Comments on: The Key to Great Digestion (Why Stomach Acid Is Your Friend) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 20 May 2023 01:59:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: gate io fon ?ifresi kald?rma Thank you very much for sharing. Your article was very helpful for me to build a paper on After reading your article, I think the idea is very good and the creative techniques are also very innovative. However, I have some different opinions, and I will continue to follow your reply.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mark Brown.

Hi Mark – it’s hard to say exactly why that is happening, but addressing low acid levels as well as taking digestive enzymes can help.

Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Mark Brown I have been getting foam in my urine after eating meat. Is this a sign of malabsorbtion? Question 2 : if I take these supplements is this a life long thing? Thanks again for a very well done and thoughtful education video. Really good!

By: sam In reply to Lani.

because of my own experience, you have to cut milk-casein products as well
This will help with your osteoarthritis . Also if you celiac , you are definetly low on magnesium , b12. vitamin d. bring them urgently on upper-high levels.

For food sensivities check your histamine and trpytase levelswhich most likely up in the roof.. if you dont want to spend money take vitamin c (esther) 200 mg and b6
10 mg a day (google for betacur ) if you have high eosonophils in your blood count and trpytase levels you should definetly try NALCROM powder 200 mg before meals that helped me a lot.
And what I learned from this site if you have celiac you have many other autoimmune diseases or you will have in future because it is systematic chained
diseases. Lets pray for each other to almighty God…

By: Elise In reply to Debra.

Thanks Debra, i`ll try that, i`m supposed to avoid apple cider vinegar because of candida. But does it really help with digestion, like HCL?


By: Debra Elise,
I take HCL when my stomach really hurts and it helps so much. But when I am out of HCL I drink some of the Braggs apple cider vinegar in some water and that also helps. Not sure if you could do that, but you probably wouldn’t need a prescription for it.

By: Neil Long I’ve been thinking of taking HCL and digestive enzymes lately, so this is a timely show. Sounds like HCL is taken 30 minutes before a meal. How about ifyour taking both? Anything special? Also, could you address fat malabsorption.It was a bullet point in a talk that one of you gave in the last year or so, that is the last I heard about it. Going into a modified SCD/Pareto diet, I notice carbs get traded for fat. I have issues with fat.What have you seen help? Thanks

By: Elise Lærum Hi Jordan! You sure are a rockstar! Keep it up ;D

After your advice on taking Betaine hcl, i tried to get some here in Norway, and i found out we need to get it on a prescription from our doctor. But anyways, they didn’t have it in the pharmacy, and it will be four weeks before they’ll get it. So i tried to use some sort of gastric acid we don’t need a prescription for here, called Aciglumin. And i got diarrhea, and stomach pain. And it didn’t stop so i stopped use it after almost a week. Do you think it was because it was not Beatine hcl, or that my stomach can’t handle gastric acid supplements?

Peace & Love E

By: Shaun Thanks for the video.

If you have SIBO and stomach ulcers and have undigested food in stools, and suspect low stomach acid. What is the alternative to hcl?

By: joan emm Great. I seem to have too much stomach acid and GERD ( on top of Crohn’s) so Doc put me on omeprazole – a kind of pepcid antacid. Will this be harmful? Thanks.

By: Lani I have celiac and thanks to you guys and my own diligence I am almost symptom free. But one problem continues to plague me, constipation. I refuse to take laxatives because they really mess me up for weeks. I think the problem is that I have pain disorder (fibromyalgia and osteo arthritis). I have multiple drug allergies and sensitivities so the only pain medication I can take is codeine which I only take once a day at bedtime. I know it is comstipating I have gradually weaned myself off all other medications with my doctors help but the pain prevents me from sleeping if I don’t take it. I take supplements including a powdered magnesium which helps a little. Most of what you write about has to do with diarrhea and I am just wondering if you have any suggestions for the opposite problem. Thanks for all you have done to help so many people.
