is anything they missed. I was on many antibiotics in recent years and just had to take another round because I had walking pneumonia. Blah! So now the colon is really inflamed again.

I can find the Parasitology x3 DD test on the site link, however; not the 401H GI Pathogen Screen test. If you could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

Thanks, Suzanne Hunter

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mark.

Hi Mark – yes there is a difference.

These are totally different tests – you’ll hear us call them the Biohealth and the Doctor’s Data (that is what the DD stands for in the second test you mentioned).

We actually recommend completing both so you can compare the results – as explained in this article 🙂

By: Mark Hello,

Is there a difference between the

GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori Antigen-BioHealth KIT

and the

Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/Parasitology x3-DD KIT

I may have ordered the wrong one. What is the difference?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ginnie.

Hi Ginnie – thanks for reaching out!

False positive results are always possible. That being said, we aren’t your practitioner and test results need to be considered within your entire health history. We recommend working with a practitioner, like Stephanie or Brie, who can help you do that and interpret your test results:

By: Ginnie Great info!

I had the Genova/Metametrix test 2 1/2 years ago and tested positive for H. Pylori and Lactoferrin. I self treated the H. Pylori successfully (repeat stool 6 months later with Bio401H) but ignored the lactoferrin result. I revisited the issue and now I’m concerned. Is there anything that could create a positive lactoferrin besides IBD or colon caner? I’ve never hard any chronic gut symptoms and still don’t, except a reduction in appetite and reflux, but usually only bad when I’m under stress. No RBC found in stool. Just yeast. It’s been 2 1/2 years since the test and I would think that if I had IBD or a growing neoplasm, I would be showing some increasing symptoms. Is a false positive lactoferrin possible?

Thank you!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Helen.

Hi Helen – we encourage you to work with your doctor or practitioner to come up with a treatment plan, but you might also be interested in our GI infections protocol here:

By: Helen Jordan please can you tell me if you’ve ever come across a patient who tested positive for a pathogen called Pseudomonas. Yes in the gut. I’ve come back clear of parasites and candida. But high ammounts of this pathogen and a big imbalance of good bacteria. I’m confused reading up about this pathogen as it says only causes issues in vulnerable weakened immune system people . I don’t have any strong conditions as such. I’ve had fatigue issues for 20 years ..had endometriosis surgery twice in last 5 years. I’m confused about this pathogen as to if it’s a problem . I know it’s more often found in lungs or the bladder . Many thanks for any thoughts. Gi stool test showed it up.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amy.

Hi Amy, thanks so much for your thoughtful comment 🙂 You clearly know your stuff! Steve and Jordan don’t presume to know everything and are always willing to revise their stance on things as new research comes to light. I recommend this article as it’s more recent:

They specifically address here if H. pylori is good, bad, or a little of both and what to about it.

Testing infections is difficult, and that’s why Steve and Jordan always recommend two tests as well as considering your symptoms when making a diagnosis. Working with an ND to complete stool tests is a great option, as well. All practitioners have different preferences for testing.

By: Amy I am confused about your desertion that H. Pylori is invasive and should be elimnated. There is still a lot of debate as to whether it’s a ‘good guy’ or a ‘bad guy’ in the gut. The antibiotic protocol to remove H. Pylori will do nothing but cause worsened dysbiosis. Getting rid of it ‘naturally’ is extremely difficult.

There is also A LOT of debate over PCR testing. I have met with countless ‘top’ ND’s in the field of gastroenterology. Neither of them go off of PCR testing, they see too many random/weird results showing up. They seem to prefer the standard stool testing. For PCR testing, I was shown to have H. Pylori, Giardia and Salmonella. With standard stool testing, none of these showed.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Rachel.

Hi Rachel, thanks for commenting. No test is totally accurate. Steve and Jordan recommend using two tests to compare.

Even if you don’t have gut infections, changing your diet will only improve your gut and overall health.

I hope this information helps!

By: Rachel Hello! I have Hashimoto’s and high antibodies. I don’t have any GI symptoms. I took a Genova GI test and it came back with no infections at all. I’m going to get the BioHealth and Doctor’s Data test done but I feel kinda discouraged now. Is the Genova test known to be inaccurate?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lynn.

Hi Lynn, based on what you’ve written here, I think your time and energy would be best invested in a one-on-one consult with one of our functional medicine practitioners. They can recommend tests and protocols based on your individual conditions, and see patients all over the world via Skype or telephone. You can learn more here: Thanks for reaching out to us! If you have questions or need more support, please send us an email:

By: Lynn What tests would you recommend for someone with Ankylosing Spondylitis ? My interpretation is that it’s a reactive arthritis in which the Klebsiella bacteria are either over populated and/or are located in the small intestine as opposed to being in the large intestine (probable defective illeocoecal valve involved). Nothing seems to totally kill them off-not botanicals, nor antibiotics, nor the A.S. no starch/no lactose diet. The diet gave me dramatic improvement and the antibiotics some minimal improvement with pain and mobility levels, botanicals & probiotics, water kefir-no noticeable improvement at all.
Thanks !

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Becky.

Hi Becky, we recommend the GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori for detecting that gut infection. You can learn more here:

By: Becky Does the Parasitology x3-DD KIT test for H Pylori also?

Thank you

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Timothy Ramos.

Hi Timothy, this is really at the discretion of your doctor and those administering the test. IT sounds like you need to address the gut dysbiosis, if you have not already, with an SCD or paleo type diet. You may also need the help of a trusted practitioner and if you are in need, you can search here:

By: Timothy Ramos I just tested positive for c-diff after being on 5-6 different antibiotics over a2 month period. I know I have had it a while because I wanted to be tested a month ago when I was having the runs every day , but I wasent tested then because I was told that since by the time they took a sample it was soft and it should have been runny. Now my stools are hard and it is getting harder to go but they tested it yesterday and within hours I was called saying I am positive for c-diff and I am being put on some antibiotics. Is the stool hardening a good sign or not?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to marlis murphy.

Hi Marlis, food sensitivity testing is not 100% reliable and if you have an impaired gut, you are going to be sensitive to some foods so the test is really not that helpful. We suggest starting with dietary changes here: and then add in necessary supplements here: If your symptoms do not improve, you may then need functional medicine testing to accompany the changes.

By: marlis murphy Gentleman,

What is the food sensitivity test you recomend? Do you choose to start with Parasites and Fungi for “chronic diarhea? why rather than food sensitivity
