Comments on: 24-Hour Yogurt Is The Difference Maker, Don’t Eat It At Your Own Risk! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:37:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to DairyGirl.

Hi and thanks for sharing! Ultimately, it’s up to you if you’d like to heat the raw milk or not. We’ve done it both ways and they both turn out just fine. Many experts do advocate for NOT heating the raw milk for many reasons, including: 1. Pasteurization makes milk vulnerable to pathogenic contamination 2. Raw milk has it’s own innate bacteria, which protect the raw milk from other contaminants. 3. Raw milk is full of enzymes, which are destroyed if the milk is heated above 108 degrees F. One other factor to consider is where the raw milk is coming from…how it is handles, packaged, the health of the cow, etc.

By: DairyGirl In reply to Jeanne Wicks.

Just saw your post. You aren’t sacrificing probiotic benefits, but you are putting yourself at risk by allowing potential bad bacteria to remain alive. Let me explain: Raw milk contains both bacteria and enzymes. The enzymes are great, but the bacteria is not controlled and you have no idea what may have gotten into that milk. The reason it’s not normally a problem when you drink it raw and unfermented is that it’s usually so fresh (and cooled immediately) that the bad bacteria doesn’t have a chance to grow. But if you leave it at bacteria culturing temperatures, you’ll be culturing the bad with the good.

I don’t have a microscope, but my understanding is that if you bring the milk up to around 116F and keep it there for 20 minutes and then cool it down to 100F, you won’t destroy the enzymes which makes milk more digestible, but you will kill the bad bacteria (most bacteria cannot live above 120F). You can then introduce the good bacteria, and then you know exactly what’s in that yogurt, and it’s still has all those wonderful raw milk benefits.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cynthia.

Hi Cynthia – we apologize but we don’t have directions for that at this time.

By: Cynthia How would you make SCD yogurt using the Instant Pot?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Brigitta.

Hello – Some can tolerate the dairy starter (with non dairy milk) and some can’t. You can find a dairy free yogurt starter here:

By: Brigitta Hello,
If I would like to make non dairy yogurt, can I use regular starter such as the Yogourmet yogurt starter, or does it have to be non dairy made starter? Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Boo.

Hi Boo – yes that yogurt maker should be fine and you can use already fermented/made yogurt as a starter as well if you tolerate goat milk. Here is a recipe for you:

By: Boo Hi. Have been gluten , dairy and soy free for past 4yrs. Have been living with Crohnes entire life…just started Scd and trying to clean up rest of diet to follow scd. Have never been able to use dairy yogurt. I do fine on goat gouda and meyenburg goat milk. I have an old salton dannon yogurt maker. Can i use to make scd goat yogurt? Where do i get starter? Can i use a plain goat yogart as a,starter? Not for sure about recipe? Also have had surgery and only have about 9″of colon left…will this diet still be beneficial? Hope i get an answer to these questions as i never seem to get a response to these posts. Thank you!!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Paul Field.

Thanks for taking the time to Share, Paul!

By: Paul Field I make SCD yogurt every week and am totally hooked on it. I use a 1L yogurt maker from Lakeland. I use UHT whole (cows) milk because it simplifies preperation by not having to simmer it for two mins and cool it down. I know some frown upon using UHT milk but it works very well for me. So I pour the milk into the yogurt maker pot then microwave it up to about 40c. I stir in 1 desertspoonful of dried milk then add the starter stir and plop the pot into the yogurt maker heater. Leave for 20 to 24 hours then refrigerate. MAkes a fairly thick creamy yogurt that is not sourish. Pretty standard method really but I see some are asking about starters. I have tried a few and after trials settled on a good desertspoonful of Total Fage Greek yogurt. This does not make Greek yogurt. It’s the probiotic content I am after. It contains five different ones.
I freeze some in ice cube trays for future starters and this works well too. Hope that helps those who are hesitant about having a go.

By: allicia In reply to Lori Jo Berg.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to allicia.

