Comments on: Who Needs Digestive Enzymes? (and How to Take Them) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 01 Jun 2018 20:35:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emanuel.

HI Emanual – to make a long, scientific story short – the digestive enzymes will still help:)

By: Emanuel Hi again. I have a bit dilema. I have read what sugested enzymes contain, but… If I do not eat gluten, or grains, do I really need enzymes for digesting it in pills? Or if I am on yogurt from nut milk do I really need enzymes for digesting milk? Maybe I am stupid, but in this battle it looks like sending all the tanks against few soldiers?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Emanuel.

HI Emanual – You can experiment with taking less enzymes…and if you feel the same (and your digestion is the same) with three instead of 4, by all means decrease the dose. You can start enzymes right away.

By: Emanuel Hi guys. I know how the body says that it has enough acid in stomach (Betaine HCL) and when I should drop the pill. But what about enzymes? After starting I must take it till the end of my life? And another question – which scd phase I should start it?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Trent.

Hi Trent, Digest Gold is a well tolerated and effective enzyme for the SCD community. Enzymes can be though of like food…you just have to test them out. Go ahead and start with the digest Gold and see how you do. If it doesn’t go well, you can try the SCD legal product. (and then come back to digest gold so it doesn’t go to waste:)

By: Trent In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

First off, thank you for the great site and abundant resources within it. I’ve found both to be very helpful along my SCD journey. I do have a question regarding the digestive enzymes you recommend, though. Is there a specific enzyme or inactive ingredient in the Digest Go ATPro that is not SCD legal? I’d assume so since you didn’t mention SCD legal next to it, but I’m interested to know what ingredient is potentially illegal. Also, in your experience working with individuals does Digest Gold w/ATPro generally produce good results and seem to be well tolerated among SCD followers, despite it not being SCD legal? Or, would you recommend SCD followers stick to just the SCD legal brand (GI Pro Health Prozymes)?

I’m interested in other users feedback that have taken either of the two products as well (Digest Gold ATPro and GI Prohealth Prozymes).

Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kevin.

Hi Kevin – I’m not sure what they carry in the UK. It’s best to check the ingredients carefully and you could also compare the ingredients to the ones we suggest to make sure it measures up.

By: Kevin Hi there. Could you recommend any digestive enzyme brands for the UK? The ones you recommend are from the US and are very expensive over here



By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kathi.

HI Kathi – we do recommend the DGL and digestive bitters for gastritis. When/if you do test them out, you can empty just half a capsule onto your food and see how you do with that. IF that small of an amount is uncomfortable, you may not be ready yet. As far as your diet goes, we’d recommend the SCD diet or something similar. An elimination diet such as this will help you decide what you can tolerate and therefore customize your own diet. Eating refined carbs (toast, pasta, crackers) can definitely contribute to inflammation in the GI tract and cause GERD to be worse.

By: Kathi I’ve been suffering with pretty severe gastritis for many months. Hate taking 20 mg of protonix but all the natural suppkements were not working. Dr. suggested adding digestive enzymes. I use Lypo Gold from enzymedica as I gave no gallbladder. The enzymes make my stomach feel worse. Is my stomach too irritated? Taking VSL #3, slippery elm, aloe, DGL and zinc carnosine for many months. Stomach is better but still bad. Can the enzymes be making me worse again? What do u recommend for gadtritis? 15 lb weight loss and I’m already thin. Eating low acid, low fat. Dr now says add good fat, stop carbs. I’ll lose more weight I’m sure. I’m confused and don’t know what to eat. Rice and pasta feel soothing. Help.

By: JoAnne In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah,

Thorne Dipan-9 and Enzymedica Digest Gold are available at
Canadian company and free shipping if you spend more than $49.00. Can return product in 30 days if an issue. They have tons of products and are always available for questions via phone. Check them out.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Linda.

