Comments on: 3 Hydrating Drinks You Need Whether You Have Constipation or Diarrhea Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 31 May 2018 23:25:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kathy.

Hi Kathy – it sounds like you’re suffering from adrenal/hormone issues and a leaky gut is part of this.
Our Solving Leaky Gut program includes a specific protocol for adrenal problems including dietary and lifestyle recommendations as well as a targeted supplement protocol specific to the adrenal system.

Steve and Jordan’s research has led them to believe that hormones and gut health are closely linked, so the SLG program addresses both hormonal and adrenal conditions.

The Master program also includes several masterclasses that might be of interest to you specifically including:

The Gut-Thyroid Connection with Izabella Wentz, PharmD
The Gut-Hormone Connection – With Dr. Dan Kalish
The Gut-Metabolism Connection – With Dan Pardi
We’d highly recommend tuning into one of our webinar, which will help explain the connection as well as show you what you can do to heal: •

By: Kathy In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

I was recently hospitalized for 3 days after going to the ER for kidney stones. My hemoglobin was 7.5 and now I’m waiting to see a GI doctor. My cortisol level was at a 5 at 8 AM and I’ve been told to see an endocrinologist for possible adrenal fatigue. I’ve lost 36 pounds in a year and my hair is falling out to the point I’m going to have to cut it short. I can hardly manage to get dressed every day and have constant headaches. I don’t recognize myself anymore..inside or out. Could all of this be from a leaky gut?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Morgan.

Hi Morgan – could very well be related to your adrenals. our adrenals are involved iwth blood pressure, salt regulation, dehydration and much more. Here is some more information for you:

By: Morgan I often feel dried out, even though I drink a lot of water. I pee a lot, and it’s often almost clear. I feel like the water shoots through me. What does this mean?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kat.

Hey Kat – I’m sorry to hear how much you’ve been struggling.

Sometimes when we’re sick we cling to different diets because they feel like the only hope (I know I sure did!) but it sounds like you’ve tried just about everything except listening to your intuition. What does your intuition tell you you need to eat?

In my experience, any kind of very strict diet (whether SCD or vegan) can work for a period of time – but then people usually crash. Thats because a restrictive diet isn’t helpful long term – for optimal health we need to include as many foods as possible.

I encourage you to check out our free webinar for our new SLG program here – or email us at if you need more support

By: Kat Hi there,
Thanks for all this info. I am absolutely desperate. I was diagnosed with coeliacs in 2008. I tick almost every symptom box for leaky gut – I also have polycystic ovaries. A gluten free diet has not fixed me. I have tried every kind of diet there is out there to try and sort myself out – Paleo – too high fat made me very inflamed – vegetarian, pescatarian – I have been vegan for most of this year and say some initial improvement in the first 3 months (3 months seems to be when things start to go wrong on all diets I’ve followed). the last two weeks I have been incredibly tired and had lower back pain and severe scalp psoriasis – I am constantly bloated and constipated. I am going to take a leap of faith and try a strict SCD diet – crazy how miserable food can make you feel.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kathleen Wyka.

Hi Kathleen – if you’re following SCD very strictly, please use honey as it is the only SCD-legal sweetener. If you’re not strictly following SCD and using it more as a template, we think honey or maple syrup work well (and its just a matter of preference)

By: Kathleen Wyka When you click on the maple syrup or raw honey links, all the products you see there are they safe for the SCD diet?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Celeste.

You’re welcome Celeste!!

I’d start with one serving in addition to your normal water intake. You can increase to 2 if you feel like you need more hydration power 😉

A good sign you’re well hydrated is clear or very pale yellow urine with little or no odor.

By: Celeste Wow. Thank you for this article, the timing couldn’t be better! I’ve been struggling with these symptoms for the past several weeks and seems to be getting worse. I’m celiac and suspected gluten contamination but have found no culprit. How many drinks recommended per day to reverse dehydration?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to bill.

Hey Bill – great question. Most of these recipes use a very small amount of honey or maple syrup (1 teaspoon). For most people, this small amount is OK to consume. The purpose of this teaspoon of sugar is to increase water absorption in the gut – not to provide a sweet taste. Of course everyone is an individual and as a diabetic you’ll need to work with your doctor to see what a safe amount of sugar to take in for you is.

By: bill What if your typ 2 dibetes honey mit Spike sugar
