Comments on: Everything You Need to Know About SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:14:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to James Carter.

HI James – yes while it is less common, SIBO can cause constipation as well. Our best suggestion is herbal antimicrobials and diet to get rid of the SIBO – also there is the SIBO summit! You can check it out here:

By: James Carter Could SIBO lead to a “sluggish” bowel? I have always blamed my medication for this, but unless I take some form of stimulant laxative (Senna, specifically), I can’t defecate. It developed quite suddenly, and it’s as if my bowel has just “stopped” and needs to be stimulated in order for me to pass stools. Could SIBO do this? I also experience indigestion after eating, belching and flatulence, bloating, stomach aches and cramps, heartburn, nausea, and sometimes diarrhoea. These symptoms are usually worse after eating.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sandy.

HI Sandy – no problem! You can try zucchini instead:)

By: Sandy I would like to try the SCD diet but I am a type 1 diabetic and I shouldn’t eat a lot of carrots. Can you recommend something to substitute?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Katrina.

Wow Katrina – I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. It sounds like this could all have a root cause like a gut infection or parasite – especially because it all came on so suddenly. We want to encourage you to see your doctor – you don’t have to take his or her word as law, but they may be able to help you. We also highly suggest you find a functional medicine practitioner who can help you heal and get more foods back in your diet ASAP. You shouldn’t have to feel this way and you need to reach out to someone who can help you one-on-one, even if it is your regular MD as a starting place.

Info on practitioners: or a Kalish-certifed practitioner here:

By: Katrina I have SIBO, but a multitude of other issues as well and i need your advice. I am vegetarian (not necessarily by choice, but now within 15 minutes of eating chicken, turkey, or beef I double over with stomach cramps). My most recent allergy now is also an adverse reaction to eggs…my legs swell up like tree trunks. I tried going gluten-free only to find out that I’m violently allergic to rice and tapioca – the cassava plant makes me very sick…severe gastrointestinal symptoms minutes afterwards. I also suffer from fructose intolerance, so I can’t eat any fruits or vegetables – I am unable to break down the fructose…so any vegetables (which I always loved) such as spinach, olives, strained carrots, or pumpkin (all of which kill yeast) – I cannot have. I started eating yogurt…but it only exacerbated the condition…I don’t think my system realizes it is “good” bacteria. I also tried mozzarella cheese thinking I could tolerate it because it does not have time to form mold as other cheeses do, but the after-effects 2 days later were a nightmare. Then I made the mistake of eating white cheddar aged cheese out of desperation and was sick for 8 hours straight 3 days later…no cramping when I first ate it, only after the transit time and it reaches the small intestine…but meanwhile, I used to “live” on cheese – never had any problems and never had to monitor anything I ate! I know that starch feeds SIBO, but it is all I have left to eat now…I have no idea what is happening to me…so I bake muffins with unbleached flour that is not fortified with vitamins which irritate my GI tract, and I buy imported pasta form Italy – I use a dab of ghee on the pasta so I don’t have any casein and I use a mixture of gelatin/water as an egg replacement in the muffins (I can’t use any egg replacer products on the market because they contain cellulose powder which is a wood pulp derivative). I cannot tolerate soy milk or tofu- instant stomach issues, plus nuts and fiber I cannot digest – I bloat and double over in pain. I can’t have coconut despite its antimicrobial properties – unfortunately, it acts as a laxative for me. I also can’t have olive oil, palm oil, palm sugar, canola oil…all huge triggers for me. I tried avocados, bananas, and olives for several days last month just to get away from the starches- but I was so sick 48 hours later from the high fiber content that I was housebound sick in the bathroom for the next 12 hours – laxative effect again….a nightmare. SO what am I living on? Penta water (highly purified with all minerals removed), muffins I bake, pasta with no seasonings, and a one-inch square of dark chocolate daily (that is a allowed even for those who are fructose intolerant). I tried Greek yogurt and my reaction to it was even worse than regular yogurt – the effects on me were devastating. I know to avoid carageneenan, citric acid (made from aspergillus mold), sodium pyrophosphate. sorbitol, xylitol etc. etc.- I know every preservative and additive – and their side effects…I avoid them all. I know I am not supposed to have sugar – but starch is all I have left to eat. I am depressed beyond belief – I used to be to eat normally and eat anything I wanted…egg salad, chicken, pizza, lasagna, sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly, cereals, rice of any kind, vegetables, fruits, hamburgers…I was normal!!…but now in the past 8 months, I am deteriorating – my kitchen drawer is filled with internet printouts and lists of foods that make me sick and cause me to suffer for 6 to 8 hours a day…essentially, the list has now become “everything” right across the board. Please, can you help me? I do not believe in pharmaceuticals and put no credence in doctors. The only approach I follow is all natural – I do take cinnamon bark tablets…and I’ve already tried Mastica, bentonite clay holy basil, DGL…and the list goes on…nothing is helping me!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Julie.