HI LInda – digestive enzymes are affective for nearly all digestive issues – no matter if it’s UC, Crohns, or SIBO. The enzymes help your body to break down the food into smaller particles so it can be digested and absorbed. We’d suggest addressing the diarrhea by changing your diet as well:

By: Linda What about ulcerative colitis? How do people with UC benefit from enzymes and how to monitor poop. It is always on the loose side. Suggestions.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tufail.

@Tuffail – we’d suggest further root cause testing (hormones and gut infection testing) if you haven’t had any of this so far. You can find the tests we recommend here – :

By: Tufail In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thanks Lori for your kind response.

Unfortunately, after consulting for years with top GI, Physicians etc. , I have found out that mainstream medical use of pharmacologically active agents treatment is not very effective for MOST stomach related problems. In fact my GI is now himself prescribing herbal / digestive enzymes along with diet plan to MANAGE the symptoms. Moreover, due to my complex medical condition including hypertension, arritmias/palpiations, anxiety and severe stomach related problems I cannot take many medicines including even supplements of vitamin D3, B12 SCD diet I think will not be good for me as I am already lacking many important vitamins etc. Its actually quite complex as I am suffering from acidity/reflux especially if I do not take ompeprazole and HCL supplement will increase the acid.

I will appreciate any suggestions. One thing is for sure “if my stomach is working reasonably well all my other symptoms are well under control”


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tufail.

HI Tufail – thanks for reaching out. Juts to let you know up front, we aren’t doctors and can’t give you direction in regard to your medication. It’s important to understand what is causing this at the root level and attack that. We’d suggest changing your diet to start with: , and working with your doctor to taper off the drugs. HCl is going to be an important factor here and we’d recommend reading this article for more information:

By: Tufail Hi! Everybody.

I am new to this forum. I have chronic stomach problem with symptoms of sever acidity, bloating, stress and increase in blood pressure. I have been taking omeprazole for the last few years. Recently, my doctor friend advised me to take prozymes with omeprazole. My question is very simple
1. Can I take prozymes with omeprazole?

2. Will it help in relieving symptoms of bloating and related anxiety ?

Thanks in advance!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mindi.

Hi Mindi – enzymes can aggravate gastritis, but not typically cause it. We’d recommend starting out with 1/4 capsule (break the capsule apart) and start there. Work your way up 3-4 with each substantial meal. You may not be digesting fat’s well, so try decreasing those and see how you do. Would definitely check your HCL levels as well.

By: Mindi In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Wasn’t taking HCL, just enzymes without HCL. Was going to add HCL later if I thought it was necessary. Didn’t think the enzymes caused the ulcer/ gastritis. Just wondering if you had other ideas why I would develop nausea after taking them for a month (ie allergy or something) or no it sounds like/ has to be gastritis if I am nauseous. Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mindi.

HI Mindi, the HCL supplement doesn’t cause ulcers, they can just aggravate those that are already there. If you do have ulcers, you’ll feel more of an intense burning that can’t be missed. It’s important you’re taking enzymes as well to aid in the digestion of fats. Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –
Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)
Thorne Dipan 9 –

Increase the HCL next time and see how you do (make sure you are doing this with high protein meals and not just light snacks)

By: Mindi Hi. I had been taking digestive enzymes for about a month without issue and they were working well. 2 per meal. Now all of the sudden I get nausea 1-2 hours after every time I take them. It doesn’t seem like burning. Do you think this is gastritis/ ulcers that I have developed while taking them or any ideas you have I would appreciate. I will try reducing the dose. Thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Vanessa.

Hi vanessa – having a reaction like this to digestive enzymes suggests you may have gastritis or ulcers. We suggest you talk to your doctor about this! In the meantime, we recommend drinking lots of bone broth, taking l-glutamine, and trying DGL to help heal the stomach lining.

Hang in there!

By: Vanessa Hi!

I really hope you can help.