Hi Alicia – Yogurt is to be introduced when your symptoms have calmed down and you have had some time to heal. There is no specific time, but we do recommend around the 4th week of the diet, as we want to introduce the healthy bacteria as early as your body will allow.

By: allicia Im just on the first few days of stage 1 and my biggest problem is bloating and constipation so I really want to get started with the yogurt as soon as possible. How long should I wait until introducing homemade almond milk yogurt? As i know nut milks are to be introduced at the end of stage 1 after a few weeks?


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marie.

Hi Marie – great question and here is an interesting article explaining it:

By: Marie I am wondering about the heating of the milk before making yogurt with it…

I only have access to pasteurised cow milk, and is the pasteurisation not enough to kill the bacteria before making the yogurt, when i open a fresh package? Is the additional heating to 180° still necessary for pasteurised milk?

If so, is there a way to know how much to heat the milk without having a thermometer?

Thank you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kimberly Webb.

Hi Kimberly – as long as it is coming out with a slight fermented taste and is well set it should be OK.. I’ve always tried to keep it more at 100 degrees so anything you can do to keep it in that range would be good:)

By: Kimberly Webb Lori,
My new yogurt maker(Salton with 5 individual cups) is keeping the temp at 98-100 degrees. Is that ok? My 1 quart yogurt maker was getting too warm at 116, so I tried the dimmer switch that Steve suggested and it worked great. I just need to know if I should go back to the 1 quart.
Thanks, Kimberly

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marie.

HI Marie – this is normal and also happens when you make yogurt with cow’s milk. Just mix it together or strain the water out for a thicker end product:)

By: Marie Hello! I just made my first batch of almond milk yogurt, using the instructions from your book. I fermented it for 12 hours, and i think it worked, but there is water separating at the bottom of the glass container, and the thick part is at the top. Do i just whisk and mix it until it is combined again? And is it normal that some of the water separates when making almond milk, or what can i do to avoid that next time?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jeanne Wicks.

HI Jeanne – I honestly haven’t seen any research on your question so I can’t say for sure. You can always go by how you feel after consuming the yogurt. Eventually, you’ll know if you are not getting the probiotics you need.

By: Jeanne Wicks Hi! I’ve been making the SCD yogurt for several years, & until recently, had been using pasteurized milk, as well as scalding the milk before making it. I’ve found a nearby raw, grass-fed dairy source & have been omitting the process of scalding the milk. I’m also fermenting it at around 110 degrees F to keep the yogurt within raw standards, but am also fermenting as long as 30 hrs. In keeping with a raw product, am I sacrificing any of the probiotic benefits?

By: Anna In reply to Kella DeHabermann.

Classic Rice Dream (non-flavored, non-enriched) doesn’t have carrageenan.

By: Kella DeHabermann In reply to Lorren Winship.

Silk brand does not. I know Blue Diamond does.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Richa.

Hi Richa – we explain the entire yogurt-making process step-by-step in our eBook:

You can use a lot of different methods as long as you do a 24-hour ferment.

Hope this helps!

By: Richa Hi

I’m thinking of starting SCD diet and doing some research on it.Suffering from UC from 15 years!!
I want to order or buy a yogurt maker but don’t have any idea.I live in Qatar and don’t see the brands mentioned on the websites for SCD.Can I buy a normal yogurt maker?Also am so intimidated by the whole process of yogurt making.I don’t know which yogurt to use as a starter.Some insight would be very helpful.

Thank you

By: Sue In reply to Jerry.

I have only received mine today so haven’t tried it yet

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Tracy O.

Hi Tracy – your first batch might not turn out, but you CAN totally do it! (If Steve and Jordan can make yogurt, anyone can make yogurt!)

We recommend the YoGourmet yogurt maker – find it here:

We recommend the GI Pro Health Starter and they have tons of great yogurt-making tips on their site, too.