Hi Julie – you’re right! Today Rifaximin/Xifaxan is one of the more expensive antibiotics (especially as its use has skyrocketed!!)

By: Julie Hi There…

You quote Xifaxan as being cheap, but this is definitely not the case… check out this website with prices…

By: Skip In reply to Nathan Spinelli.

There is an agency that helps pay for this but I forgot name now. I kept appealing with my insurance they finally agreed to cover the Xifaxin.

Ask your GI dr they know the resource for help.

By: Rae Morgan Have been diagnosed with a positive SIBO test with both high elevations in methane and hydrogen. I also have symptoms of leaky gut with the joint aches. My doctor wants to treat with both Xifanan and neomycin. My concern is with the neomycin being more absorbed due to leaky gut thereby causing a heighten side effect causing hearing loss.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to rob staunton.

Hi Rob – we’re really glad to hear you’re working with a practitioner and we agree dealing with your adrenals will be an important step in healing your gut. Our Gut-hormone program might be able to help:

By: rob staunton i have being diagnosed with Sibo, bacterial overgrowth and leaky gut and started a protocol of sealing the gut with your recommended products. I seemed to have low greade fever and alot of strange symptoms but they have settled after using some herbs. I also have very high cortisol and my nutrionist advised me that I needed to get cortisol down before going on a major killing spree. He said I could go on Graefruit seed extract as a fallback before fixing the adrenals.. That seemed a bit counter intututive to me. What are your thoughts on this?

many thanks


By: lotis In reply to Amber Williford.

As said some probitics are not a good idea for several reasons. vsl#3 would be my first line of defense plus a fodmap diet. This means you have to hand prepare ALL your meals. Throw out everything that comes in a box jar or can except olive oil, salt. Best of luck. This is a good start. You sound like you at the end of your road.

By: Melissa In reply to Tracy.

I know it’s past the date of your test but your doctor should’ve given you a big list of what not to eat. I just had the test done last month. Basically, the only thing I could eat the day before was white rice, broiled chicken, turkey, and some kind of fish (I don’t like so I can’t remember what it was).

By: Ann In reply to Christina.

Hello Christina I have all the symptoms you have. Had all kinds of test on my gall bladder. They found nothing I have recently been put on Xifaxan I hope it helps, this pain in my side have been going on for years along with heartburn , headaches, and joint pain

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Reine.

Hi Reine – thanks so much for reaching out to us!

Foods like honey, apple and pear sauce are SCD legal (but shouldn’t be used on the intro diet, which only lasts 2-5 days – they can be introduced later on in Phase 1)

Steve and Jordan warn that too much sugar even in SCD legal foods is one of the four horsemen of SCD and can stall your progress – read more about that here:

The best place to start is by reading this article to best understand the ins and outs of SIBO:

From there I recommend this podcast on how to modify SCD for a low-FODMAP plan:

Both our SCD Lifestyle eBook and our Solving Leaky Gut program can help with SIBO, but the Solving Leaky Gut program also contains a Gut Infection supplement protcol shown to be effective in treating SIBO – a great option aside from antibitoics like Xifaxan. Because we aren’t doctors, we really can’t comment on the effectiveness of doxycycline as a treatment for SIBO.

You might be able to find out more about that over at Dr. Siebecker’s site –

We highly encourage you to sign up for one of our free webinars on Solving Leaky Gut, as this will help you understand the product and how it can treat SIBO on a whole new level:

I hope this information helps! If you have more questions you can reach out to us at

By: Reine Hi – I recently had the 3 hour breath test and am positive for SIBO. Just prior to that (about 4 weeks ago) I started the SCD diet – and can’t really get past the intro phase without problems. I have two questions:

1. In the SCD intro phase I am eating meat, homemade pear and apple sauce and pureed carrots along with coconut oil and creamed coconut and honey. I just read another article by Dr. Gerard Mullen that specifically says to avoid honey, pears and apples with SIBO. Is it better to try another diet until the SIBO is under control?

2. The doctor prescribed Xifaxin and I just found out yesterday that my insurance denied it stating that it isn’t “shown to be a safe an effective in the treatment of SIBO”. It costs $700, and I can’t purchase it on my own so the doctor prescribed Doxycycline instead. Do you have any insights into whether that is as effective as Xifaxin?