I started taking digestive enzymes after watching your video. I was noticing undigested food in my stool and bloating/gas. Since I started the Digestive enzymes I have facial flushing after eating and burning in my esophagus. Also more belching and a feeling of undigested food in my stomach for a few hours after I eat. I stopped digestive enzymes and it went away. Strange as I would imagine it would have the opposite effect. I only take 1x at the beginning of meals. If I have meat I add a little extra HCL. Do I perhaps have a thin mucous lining and I’m feeling the sensations of the digetsive enzymes actually working…I have noticed my bowel movements are more regular and digested. Also less gas later on…Any idea why this might be happening?


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Annette.

Hi Annette! Thanks so much for reaching out 🙂 We’re so happy to hear SCD is helping you!!!

All the supplement usage we recommend is based on those who weigh 100 pounds or more (so they would be OK for you).

If you have more questions, you can always email us at

By: Annette In reply to Mariel Heiss.

Hi, I am brand new to SCD, have sooo many questions. But the first most important ones I’ll ask first. I ordered the ProZymes Steve recommends and the Natures calm (due to the opposite of my IBD… constipation of nothing after the D quit). I am adding in some fats but I am only on the second week. So anyway my question, I am only about 100 lbs. These supplements are based on average adult size should I just follow the normal directions? Thank you this diet my finally keep me out of the hospital. Annette

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lauren.

Hi Lauren – I’m still not clear if you’re taking HCL Betaine or if you’re taking Digestive Enzymes.

If you’re taking HCL it is possible you need 10 – here is how to tell:

But remember more isn’t BETTER – the right dose is BEST –

If you’re taking DIGESTIVE ENZYMES (like GI ProHealth Prozymes, Thorne Dipan 9, Enzymedica Digest Gold, NuMedica Pan Rx, etc.) you should NOT be taking 10 – a normal dose is 1-3 pills per meal. If you’re taking 10 at a meal, you need to dig deeper for what else might be going on – and maybe add HCL Betaine with the digestive enzymes as well as look for root causes like GI infections, adrenal issues, etc.

You know you have the right dose of digestive enzymes when you feel a difference (positive) when you take it and miss it when you don’t – and adding more makes you feel worse. One pill might feel like you took nothing – 3 pills might make your stomach ache – but 2 pills helps you digest your food, have less gas and bloating, and no stomach ache, for example. The amount is different for every person.

By: Lauren In reply to Mariel Heiss.

THanks for the info, I guess my question is should I be taking 10 at every meal? That seems like a lot and how do I know they are doing any more than just taking 2?


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lauren.

Hi Lauren – digestive enzymes should not cause heartburn.

The digestive enzymes we like are Thorne Dipan-9 and Enzymedica Digest Gold.

HCL can cause a burning feeling if you take too much – but it is not the same as digestive enzymes.

Info on HCL:

By: Lauren I have been taking a digestive enzyme by standard process and have taken up to 12 per meal with no heart burn. My doctor wants me to take 10 and I feel like it is excessive and costly. Any feedback? Should I change brands?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Candi.

@Candi – thanks for commenting! For kids, Steve and Jordan recommend you consult with your practitioner. Their recommendations are for people who weigh 100 lbs or more.

By: Candi Thank you guys for all that you do and the great information! I’m wondering about my children… What is the recommendation for children?

Thanks again!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michele Christian.

Hi Michele, thanks for asking!

We think this is a very interesting field of study, but we have not researched it personally and don’t have experience with it yet. We think the foundation of healing from autoimmune conditions comes from healing the gut – you can learn more here:

By: Michele Christian What do you all think about taking essential oils internally for Crohns and Type 1 Diabetes with celiac?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nicholas.

Hi Nicholas – you may just be taking too large of a dose right now! Try lowering your dose to even as little as 1/4 capsule (where Jordan started out) and slowly working your way up.

