Comments on: Matt from Natural Digestive Healing Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:49:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nic Hey Guys,

I love the website but my symptoms dont seem to match alot of what I am reading (? my problem is not as advanced). If I was to summarise my symptoms: weight gain, poor energy and mood swings (unbelievable ‘tearies’ to the point where sometimes it affects my work).

I have a had a CDSI done and my Bifida bacteria count is really low (ie there are none); my strep/enterococci is just low; my Acetate is really low and Butyrate is really high; and my triglycerides are boderline high.

Other tests show that my phase 2 liver detoxification is not working and antibody tests have shown I have antibodies attacking my thyroid and the ANA test showed I had antibodies, but not enough for a diagnosis of Lupus. Food tests show I now have allergies to cow dairy, cola (I think this one is definitely because of my gut as it always gave me stomach cramps!), kidney beans, plaice and canola oil. Wheat / gluten has not come up as an issue in any tests but I had substantially eliminated most forms of wheat from my diet (ie no pasta, definitely no bread, no crackers etc) – so I am assuming I have had a false positive/negative in this case.

I have had constipation issues since birth (I was a prem baby instantly fed on formula); I also suspect that often episodes of diarrhoea (especially higher in the colon) are masked by constipation (lower in the colon). As a result I have sparingly used enemas to evacuate my bowels and keep me regular otherwise I seem to suffer from the toxicity of a ful bowel. I respond terribly to things like psyllium and other forms of fibre.

My ‘own’ diagnosis which I had been discussing with a Naturopath is that I had chronic metabolic acidosis secondary to dehydration. However I drink mountains of water (between 3 – 4 L per day) and couldn’t understand why I could not get enough water. Doses of bicarb can dramatically impact my mood and hydration levels. Most naturapathic preps for acidosis have magnesium in them which I also respond badly to (they give me terrible diarrhoea).

I now suspect that my diagnosis was correct but again just symptoms of my bowel – I have just read that Butyrate controls sodium absorption in the bowel and HCO3 plays a role in this which would explain why I have seen results with this treatment etc etc. Obviously if I have a leaky gut this is going to affect my liver which is going to affect organs like my thyroid, which will affect my hormones.

The problem I have is I dont really understand the science of what is going on. After such a really long explanation I would really love you to do an article that explains some of this (Particularly the Butyrate and HCO3). I also suspect you will tell me I will benefit from the SCD diet (I am mentally preparing myself to go on it…). I just think if I could understand the mechanisms of what is happening I can better evaluate my symptoms and their triggers.

Thanks for ANY help!

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