Thank you for your insight 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Marisa.

Hi Marisa – thanks for asking!

Both digestive enzymes are good and the best way to know which one is right for you is to try them each out and see how you respond.

The best digestive enzymes are the ones that provide symptom relief for you. We don’t recommend a specific type for SIBO.

By: Marisa On your recent podcast you talked about pan fx digestive enzymes. Are you now suggesting those over klaire Labs vital zymes? What would be the better digestive enzyme to use if you have Sibo?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to eric.

Hi Eric, thanks so much for reaching out!

After reading your history, it sounds like you’ve made great progress but may need some more support on your healing journey.

The best place to start is by taking the personalized quiz, which will help you sort through some of your issues and give you direction:

We also highly recommend you register for one of our free Solving Leaky Gut Webinars, where the following will be addressed and much more:

-Why your digestion is often the root cause behind problems like brain fog, bad skin, hormone problems, food sensitivities, autoimmunity, and more

-Your top digestive risk factor – what it means and how to fix it

-The 19 triggers that poke holes in your gut wall

-The 3 step process to rebuilding your gut

-Specific anti-inflammatory foods to eat (and not eat) to stop suffering

-2 game-changing supplements that can fix your digestive complaints tomorrow

Link to register:

By: eric great artical thank you! i have a question if anyone has had similar experiences?

i developed severe nausea, diarrhea and bad pains in my lower right side a week or so after taking some antibiotics for a uti. i was tested for c diff, had a ct scan, multiple stool samples, endoscopy and colonoscopy. they didnt find anything and told me it was just irritable bowel and would go away on its own?

two months later i knew it wasn’t going away, i tried Seibeker’s herbal antibiotics for a month (3x a day of oregano, allicin and oregon grape) and stayed with a strict SCD diet.

after a month my diarrhea is totally gone (i have two regular bowel movements everyday) however i get night time nausea pretty bad and still have shooting pains in my side occasionally (usually followed by bad gas). is this normal and should it go away with time if I stay on the SCD diet? should i have kept on Seibeker’s herbal antibiotics longer? any advice would be helpful, thanks!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Veri.

Hi Veri, I’m o sorry you’re still feeling bad even after trying the elemental diet.

Infections can re-occur sometimes. A practitioner can help you make sure you’re other body systems (like your adrenals, detox systems, etc.) are also in good shape so that your body can fight off re-infections once you treat your SIBO.

We have two recommended practitioners, if you’re looking for someone to guide you on your journey to better health. Learn more here:

By: Veri Hi
I would like to know what it means when the elemental diet doesn’t work. Is there any SiBo cause we can suspect/rule out? Ive tried antibiotics and then Elemental for 18 days and the resut was worse then before 🙁

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kayla.

Hi Kayla – for SIBO Steve and Jordan recommend the 3-hour Lactulose-Mannitol breath test (must be ordered by a doctor) as it’s the most reliable test for SIBO.

Our Solving Leaky Gut program has a specific Gut Infection protocol designed to treat SIBO and other gut infections and heal the digestive symptoms of IBS – you can learn more about the program here if you’re interested:

In this free webinar, Steve and Jordan will discuss all the testing they recommend (and it’s limitations) and their suggestions for how to treat SIBO.

Hope this helps, Kayla!!

By: Kayla Hello,

I first realized SIBO might be an issue when I read a very interesting article by an ND in Vancouver, BC ( Dr. Dinsmore says that the antibiotics for SIBO can be quite costly but you mentioned that it is cheap. Are there different kinds of antibiotics that work for SIBO?

I was told I have IBS 2 years ago and have had digestive issues for many years prior (about ten now).. I now think that it is SIBO as I have some very typical symptoms – bloating, anxiety, asthma, eczema (very recent) I found your article very interesting. I was wondering what specific Organic Acids are picked up in the urine to tell for SIBO as I have been curious about having one done but wasn’t sure if I needed to test for SIBO separately or not.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim , thanks so much for commenting. I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much with CFS. We have seen many people with your same symptoms do incredibly well and improve their overall health by healing leaky gut (and its underlying causes like SIBO). Not everyone (or even most people) with leaky gut have overt digestive issues like diarrhea, gas, or bloating. Many people’s symptoms are things like fatigue, joint pain, rashes, irritability, and autoimmune disorders.

We recommend our Solving Leaky Gut program for those with SIBO – it includes a gut infection supplement protocol to eradicate the infection as well as a Masterclass hour-long interview with Dr. Siebecker. It teaches you how to eat and what to do (and avoid) for life so that the infection doesn’t come back when you stop medicating.