Some people react negatively to the animal products in digestive enzymes (usually pork derived) – If lowering your dosage doesn’t help, we recommend trying a vegetarian digestive enzyme like Digest Gold

By: Nicholas hello, is it normal to get diarrhea when starting digestive enzymes? like….undigested food diarrhea. i have been experimenting because i began noticing signs of increased histamine sensitivity and bacterial infections….due to, what i can only guess, chronic stress. i’ve never had undigested food in my bowel movements, don’t really suffer with constipation or diarrhea, no stomach pains….only digestive thing i have is bloating sometimes. As soon as i started the enzymes my bacterial and other signs of skin inflammation went away and i felt a profound serene quality deep inside me….no stomach pains or feeling of being sick….except that my stomach does feel like it’s out of balance and the diarrhea. Could the diarrhea be a normal introduction symptom….or maybe an indication that i don’t need as much as i’m taking?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mark.

Hi Mark, we recommend you take digestive enzymes every time you eat a meal. If you’re eating a small snack like a piece of fruit, you might not need any enzymes – this is a very individual thing! The only way to know is to test by taking digestive enzymes and not taking digestive enzymes and evaluating how you feel. You also might need more or less pills depending on the amount of food you eat (for instance: one pill with a snack, three pills with dinner).

I hope this information helps!

By: Mark Great video. I appreciate what you guys are doing. My biggest question is about the dosage. I eat up to six times throughout the day (as we all should be, right). So, should I be taking 2 pills before each of those “meals”? To me, that seems a little overkill and pricey.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to TH.

Great question! You can take HCL and digestive enzymes at the same time (we actually recommend it). Take the enzymes at the beginning of your meals. If you have gastritis, you will want to start with a very small dose (like a half a pill) and very slowly work up to 2 pills per meal.

By: TH My doctor has recommended HCL for me and I wanted to know if I can take Digest Gold enzymes if I’m taking HCL? If so, do you take them at the same time, at beginning of meal?
Thanks so much.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to chris.

Hi Chris, there are many types of enzymes on the market and while we do have our favorites, we suggest finding the one that works for you.

By: chris Due to an egg white allergy is the chewable form of the first enzymes suggested good too??? I love klaire labs products!

By: Cheyenne Wow! I had tried digestive enzymes and had the worst stomach pain of my life. I couldn’t understand it because I have all the symptoms of food just sitting in my stomach after eating. Now, I am a little encouraged to try enzymes again. I think I’ll even try 1/4 of a capsule and work my way up from that. Thanks so much for the video.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Susan.

Hi Susan, please reach out at and we will take care of you there.

By: Susan Just wanted to check on the digestive enzymes I ordered on the 9th of February. How long for the shipping process? Thanks, Susan

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Julie.

Hi Julie, thanks for reaching out! In a non direct way, then enzymes will help with absorption as they lower inflammation of the gut wall and allow for better absorption of nutrients in general.

By: Julie Hello! I was recently put on 50,000 units of vitamin d a week; due to an extreme deficiency. Do these enzymes have any effect on vitamin absorption? I just want to make certain that I’m getting the most out of this huge dose of d! Thank you so much for your time and input.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Marla.

Hi Marla,

It’s one of those things that you want to make sure that you’ve been healed for a good period of time and then stop taking them. Test out how you feel and take note of how you’re digesting your food without them and go from there. If things go back downhill, then add them back in. That’s really the best answer we can give.

By: Marla I was wanting to ask the same thing Chris just asked. Will I need to take them forever? If not how will I know when it is time to stop staking them?

By: Chris I’m also concerned with what Lauren is stating about the dependency factor after taking enzymes. If we put enzymes into our bodies, do our bodies stop producing those enzymes on their own because we are supplying them from an outside source? How long did you guys take enzymes for? Did you ever get off them and eat normally without any digestive disturbances?

By: Sarah Do you have any suggestions for people who want digestive enzymes in Canada? Klaire Labs isn’t available here and the other ones have pricey shipping 🙁