Here’s the link:

By: Tracy O My 16 year old son was diagnosed last year with celiac disease and has been unresponsive to a gluten free diet. His intestines are badly damaged and showing no sign of improvement so we are going to try the SCD diet. I am having some concerns about the yoghurt making process…it seems very technical! I looked for a yoghurt maker but can’t seem to find a suitable one…any suggestions? Thanks from a worried Mum 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Ashley.

Hi Ashley!

Probiotic-use can go wrong. Steve and Jordan address that here: and especially here:

We recommend you wait to introduce yogurt until you’ve experience some healing (usually 2-4 weeks into the diet) and then do so very slowly so you can monitor how you react! I hope this information helps 🙂

By: Ashley Hi – I have Crohn’s, and I take Humira…so I’ve been too nervous to eat the batches of yogurt I’ve made in my yogurt maker because they’re a little bit lumpy. Because my immune system is suppressed from the Humira, I have sort of an irrational fear that somehow I will ferment a bad bacteria and make myself sick. Is it ok for the yogurt to be a little bit lumpy? I use whole cow’s milk. Is it possible to make yourself really sick eating bad fermented yogurt? Thank you for posting such helpful Info.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rachel.

Hi Rachel, thanks for reaching out! Your body is going through many changes, including resetting the gut flora. It would be best for you to try it again at a later time or try using goats milk yogurt and see how you do with that.

By: Rachel Hi. I’ve just started introducing the yoghurt in small quantities but I think I’m reacting to it (even a tablespoon for example). Before I started SCD I was living off Fage Greek yoghurt and this didn’t seem cause me problems despite eating tubs of the stuff. I used it as a starter for my own yoghurt so the probiotics should be the same (I’m assuming!) Can anyone shed any light on why this might be the case? Is it simply too many probiotics? Thanks

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kerry Winge.

Hi Kerry, thanks for reaching out! We suggest trying to make the yogurt by first testing out cow and goat milk to see how you do. If not, you can try an organic brand of coconut milk, such as SO COCONUT MILK or any similar will do- just check the ingredients first.

By: Kerry Winge What brand of coconut milk are you using ?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Bill.

HI Bill, thank you for reaching out Your body may not have been ready for the yogurt, so go ahead and introduce it again when you feel your body has done some more healing.

By: Bill I just added the SCD yoghurt to my diet, and it has caused me quite a bit of pain (cramping, headaches, frequent diarrhea). Should I stop and try it later?? The other SCD foods seem to be working for me, but adding the yoghurt has been agonizing.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alex.

HI Alex, thank you for reaching out and sharing your story with us! We are excited that you are regaining your health, great work!

By: Alex Hi. I have been using the almond recipe since I have been intolerant to dairy my whole life. I also have had store bought yogurts and milks that were dairy free to end up with the same pain. I have been fallowing the SCD Diet with the GI Prohealth yogurt using almonds and I can honestly say my body is having HUGE change since the yogurt introduction. I was struggling for three weeks before buying the yogurt maker try to stay strict to the diet. Every time I went off for something simple like peanut butter etc…pain. I am sooooo happy and grateful for this support system .. thank you Jordan and Steve for giving me hope that something will work in my life to feel better. I have celiac’s disease and I just got worse and worse with gluten free foods until I could not tolerate any food at all. I highly recommend the breakfast sausage! I puree all my veggies right now. A great idea for desert I have been doing is to puree butternut squash with a bit of coconut oil and cinnamon. I let it sit in the fridge and mix with my yogurt and add more cinnamon. I don’t feel deprived now. I am so so greatful…

By: Marina Michaels I’ve been making yogurt using a Salton YM-9 incubator. However, that only makes one quart at a time, and I’ve been searching for something that makes a larger batch. I just found the Brod and Taylor folding proofer, which can be used to make up to six quarts of yogurt at a time. (You use your own containers, which means you can use glass canning jars.) Has anyone had experience with that device? (I found it on Amazon.) It looks like it is exactly what I need. Thanks!