You can learn more by signing up for a free webinar here:

Let me know if you have other questions 🙂

By: Kim Hello,

I have severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; it was recently moderate-to-severe until I had a flu from which I am unable to recover.

I’m being seen by Dr. Kaufman at the Open Medicine Institute. He believes that Leaky Gut could possibly be the cause of CFS, and treats his patients based on that notion. I took the Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test (even though it gives false positives and I would have rather had the Glucose test). My baseline was 10 ppm (it should be 20 ppm, correct?) and within 75 minutes I was at 128 ppm. The test was stopped at that time. So, I don’t know if I have SIBO. Even though I’m incredibly ill with CFS, I have no gut symptoms. I suspect my CFS is not related to SIBO, but to other factors (which I won’t go into here for your sake…)

Regardless, I’ve started taking Rifaxamin and Neomycin.

I’m writing to ask you this: Have you ever heard of anyone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome improve their energy levels? One often cited paper by Mark Pimentel stated that some symptoms of CFS improved with antibiotic treatment of SIBO. However, fatigue scores DID NOT improve. Fatigue is my primary complaint. It is a relentless, crushing exhaustion that has robbed me of my life.

Please let me know what you think. Any anecdotal stories of people with CFS recovering from fatigue after eradication of SIBO? Thanks so much.

By: Brad In reply to DT.

Wow–I guess I’d be a believer too if I were excreting biofilm.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Karen Cope.

Hi Karen, thanks for reaching out to us. After reading your history and questions, it sounds like you need a comprehensive program that will address diet, lifestyle, supplements, and root causes. Our Solving Leaky Gut program addresses root causes like SIBO with a targeted Gut Infection protocol. While we are not doctors and can not give medical advice, we have seen many do well with this program that are in your same shoes.
The best place to start is by taking the personalized quiz, which will help you sort through some of your issues and give you direction:

By: Karen Cope Hello, I was diagnosed with a mild case of SIBO and at 13 I was diagnosed with IBS. I have been very sick to the point of almost dieing many times since I was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis disease, hypothyroidism, leaky gut, neurological disorder after a dentist gave me an epinephrine shot that almost killed me in 2000. I have been diagnosed with infections, IBS, mild SIBO, epstein bar, viruses unknown and had severe infantigo which is streptococcal infection as a child, I also had chicken pox, measles and mumps plus after my first child was born the placenta was ripped out leaving me with a infection and put on iv antibiotics for 5 days. With all this and only mild SIBO, is it possible that SIBO diet and treatment can make a difference in my situation. ? As a child it all began with severe stomach pain and now gas bloating and pain and I’ve tried antinflammatory diet and supplements with no change. The only thing I haven’t tried is killing the infections. Thanks

By: Jennifer W In reply to geri c..

I just got the price quote from my pharmacy and if my pre-auth doesn’t go through, I’m looking at $1500.00. $389 sounds great to me at the moment!

By: posicionamiento web I want to to tank you for this wonderfjl read!! I absolutely enjoyed every bit of it.
I have got you book-marked to look aat new stuff you post…

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nancy.

HI Nancy, please view the replay here:

By: Nancy Had 3 fundoplications and liquid gastroparesis and recurrent sibo. What can I try to reduce bad bacteria ? Need liquid. Not many teeth left. Help. Suffering so.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Matt Smith.

Hi Matt, your body is certainly going through alot, so we suggest giving it some time to adjust. We also suggest supplements to go along with the diet part, as diet alone is not enough. If you have a gut infections, you will need to see a practitioner as well:

By: Matt Smith Hello, I started the SCD diet a fortnight ago. I’ve got chronic gastrointestinal complaints since 2011 now. Starting off with Helicobacter, the numerous courses of powerful antibiotics I was put on to combat this ailment eventually eradicated it, but left me in a worse condition with heavy bloating/belching, Gerd and IBS like symptoms. I went to see a bioresonance practioner about 12 months ago who diagnosed bacterial and yeast overgrowth and put me on a diet similar to the SCD diet. It worked very well initially but only to a certain degree. This lead me to go a step further and try out the SCD diet.

A fortnight in, and all I have experienced is intensified symptoms that I already have. First week was diarrhoea, that subsided, this week it’d been heavy, constant belching.. One after the other with scarcely a break between them, .. Is this the normal path of starting this diet?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Dara.

