Comments on: Pooping 101: 4 Signs Your Poop Is Healthy Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 21 Sep 2023 18:57:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mishi.

HI Mishi – It sounds like you may be struggling with some diarrhea issues. Please rad more here, as we have an entire section of articles on diarrhea:

By: Mishi After 5-10 mins of taking both lunch & dinner i fe like i have to poop..i tried to control but atlast i go n poop..can u tell me what is the reason behind this.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Savanna.

Hi Savanna – Making a dietary change will certainly not hurt and we think you’ll find it really helpful! The best place to start is here:

By: Savanna When I was younger I had such regular poops I never really had to worry about it until recently when I started trying to eat healthier and gain more muscle. I began eating more fruits and nuts, which I now know I should avoid, but I’m also experiencing other symptoms too. I don’t poop but maybe 1-2 every 3 day, I’m bloated in the lower stomach, and I’ve even had a gradual weight gain over the past 3-4 months. Would making a dietary change eliminate these issues? Or do you think there’s something deeper?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to KM.

Hello – this is a sign of something bigger going on. We’d recommend you start by changing your dietary habits to heal your gut and you can begin here:

By: KM On average I can poop 3-5 times a day. Most of the time they range from #3-4… I know if I dont drink enough or if I take a pain pill then I get constipated like #1-2. And once in a while I’m around a #5-6 depending on what I might of eaten.
My mom swears she’s never seen anyone that poops as much as I do or how large they can get.

But lately I find that the size & firmness of my poop is making me bleed when I go (Not everytime). I’m not sure if I have too much fiber or if i didnt drink enough that day or if I need to take a softner every other day or something…

By: Melissa In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Sluggish and tired most days. But I attribute that to the medications I’m on. However, I had this issue several years before I even started taking the meds. They are more at a 1 than a 2. I don’t think it’s because I’m not drinking enough water or getting enough fluids, but most of the time, it takes some effort to go.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Melissa.

Hi Melissa – stools should sink and 3-5 times a day is a little much. How do you feel every day?

By: Melissa Hello. My issue is that my poop has been at a 1 or 2 for quite a few years now (99% of the time, they are pebble-like). Most sink, but a few occasionally float, and they’re all almost always dark in color. I do have acid reflux, and occasional problems with gas and bloating. I usually poop, on average, between 3-5 times a day. Should I be concerned?

By: Brandon In reply to Adam Hunt.

I had an iron stomach and happy poops until my second Iraq deployment. Now, im highly lactose intolerant and have to shit all the time (even after omitting lactose)

By: Jamie In reply to Adam Hunt.

I resolved my GERD completely by eliminating gluten, after vomiting several times a day for 8 years due to stomach acid and nausea. I would examine your diet, it changed my life

By: Douglas Thanks for this good topic..I have learnt a lot more on poop and health..hoping for more

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Adam Hunt.

HI Adam – we’d recommend you start by addressing your stomach acid:
The test is called the Heidelberg capsule test and you can ask you practitioner for administration details. Also, please read here on how to test it yourself:

How and what Betaine HCL to supplement with:

By: Adam Hunt After i came back from Iraq… my poop have been 4 at first then 6 n 7 after im done…. Then later its always 6 n 7…. I’ve told my army doctor but he keeps giving me fiber powder or whatever to put in my water, taste gross….So i don’t do that anymore… plus i have GERD …any suggestions?

By: Andrew In reply to Deb.

Mine too. It seems it’s either caused by fat in the stool or gas.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Teli.

Hi Teli – sorry you are suffering!
Digestive enzymes are imperative to stopping diarrhea and many do not take enough, so please view this here:

Here is another great article on how to stop your diarrhea fast:

You may consider our Flare Support program that can be found here:

By: Teli Hi. I have gone many times a day for many years-mostly diarrhea. I’m keeping a log and have full bowel movements 11 to 19 times a day. Obviously this is distressing. I can’t find anyone else who admits to this same problem. Last colonoscopy was normal. What on earth can i do? Thanks

By: Laura In reply to Stephanie Hawkins.

Hi! So I would like to point out there is a connection being made between psychological health and gut health. They are positively correlated which means one is doing good so will the other and same with both doing bad. Also there are many instances of people improving on a gluten-free diet whether or not they officially test as celiac. Those people often have a leaky gut and if it’s went on long enough develop autoimmune conditions. If I was in your situation I would get to the “gut” of things. Also if psych meds have largely been affective, “treatment resistant” this would also be yet another indicator of systemic inflammation. ** Ineffective not affective-sorry just woke up. Dr Amy Myers has a program that addresses leaky gut. It’s $197, if you watch the webinar. She not only addresses leaky gut, but also addresses autoimmunity treatement as well. It’s a bit of a commitment, but it’s less of a commitment than having multiple illnesses run your life and paying for visits to get meds that sometimes help and can have lots of side effects

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sudarshan Shubham.

Hello – this is a sign of constipation and we’d suggest starting by reading the following:

We also have an entire section of constipation related articles on our site, and these can be found here:

By: Sudarshan Shubham I am not having a proper bowel movement. When I go to poop 1st time in morning, then I feel like I have emptied my stomach because I m pooping in good amount seriously. But again after one and half hour I have to attend toilet and again I poop in good amount. I want to stop this habit ASAP. Please help me.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gary.

Hi Gary – a floating stool is a sign of inflammation, gas in the stool, and possible gut infections. We’d suggest first starting by changing your diet (SCD, paleo, or something similar). is a great place to start for the SCD diet. If you don’t see some improvement, we’d suggest stool testing after that.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gary.

Hi Gary – a floating stool is a sign of inflammation, gas in the stool, and possible gut infections. We’d suggest first starting by changing your diet (SCD, paleo, or something similar). is a great place to start for the SCD diet. If you don’t see some improvement, we’d suggest stool testing after that.

By: Gary I normally poop 4 or 5 but it seems like it comes out REALLY fast. If I happen to eat fried food Its VERY watery. Also I have noticed my stool floats and doesn’t sink. Any ideas??

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to rafiq ahmed.

Hello – I’m not totally sure what you’re asking but here are some resources for both constipation and diarrhea: and

By: rafiq ahmed I go to do poop 2 or 3 times a day and i have a gastric problem also.and it is becoming a habit to go to toilet to check that it is left to do poop or not.and my poop shape is like snake is a normal Or not.please reply me….

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nancy Nadel.

HI Nancy, many things can affect the quality of our stool – like food, stress, exercise, etc. WE’d suggest first looking at your diet. It really helps to follow an elimination diet so you always know what foods you can tolerate and which ones you can’t. From the list you’re mentioned, I’d suggest removing all dairy and grain.

By: Nancy Nadel Usually I have healthy #4 but since a week ago today, I have had cramps and very loose unformed poop. Cramps are diminishing. Frequency has never been more than 1 or 2 a day. Last 2 days, sank to bottom but still not keeping form. I expect I ate something bad but concerned that it is still not normal after a week. I have removed dairy from my diet this week except for a tiny bit of butter. I am eating bananas, dry toast, oatmeal, tiny bit of honey, apple sauce, rice. Last night I added mushrooms and celery garlic and onions to my white rice and raisins and blueberries in the morning to my oatmeal. Suggestions?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to JR.

Hello – not feeling complete after a bowel movement or having to go again right away is a sign of constipation ( a much less known sign). If you haven’t cleaned up your diet, we suggest starting there. Here are some helpful articles for you on constipation:

By: JR Ok, so I poop like 5-6 times a day. It’s all pretty consistent. Not hard, not runny. Sometimes I’ll go and then 5-10 mins later I have to go again. I’ve always said I have the worlds fastest Intestines because I can usually Have a BM 45 mins after eating, even though we’ve been told it takes longer to digest. I’ve also had some coloration issues. I once pooped green for a month even though my diet had not changed. I eat fairly healthy, sometimes fast food, but I cook at home a lot. I don’t drink soda or sugary drinks, I’m fairly active, I walk almost 3 miles a day when I work, 3 days a week. Just wondering if there is any concern in my toilet habits!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jay.

HI Jay – your poop will tell you a lot about what’s going on inside the body and this is a great marker to. Some of the things you’ve described aren’t optimal. We also say to base things on how well you feel each day. IF you’re getting up with a ton of energy (and no stimulants to produce that;) and generally feel well through out the day than that’s a great sign. It does sound like you might have some constipation going on and here are some resources for you:

By: Jay I’ve been on a hybrid diet, low calories with tons of fiber and protein, for a few months now. Trying to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, though my exercising has been terribly inconsistent. Probably not dehydrated, I drink a minimum 64oz water daily, usually more. No antibiotics or weird supplements.

Anyway, my movements have defaulted to 1 & 2 entirely. Other than the shape, the firmness and frequency are the same as healthy, middle chart movements. 2-3 times daily, soft, but not too soft, definitely not 5+ side of the scale. No cramping or bloating or anything, either. I’ve had IBS for as long as can remember, swinging from constipated to diarrhea constantly, but that’s gone away almost completely. Eating a little too much fiber sometimes causes this clear jelly stuff, but it goes away within a day or two and doesn’t come with any discomfort or apparent side effects.

Should I be looking into this at all? (Not literally, haha.)
Everything online is saying I’m suuuper constipated, but I’m clearly not. The jelly is either totally harmless or my kidneys are failing…?!

The last time I had an actual emergency that had my doctor checking this stuff out, it didn’t come back with anything out of the ordinary, so I’m not going to get my, uh, samples tested again when everything feels better than normal. It’s just… kinda weird.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lynn.

HI Lynn – Antibiotics alter the gut microbiome and can affect many things like digestion, absorption, and therefore bathroom habits.

By: Lynn Could taking an antibiotic affect bathroom habits? I usually go once a day, but the past few weeks it’s been several times throughout the day. It’s almost getting to the point of creating some anxiety when I have to leave the house for too long.

Thank for any input!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to patty.

Hi Patty – it’s hard to say what that means. IF you are having any health issues (digestive or otherwise) we’d recommend a diet like SCD to help the gut heal.

By: patty I would say based on what I just read that I may healthy pooper. However I just had a back x-ray and they said I had quite a bit in my colon, which shocks me. What does this really mean?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Audrey.

HI Audrey – sounds like your on the side of having diarrhea (even though it’s not totally there at this point). I’d recommend some digestive enzymes and also looking at your diet to identifying trigger foods. Here are some enzymes we recommend: Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Matthew Dietary fiber is something i pay attention to but healthy diet is key too. I pay alot of attention to my poop. Tells me if i drank enough water or had to many beers with friends. I would take diarrhea over constipation anyday

By: Audrey Recently I have been having poops that are #4 in shape (snake, holds together) but not texture- the surface is rough and the stool is very soft, more like #6 in texture. What does this mean? I try to eat healthy; I eat at least 5 fruits and veggies a day, not too many fats etc. and exercise regularly. I haven’t had any physical discomfort but have been particularly gassy. Any idea what might be going on?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to mark.

Hi Mark – it sounds like you need to make some changes as soon as possible! I’m not confident that the doctor will be able to help you much here. We’d suggest changing your diet, healing your gut, and letting your body heal naturally. If you need help with constipation, magnesium and Vitamin C can help for starters, but we shouldn’t have to rely on those long term to have regular bowel movements. We’d suggest checking out our constipation program here:

By: mark I had hemorrhoid surgery around 5 years ago and my Dr. said that I should eat a high fiber diet. Hard to do. I charted my meals and found that all that I was eating was fiber! So, I eat as much fiber in foods as I can and then supplement that with Metamucil and FiberWell gummies. But, here’s the problem that I have: I get up in the morning and poop, and then poop pretty much every hour or so until mid-afternoon. This has been going on since my surgery five years ago! What’s worse is that if I miss some fiber and end up kind of constipated or if I have a banana mid-day to maybe slow down the times that I have to poop–I still have the feeling that I have to go but now it’s hard and I have to push way too much and there’s mucus in the stool. When should I decide to a see the Dr. about this?

By: Michael I go twice a day,changed my diet and i have improved my health.I eat kale and cannelli beans,chicken,lots of greens,parsley juice,bran muffins ect.. my.poop went from dark brown to a lighter shade of brown but its all good.Doc said its because i am getting proper nutrients now and i also only drink water,about 75 Oz a day.I feel great.As.long as.your stools are not white,black.or red and no health issues you should be fine.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marie.

HI Marie, thanks for reaching out! Nuts can be hard to break down in the digestive tract and are also in the top ten list of high allergy foods. Any food we can’t properly break down has the potential to sit in the gut and feed pathogenic bacteria. Nuts aren’t necessarily bad, we just need to use precaution with how much we’re eating, the type (whole pieces, nut butter, nut milk) and when we introduce them.

By: Marie I would like to know why exactly nuts are bad for leaky gut and also for intestinal flora ? And what about grains ? Sesame seed flax seed are grains, almonds are nuts. Thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kevin.

There is nothing wrong with that, Kevin:)

By: Kevin My poop is really long. Is that normal?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Anthony.

HI Anthony, there are many factors that play a role in bowel movements. Hydration, sleep, stress, diet, hormones, and exercise are some of those factors. We’d recommend dialing in your diet and paying atttention to how those other factors play into how you feel. A journal is a great way to do that:)

By: Anthony I normally poop around 3-5 times a day. It typically comes out soft and like a snake but casually also comes out string like when I eat bad or spend a night drinking. I’ve never really had issues with going. If I have to go, I go and I’m fine for about 3-4 hrs. But this past week and a half, I’ve been having trouble pooping on schedule and also when I do it’s only about once a day and comes out green and looks like type 6. I didn’t have any changes in my diet and also I’m having trouble keeping off weight. What might be the issue?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Bry.

HI Bry, sorry to hear you’ve been suffering all these years. We’d highly suggestyou Take a look at our Diarrhea program that has helped many in your same shoes:

By: Bry I have had watery diarrhea for 8 years with serious urgency problems. When I have to go I don’t have time to wait. Today by 11:35am I have been up since 6 am and have evacuated my bowels 4 times. I will go at least 3 more times before I go to bed and once in the middle of the night. This is daily for me. I am a marine corps veteran and have a va hospital in my town but the doctors I’ve visited there act like it’s not a big problem. They have done zero tests and I have mentioned it every time I go there. When I say diahhrea I haven’t had a solid poop in years. It feels, sounds, and has the consistency of water every time. I’m not exaggerating. I would love some relief