By: CrohnsMom I would like to start making this but I don’t know if its the right time. Do you recommend using the homemade yogurt when starting the intro diet when diarrhea is active? Or, should I wait until diarrhea stops.?

By: Laura Help! This is so new to me and your site is great, but I’m stuck on what to do next. I was diagnosed with SIBO a few months ago, given some meds , still had it and treated again. I decided at that point to take matters into my own hands. Also I had my gallbladder removed because it was functioning at zero percent. I started making your 24 scd yogurt and taking a daily probiotic. Now what? I don’t have a disease, but I need to create a healthy digestive system. Do I take enzymes too? Do I eat fermented Food? Do I do all of the Above? Do I need to be on a special diet although I don’t have a disease? And if so for how long? Any help would be appreciated.

By: Goose In reply to Pepsi.

Because I used to have problems with cow milk I first started off with goat milk. After about a month of goat milk yogurt I slowly switched to cow milk because it’s cheaper and more readily available in my area. The problem with goat’s milk is that it doesn’t produce a very thick final product so I got into the habit of hanging the yogurt for a few hours before eating it. (For hanging yogurt you can use cheesecloth and a dowel of some sort or personally I use a sieve and disposable coffee filter.) The side benefit of draining excess whey is that some people, myself included, report that it is easier to digest.

TL;DR: If you’ve had previous issues with dairy a number of people have had success starting with goat’s milk and then transitioning. Others have to stay with goat’s milk. If you are fine with dairy in general go with the best dairy you can afford/find. Organic grassfed is ideal be it cow, sheep or goat.

By: katerina Yogurt me this…
Can I just buy local yogurt from my local farmers market that has no additives; just local milk and active cultures.
Is this an effective equivalent to making it myself?

By: Pepsi In reply to clare wilson.

I am Newley starting the SCD also known as (specific carbs diet)
I am going to make a homemade youghut which is best suited to me, I am going to use Wooldands Sheep youghut and milk however
What milk can I use to use? Cows milk or sheeps milk? To make the youghut

If anyone knows this please get back to me.


By: Sara This is great – I have almond flour that I’d like to try making it with and am not having luck finding a recipe online. Do you pretty much follow the same process as almond milk yogurt making?

By: Cynthia Albert, BSN, RN Hi Steve and Jordan,

I started out on SCD with purchasing your eBooks last July. The biggest hurdle I am having is the yogurt. I have celiac disease and have a true allergy to casein, so I avoid dairy altogether. I am interested in making coconut milk, yet the Yogourmet heats up higher than 110 degrees. The dimmer switch I bought for it from the same online store does not work with the Yogourmet. The switch works, yet the current does not connect to the yogurt maker. Then I read in a recently published cookbook that coconut yogurt can be made at 120 degrees for 24 hours. Is this SCD legal? I am trying to do the right thing here, and the frustration is overwhelming.

By: Olivia Hi Steve, I just added almond yogurt to my diet (made with a non dairy starter from GI Prohealth). I have got increased bloating and gassiness. Is this expected? How long does it usually last, and is there anyway to get rid of it? I am wondering whether to give up the yogurt, as it’s very unpleasant. Olivia

By: The banana anxiety | My Struggle With SIBO […] SCD Yogurt. This was another reason why I didn’t take probiotic since yogurt is a much stronger probiotic […]

By: Laurie Hello!
So after thinking about it for a while and being sick for so long w/ UC, I finally started the SCD last week and as is well. I’m incredibly intimitated by this yogurt making thing and to make matters worse, after much deliberation, the yogurt maker I ordered just became discontinued. So….who can suggest a quality yogurt maker, that is easy to use? I really appreciate the tips!

By: Sarah If you don’t eat dairy yogurt, what kind do you eat? Goats milk? Almond?? I eliminated dairy too, and it has made a huge difference. But I am pregnant and would love to eat yogurt. I make almond milk, but I have yet to try Goats and I wanted to see how that went for you.