Hi Dara, thanks for reaching out! There are many different approaches to attacking SIBO and each practitioner is different. I highly suggest listening in here with Dr. Siebecker, as she is one of the most well recognized pioneers in this area: Also, please read this article here:

By: Dara Hi Lori,

I am currently on GI Microb-X and a slew of other things to treat SIBO. I have heard from several different nutritionists that in order to kill SIBO, it has to be feeding, at least a little bit. I have found that the only diet that works for me right now is eating pretty much only meat, oil, and eggs. I have been incorporating some cooked greens but even too much of that makes my symptoms flare. My question for you is: have you heard of intentionally feeding SIBO (with little bits of things such as white rice or sweet potato) while on an herbal antimicrobial or antibiotic to treat it? Do you think there is any validity to this idea?

Thanks for your opinion,


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Michael.

Hi Michael, thanks for reaching out! We encourage you to focus on healing your leaky gut by focusing on diet, lifestyle, and supplements. If you would like to learn more, you can go here:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mel.

Hi Mel, thanks for reaching out! In general, probiotics are advised to be taken away from meals. However, there are many different protocols out there and we encourage you to not only focus on supplements, but diet and lifestyle as well and working with a trusted practitioner is always a good idea.

By: Mel I have the symptoms and was thinking of doing the oregano and probiotic route, but obviously not take them the same time. Is one better with food or between meals? I was thinking of taking the oregano between meals and the probiotics at meals? Is this a good idea?

By: Michael I think what I have is SIBO or even leaky gut. I was diagnosed with IBS-C 8 years ago and it only got worse within the last 2 years. I changed my diet from just gluten and dairy free (allergic to them) to basically the Paleo lifestyle with low-Fodmap foods. The main issue I’m having is trapped gas 5-6 hours after meals. I can feel completely empty and then “wham” bloating and gas that doesn’t want to move. It really kills my appetite and my mood. I had a breath test (lactulose) done about 1½ years ago that came back negative but I was still consuming probiotics (water kefir, soy yogurt) at the time so I’m not entirely sure it was totally accurate. I take digestive enzymes and ox bile with every meal as well. I feel like if I can fix my digestion and gas then my IBS will go away or at least be more manageable.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to ruth fialla.

Hi Ruth, thank you for reaching out! Attacking SIBO requires a multifaceted approach of diet and lifestyle changes, as well as the addition of supplements. We really suggest getting on a program that addresses all of these three things for the best results. If you are in need of help in this area, please see our Solving leaky gut program which addresses SIBO and other gut infections as well:

By: ruth fialla Hullo
I’ve been suffering with what I suspect is SIBO on and off all year – low Fodmaps does not help or Kefir…..I need to be careful with eliminating too many things as my weight is on 80lbs – well under what it s hould be at 5″ 4″
Please help with food suggestions I’m trying to make more meat and chicken stews but taste for fish is diminishing!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Christina.

Hi Christina, thank you for reaching out! It is very hard to say, but we urge you to be in communication with a trusted practitioner if you have any concerns about the stomach pains and it’s possible causes.

By: Christina Hello,
I just received a call from my GI doc and said I tested positive for SIBO. Prescribed the typical antibiotic. I asked him if my stomach pain is from SIBO. He said he did not know.

My only symptoms are:

Bad pains above belly button along with some “gallbladder” pain. (Gallblader had been ruled out)
Sometimes they are stabbing or just a dull ache. Do not last long but come off and on.
No C or D
Occasional headaches
Occasional joint pains

This all started with really bad heartburn which would not go away with the prilosec I was taking. Took it for 5 years. Now off of the PPIs and cured my self of heartburn.
Then upper adominal pain started.
Also, just stopped taking birth control.

Basically, I am wondering of anyone has had sharp upper pains from SIBO?
I am on a good diet and have lost 40lbs.

By: Joyce I can’t believe you say Rifraximin is cheap! My insurance won’t cover it (and it’s a pretty good insurance plan) and even with all the coupons I can find, it’s still going to cost me $850+, which I can’t afford. I’m thinking of trying neomycin instead, but I’m nervous about it (especially the potential side effect of permanent hearing loss).

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Amarie.

Hi Amarie,

Yes it’s a good idea to do so. Just make sure you take them away from taking the antibiotics by an hour or so.

By: Amarie Just wondering if it’s wise to take probiotics (and which ones) during the antibiotic treatment. Anyone have any information?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Michele Dye.

Hi Michele, thank you for reaching out! It is hard to put a time frame on when a person should feel better, as we are all so different. However, you may have something else going on, in which a case an appointment with a functional medicine practitioner would be a great idea:

We also have a program designed to kill gut infections, such as SIBO, and it is called Solving Leaky gut. You can find more here:
